USAF Pilot Class 62A
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On June 26, 1960 Pilot Class 62A was born.  They were good men from all walks of life drawn to a career that challenged their skills, extended their aspirations, and excited their libido.  These men made up the first class in 1962 to graduate as "JET PILOTS".  Assignments were made scattering them to the four corners of the globe. 
We met in Colorado Springs for that first reunion and it was an unparralled success.  It seemed that after that success maybe we should meet again.  So we are going to try to gather this flock of wayward birdmen together again. 

Once again we will try to assemble in 2006 in an unspcified location to celebrate the passage of time and the accomplishments of these men.  Listed here is the compilation of names as we know them.  Please add to or inform us of any that you know we should include.   Kindly click on the e-mail address at the left and provide us with the information to update your class listing and to help us plan. If you would like to participate in the planning or help in any way, let us know in the remarks. 

Hope to see you in August..
                             Pogo 41

Meeting and Member Data
Pilot Class 62A E-Mail Address
                  Webmaster:   Pogo 41



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