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Episode 1 : "Force From The Future! Part 1 "


It starts off in the year 3000 - the future, Ransik getting ready to leap through the time portal but was interrupted by the Red Ranger, [ Alex ]. They start battling, which the Time Force cops outside rush to come in.  Kate, Trip, Lucas, Kate arrive with the force. Red Ranger still battling Ransik and the Cyclobots. Suddenly, AN BIG KAPLOON! FROM THE OUTSIDE. Alex has capture Ransik and he is now put to trial.


Alex proposed to Jen and Jen said YES! Meanwhile, after a little while we saw Nadira, daughter of Ransik ducking under her hat.The Court finds Ransik guilty and he is put through prison For life! 


A few hours later, Ransik was put in a truck that says time force on it with their sign. Jen went in with them while Trip and Kate were on motorcycles and Lucas was the driver of the truck. After a while on the highway - a woman was on the middle of the road and it turn out to be Nadira who now just attacks Trip and Kate. While a flying object above turn out to be Frax who fires and flips the truck over with Ransik, Kate, and Lucas.


Ransik, Nadira, and Frax now leave and are now going to the time prison. The four awaken and contacted the big boss, to tell them what happen.


The Red Ranger, Alex gets the message and arrives at the scene. At the prison, we see to monsters, one a monster with big sharp hair. He is taken to a chamber and is strunk into a size of a action figure. The other one is a fat dude who was the leader of the villains team on the show timeranger. He is saved by Nadira who comes blasting the the guards, and well the fat guy saids that he is  at  the service of Nadira.


The Red Ranger finds Ransik above the top of the prison, they start battling. The Rangers arrive finding who is losing Alex is losing and he gets a big slash by Ransik on the back. Red Ranger is dead? Jen rushed to see if Alex is ok. Alex gives the morpher to Jen and his last words were, " Don't stop fighting Ransik!" and dies.


Jen is angry now, as Ransik leaves and time travels back to time. The four rangers goes back to the base and Jens says she is gonna go back through time to stop Ransik. The four rangers go with them. As the boss tells the Time force to stop.


As Jen looks at the 4 morphers on her case, The Time warp opens and the Transwarp zord sends their ship

back to time.


To Be Continiued!


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