Welcome to #bookz! You're about to enter the world of knowledge and literature. If you're new here, this is the way things are organized in this channel:
•Guidelines for Scanners & Proofers
•Guidelines for servers
•Useful scripts & programs
•Guidelines for ops
If you're looking for a specific book title, type @find <titleofthebook>, @find <nameoftheauthor>, a combination of the two, or @find <anyword(s)youlike>. Servers will give you answers if they have any file that responds to your criteria. Note that only servers that are configured to answer find queries, and that are online, will respond. Alternatively, you can use @booksearch <title> or @booksearch <author>. This searches all server lists that have been downloaded by the SearchBot service whether they are offline or not, and the answers will be sent to you in zipped text file. You can also try !botsearch-stats. To get a list of lists used for searching, use @Lists, to get a list from SearchBot use !sendlist <filename>, however the SearchBot lists are only updated periodically, so may not reflect a server's latest filelist accurately.
When you get an answer from a @find or @booksearch request, it will usually be in the format: !servername <nameofthefile>. If you decide you want the file, paste in the channel the whole line from !servername until the end of the file extension that describes the file. Please do not type in the file size, or the servername before the !. For example SERVER !moondawgy lord of the rings(txt).rar ------- 400Kb is wrong, while !moondawgy lord of the rings(txt).rar is correct.
In some cases you'll get a response in a format that shows the folder in which the file is stored. Those files belong to servers that are based on a script which uses triggers that will open a dialog box. In that case, follow the instructions written in that dialog box.
NOTE: Some servers use fserve to serve files. (i.e you have to type in a /CTCP trigger to open a chat connection with that particular server). In this case, the commands you would use are dir (to list files and directories), get <filename> (to get a file), cd <directory> (to change directory). Since this is a particularly tedious method, we do not recommend it for this channel.
Most of the servers are based on serving scripts that use lists for serving. Their trigger is usually shown in their advertisements, and it might not always be the name of the server. Watch the server ads for a while, and you'll understand.
To pick up the list of files stored on a server, use the server or list trigger. It's usually in a form of @listtriggerhere or @servernamehere. For example @vadi, @vadi-new, @dpd etc.
When you receive the file list, you can open it in an editor of your choice (Windows Notepad, etc.). If you see a file you want, copy the appropriate line (!listtrigger or !servername nameofthefile.extension (please refer to paragraph #2 above)) and paste that line in the channel. Most servers do not support requests as private messages, so it's the best if you request files you want in the channel.
Servers usually limit the number of answers to the @find command, so if you want to have really good results, get servers' lists.
If for some reason you aren't getting files you are requesting and you are getting messages about Filetype Ignored you will need to change a setting in your irc client. For mIRC clients, use File -> Options -> DCC -> Folders; put [dcc ignore] on disabled, and uncheck [turn dcc ignore back on in...]. With this option disabled, you will need to be more careful about the files in your download folder. Make sure that they are ones you've requested and use caution anytime there are exe, vbs, com, bat, js, pif, scr files there that you haven't requested. Better to be safe than sorry!
Do not abuse file servers! Make sure you're pasting a single request in the channel, not whole groups of requests! People that abuse this rule and paste groups of files will be automatically banned by present automated protection systems.
Request queues can sometimes be very long, so you'll have to be ready to wait for your file. With a little practice, you'll understand which servers are the best for you.
If you would rather work with FTP servers, please wait until you see an advertisement that shows how to connect to an FTP server. Do not ask people around to open FTP servers for you if you see they don't already exist!
If you're serving files, please set your advertisement timer for a period of time not less than 15 mins (900 seconds).
Conversation is welcome, and new ideas are always open for discussion.
Always ask for permission before sending a PM (private
message) to a server or OP. If you don't get a reply, its highly likely that the person(s) are busy and will get back to you later.
After you collect enough files, the only way to give back to the community that provides them is to serve those files here yourself. There are many serving scripts available, and it will be easy to select the one you'll like. Even the slowest server is better than simply leeching and not contributing back to the channel! Proofers and scanners are also welcome. In case you wish to contribute by proofing or scanning, please ask in the channel for guidelines and more help. There are always many books which need to be proofed before release.
Your help is welcome in any way possible. If you have your own scans, and you don't want or cannot serve them, please send them to some of the present OPs, or to some of the servers that are here most of the time. Ask in the channel if you don't know whom to send those files to. New books are always welcome!
If you intend to scan, ask for help, you'll be advised how to do it properly as we have many excellent people already doing scanning work around. If you're a dedicated reader, your help in proofing will be most welcome. We all like to read neatly corrected books.
At the same time, we ask you to restrain yourself from the use of obscene or insulting expressions and harsh language. People here are gathered from many places and they belong to different races, religions, morals and age groups. Respect them!
We would be more than grateful if you'd consider this if you place your server in the channel.
That's all for these rules and boring stuff. Onward to
downloading books!
- After you dowload ebooks, you can sort them, using vBookSorter by vadi.
