COLOR: Brown / Low Yellow
AGE: 21
SIGN: Roaring LEO!!
HAILS FROM: Sucky Carolina but is currently stationed in Germany
ORIENTATION: STUD (in layman`s terms: LESBIAN!) Pls don`t ask to be nothing else I can`t. Pls don`t ask why.. just read ;-)
STATUS: Alone but Chillin`
HEIGHT: 5 Tall Feet and 2-3/4 big Inches
College: None right now, but will be back soon!
Interest: Any thing that involves me gaining knowledge on myself and the general black woman, cat owner, Traveling, Video Games, Web Surfing, Writing Short Stories
Sports: I love me some B-Ball. But I also like these here: Baseball, Football, Golf, Hockey, Tennis, Volleyball and some others as well.
Favorite Hobbie(s): Listening to all kinds of music such as dance, hip hop, rap, jazz/blues, pop, R&B.
Watching lots of Movies.
Reading all types of literature, mainly Lesbian Erotica, and things of the such.
And Most importantly WOMEN, WOMMIN, WOMYN

First off let the truth be told ... MEN are welcome here, you can peep my page but let it be know ... "I DON`T WANT YA FUNKY ASSES!! so pls pls pls don`t send me no friggin notes or pages (cause aol ain`t got no size 3) talkin nonsense bout` `i can make you str8`, `u just ain`t found the right man`, `what u doin is a sin`, and my favorite `how can a woman pls you, she ain`t got no dyck`. Well how about this... instead of me tellin you the reasons how about ya sit ya azz down and break out sum paper and pen, cause i`m goin to class on ya! to start things off lemme ask you a question ... being that i done been wit a few guys early in my life .. was engaged twice .. WHAT IN THE WORLD MAKES YOU THINK YOU DA ONE?? there are only 3 men in this world i would eva sleep with again. and they kno who they the test results are ... there is a 99.9% chance U NOT DA ONE!
Now onto the ladies... yes you bout to get schooled too. if you really str8 - don`t come at me like that either. don`t tell me i`m cute to gain brownie points or call me a guy. cause i kno i look good plain & simple. we not alike so don`t even try that. last time i checked i wear boxers and u wear panties. Pls pls pls i ask you... DON`T PRETEND to be bi / bi-curious. cause i ain`t havin it. and if ya really wanna kno...I DON`T DO THE BI/BI-CURIOUS THING!!! wanna know why **lookin 4 ya pen & paper** 1. I DON`T LIKE D!CK, so why i wanna taste it in u? (i ain`t tryin to be mean, just speakin da truth) 2. i don`t like being compared to a man. its hurts more than you think. 3. i refuse to lose a good woman to a man. sorry ladies but once u`ve been licked by Pimp.. do you really wanna turn da otha cheek? 4. I don`t want to be the go between person so you an decide a woman does it betta than a man?
Now that is out the way
Well before things in life turn around and bite me in the ass i gotta say this first "Drama follows and her best buddy as well, confusion."

One last thing, unless i tell you i like you .... DON`T ASSUME you only make an ASS of yourself. Brotha`s if you see me on the street with my girl don`t get mad cause i got better pull than we say in the ghetto......"don`t playa hate...congratulate"

First and foremost i gotta give props to da man upstairs **looking up** yeah you, you my dawg through it all. you brought me here for a reason and what it is you tryin to show me but i always got my friggin eyes closed. you know when to catch me.. in da dreamy dream land. aiight. you always gonna be the only man in my life

Well to those who have congratulated me on my work and success of my page THANKS!!!
I have only tried to keep it real about me and about those who i conversate with.
You say you want to know what type of woman Pimp~A~Vellie wants huh? --->MY LIKES: 1. a small firm tight (__|__). oooh i swear that really gets me up and about. 2. a handsize chest. no offense to the big chested women, but i honestly believe that anything ova a mouthful is a waste. 3. women who can hold decent convo`s 4. women who can play sports. and not jus bed sports but ones that require talent.
NOW DA DISLIKES: 1. women who don`t respect dem-selves. ie dressin` like a hoe, den gettin mad when people call you one? wha u expect? 2. weight portioned liars... pls pay special attn to if you weigh 250lbs, don`t talk to me being athletic. i ain`t hearing it. if you weigh 90lbs soakin wet, don`t talk about being thick. **shakin head** its nonsense!! 3. LIARS LIARS LIARS LIARS .. need i stress more? 4. hetrosexuals who claim to be bi just fa da experience. 5. men pretending to be women. now ladies pay extra attention here i don`t need more girls chasin me down the highway at 90 miles and hour, and others tryin to end my life. i got a lot to live for. i have little ones to live for. i don`t need drama, my ex-family gives me enough of that to last a life time and more.

Umm lets see about me being a LESBIAN... yes i`m soo proud of that word. Damn just saying it makes me feel damn good. LESBIAN LESBIAN LESBIAN LESBIAN (okay i had to get that out my system) Anyhow... lets see how it got started.. .....see first there was this..p***y that i came out of and i loved the smell... naw not even.. but on the real..
I`ve been out since Aug. of `96. Yep my senior yr of high school. I came out b/c i owed it to myself. It was hard, but i learned who my real friends were. And to those friends.. I give ya`ll mad shout outs!!!!!!! But to all the phoney azz-mutha-phuka punks....... *sticking up middle finger* this goes to you

I have recently added to my lil ray of light here at home, and have adopted a daughter. Her name is Pikachu. (pic of her above). Now if you thought i was talking about a real child, you must be out ya mind!!! Its a kitten. She was born April 11th, 2000. Now she is like hell. A terrible-two`s kid. Always wanting to play. Acting me like she a tiger or some suff. But hey that`s my kid. (update July 10, 2001: Unfortunalty the military doesn't like single soliders to have pets in the barracks so i had to give up my sweety. But she is still in my heart and will always be in my heart. I love that kitten and nothing will ever change that. Pikachu you are my heart.

<-- This here is my lil ray of sunshine. My Adopted daughter, Ominay Kelyce. She was brought in this world January 18, 2000. She is now 2 yrs old. She means the world to me and if u don`t know, u do now. Ominay is the youngest of my kids, my oldest is J.W. I promised her mother i wouldn't put her picture on my page. so i am respecting her wishes. But she is almost 3. I also have a god daughter, Tiara Denise who was brought in the world Dec. 20, 2000. Amazing how kids are so darn lovable.