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Password: COZA
Time limit: Unlimited
Chips: 24
Hint: Dear Chip, This level is so high that it officially doesn't exist, so I can't even tell you its number. But, toward the very end of your journey you might come upon my Force Field laboratory. Slide around and get a feel for how to best get to where you want to go. You'll have to be quick when you transfer from one force field direction to another, but remember there is no time limit. Forcefully, Melinda.
1. 970* David Stolp
1. 970 Andrew Bennett

3. 969 Larry Jackson
4. 968 Pekka Lassila
5. 967 Evan Dummit
6. 965 Paul Gilbert
7. 957 Mike L.
8. 954 Peter Andersson
9. 945 Luc Longpré
10. 852 Jeanne Hoffman
11. 616 Jimmy Vermeer
12. 611 Tom Li
13. 550 LimoJohn
14. 464 Ruben Spaans
15. 405 Giorgio Bianchi
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