Get it from ebooks Tools
vPowerGet & vPowerGet.NET:
- Manage your downloads with vPowerGet & vPowerGet.NET by vadi.
Get it from ebooks Tools
- You are welcome to scan books and contribute in your way.
- Make sure that your scanned books are good quality TIFFS so that it is easier on the proofers who need to download your TIFF images to match the OCR text.
- Many times, there are channel visitors who request books. In case you find that you are able to scan such books, you are requested to do so and of course the person who requested the book will be expected to proof it for you. This way, we can have a wide variety of books, both fiction and non fiction available.
- You can collaborate with others on scanning in a series/books previously unavailable in ebook format.
- Before scanning a book, be sure to ask around AND search whether the books have already been scanned in. It will save you a lot of time and energy.
- You will of course get credit for the book you scanned or proofed as a small gesture of appreciation for your hard work, that is, unless you wish to stay anonymous, in which case you are requested NOT to put your name in the credits, as well as asking the person who is releasing it not to mention you.
- You are welcome to ask in the channel and find out which books need proofing.
- There is generally a wide selection of books which need to be proofed. You can always find something to your taste.
- If you are a serious proofer, your requests to scanners will get priority and you can thus be first to enjoy the books that were previously not scanned in.
- As far as proofing is concerned, you are expected to turn in the best job you are able to. Your work is highly appreciated by those who are going to read the books. A legible text is a joy to read!
- You can send in your proofed material either as RTF or HTM.
- Please send the proofed file to the person who scanned it as he can finalise the version and then ready it for release.
- Please DO NOT release a proofed file directly (unless of course, you have scanned it!)
- If a scanner gives you an ebook to be proofed, kindly do not pass copies of the non-proofed material around to anyone except when necessary / specifically advised (with permission from the scanner).
- If you are reading UC (uncorrected/unchecked) material, it would be highly appreciated if you would proof it and correct mistakes to make the burden easier on someone who wants to read the book in future.
- You are requested to hand in the proofed material as early as possible. The usual time frame is 2 weeks, but in some cases exceptions are made. Please don't delay proofing as it makes releasing new books difficult when there is a backlog.
- You are welcome to use list server, file server (fserve) and FTP server types.
- Some of the more popular list serving scripts are OmeNServE (available from www.omenserve.org) and BWI (available from existing servers in the #bookz channel).
- Share at least a few ebooks. Download as much as you wish to, from other servers or elsewhere, to fill your own collection.
- We allow only ebooks, comics, audiobooks and related. You must not share illegal software, movies, keygens or anything not relating to ebooks. In case you are serving in other channels, sharing of music files is permitted, ONLY if you share ebooks here as well.
- A STRICT NO is any adult material which relates to pedophile content and/or such photos/videos depicting children or other underage people. If any server is found abusing this rule, they will face a permban. Adult material of other types than this is permitted.
- Servers are also requested not to serve in or visit underage sex or other such channels which are deemed to be offensive or nasty while serving here.
- Please, set the advertisement timers to 15 minutes (900) seconds or more.
- You are advised to set lower transfer limit to 50 cps (bytes/second).
- Do not respond to the find command, if no matches are found.
- Search keyword, if available, should be @find.
- No ratios allowed, and no voices/ops only servers.
- We'd suggest you use @nick as a list trigger and !nick as a file trigger, where nick is your nick name on IRC.
- Channel Operators are advised to be patient when they talk to others in the channel.
- If people ask you something, give them advice, show them what
to do, lead them to FAQ's and howto's.
- Operators are expected to be able to help visitors with basic setup questions.
- Operators are expected to greet guests in a friendly manner.
- Maintaining this channel is hard work, and this place is not something that we own, but share, so please be kind and tolerant towards others.
- You are supposed to keep order, not to rule this place.
- If you see abusive behavior, warn abusers first, kick them if they don't listen, then if you have to, ban them. Spammers and site advertisements are to be banned immediately.
- Don't kick or ban people just because you disagree with their opinion, or dislike them. Every conversation, even a brisky one is welcome. Don't be rude, ever, and use ultimate actions only when there is no other way to maintin order.
- If you're personally insulted, and that insult is obvious, well, then you know what to do.
- If someone insults the channel or any people residing in the channel without reason, don't hesitate to show them the way out.
- People are free to discuss all they like unless they're insulting someone.
- If you don't like all those conversations, do not take part in them. It's better than to be rude. And if you really have a conflict with someone, please solve it in private messages. Others are not supposed to watch bickering.
- Operators are the people who control and maintain the channel, therefore they are advised not to visit offensive channels which allow underage sex / pedophile behaviour.
- All Channel Operators must adhere to the policies and procedures in effect within the channel. Any Op violating these 'rules' is subject to immediate dismissal. Dismissal may be in the form of a 'kick' from the channel as well as a 'ban'.
- Do not overuse your power as an operator. You're an operator because you deserved it in some way, so keep up the good work!