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Episode 4: Ransik Lives!


     The four Time Force Officers are sitting at the crash site when they realize that they have no food, money, or shelter and that they won't be able to survive.  Wes shows up on his motorcycle telling them that he has great news. He has found them a place to live. It just happened to be a clock tower that his father owns and it was abandoned so they start to clean up the clock tower and they realize that it might not be so bad living there and they would be able to make it a home.

      Ransik decides to tell the city of Silver Hills about his arrival but he has no idea how to reach the whole city so then he realizes he can broadcast it all over the city.
      Someone comes in and offers them a job because they moved into a place called "Nick of Time Odd Jobs." So an elderly gentlemen hired them for a painting job. Jen gladly offers since they all need the money.  So Wes and Jen start painting this building and Wes is just being a klutz and knocks over
paint all over the place.  So Jen leaves and she goes to get more paint. While she is gone Wes thinks he hears something and he turns the corner and there are cyclobots everywhere. So they come around the corner where he is and he tells them that he is just a painter in the building. They Cyclobots believe him and one of them is very suspicious and he turns around and notices the chrono morpher on Wes's wrist.  So they attack Wes and Wes sticks and moves but there are just to many for him and the cyclobots kidnap him.  They take him to the Television station and Wes sees Ransik broadcasting
himself all over the city.

      Jen arrives back with the paint and realizes Wes is gone. The other Rangers are in the clock tower and Circuit tells them what Ransik is doing. Trip calls Jen and tells them what Ransik is doing and she notices that the cyclobots have stepped in the paint and they have left footprint of where they were headed.  But she looks and she can't get around because there are cyclobots controlling the whole building. The other three rangers are in a closet and they grab Jen and they all go after Wes.

      Ransik has captured Wes and Ransik starts telling Wes about how he came about. How people turned there back on him in his time of need.  That is
why he came back to year 2001 so he can take everyone out. He has been betrayed by society.  He tells Wes that scientist were trying to make every baby in the year 3000 with perfect DNA, Ransik was just a freak accident. He gathered every other mutant that was like him and made an army. Wes tries to explain to him that revenge isn't the way to go.  So just as the monster is about to destroy him the rangers come to his rescue.  So then Wes morphs and
the rangers take on the monster and the monster grows. They get the Time Jets sent from the year 3000 to take the monster on.  They destroy him and capture him.

      The rangers get paid for there painting job and have they have a pizza delivered. Wes explains what happened to Ransik and that maybe he is just misunderstood.  Jen tells him that Ransik is evil and that people tried to help Ransik out but he didn't want it. All Ransik wanted was power and that is why he is outlawed and that is why Time Force was after him. Not because he is a freak.  So they enjoy there pizza and there new life.

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