Johnny, or Nny, is the main character in JTHM. The main story  is about Johnny who kills people to keep a wall in his house wet with blood. The wall is holding back some sort of monster and when the blood dries the monster comes out and it's not good. Usually the people he kills are mean to him and stuff like that. It may not make much sense but they're awesome books and you should read them.

Johnny stats!
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 115 (more with change in pockets)

Likes: stars, the emotionless functions of insects, watching people getting abducted by aliens, Cherry Fiz Wiz,Cherry Brain Freezies, all kinds of movies, the moon , little chubby babies, Pop rocks and coke, drawing Happy Noodle Boy.

Dislikes: humidity, sleep, physical and mantal need for anything, being abducted by aliens, people who've "gota have a smoke" , certain words, losing his mind, Satan's attitude, getting shot in the head, drawing Happy Noodle Boy.

Background info: not much is known about  Johnny's history. All we do know is that his parents were killed by an evil man, thus setting the course for NNY's life as a masked crime fighter. Or, perhaps not. At present NNY is more his own enemy than any external mind could be, what with the decomposure of what may have been, at one time, a fine intelligent mind. Johnny is , possibly, more hideously mentally malformed then the people he seems to think have ruined his world. Hes not a loser he's simply lost.
(this was taken from JTHM Directors cut which is copyright Jhonen Vasquez and Slave Labor Graphics)
all art work is copyright Jhonen Vasquez and Slave Labor Graphics
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