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Welcome to Partners In Crime version 2.0 Lost Our Marbles which totally suits us. This site is owned by Digitalblue and Shnickels. We met at the Elijah Wood forum. We were talking in a thread and realized we had some great chemistry so we thought "Hey...let's turn this into something great." We talked and decided to create this site for insanely bored people like you! Here you can view our wild and craziness. Our creations and our loves. Please sign our guestbook on your way out.

About Digitalblue
*waves furiously* Hi!
I'm 13 years old, and not exactly your typical gal. I live in New Jersey, armpit of the good ole US. I have been a huge LOTR fan since I was 7 and am also a BIG Elijah Wood fan, as of fairly recently. (December I think...) I have alot of HTML/web experience, plus a whole 13 years worth of smart-ass-iness. I am sarcastic, curious, and pretty damn annoying. I have really pale skin (I never tan) blue eyes, light brown hair, I'm short and as my mother calls it, "slim". (I am basically small.)I wear trendy-ish clothes and listen to pop music, if I listen to music at all.(am not very proud of that, lol) I LOVE a good joke.

I like sunshine, late spring, laughing, flowers, smiles, fresh air, talking, listening, dancing, good food, good friends, and good music. I'm basically a hobbit!
I don't like racism, stereotypes, cruelty, my math teacher, letting people down, getting a grade less than an A on my report card (I got a B+ in math in 5th grade and almost died), being unprepared, and anything ugly or pointless.

I am pretty curious about everything, and I can't stand people who "think inside the box" all of the time. I write stories and poetry when the mood strikes me.
Click -here- for my blog.

About Shnickels
I'm a 16 year old girl. I live in the wonderful land of the United States. I play softball and volleyball. I also like playing basketball. This summer I'll probably be taking fencing lessons and hopefully go to a theater workshop to puruse my dream of being an actress. I'm a HUGE Elijah Wood fan. ^_^

I love all kinds of music. Just give me something with a good beat and I'll like it. I currently take piano lessons. I used to play guitar and take lessons but quit to take piano. I played flute and oboe in middle school.

I have brown hair and brown eyes. I'm about 5'3". I collect MANY things. Just a few I'll mention are pez dispensers, Got Milk? ads, Sony Walkman ads *you know, with the little blue man thing*, stamps, keychains, movie ticket stubs, etc. Didn't I say I'd mention a FEW? That was quite a bit more than a few.

I've been involved with websites and such for *ponders* about 2-3 years maybe? I dunno. But my first site was really bad. I didn't know html so I used a drag and drop thing. Don't hate me! I know html now! LOL. My second one that I opened was pretty good since I learned html for it. It wasn't great or anything, but people really liked it, it was very popular due to my originality. Well thats what they said anyway. None of my old sites are open anymore except for my personal site which is here.

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