Life, Love and Verse

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My Favourite Quotations


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Imagine That

In everyone's life there comes a time when one needs some form of inspiration, or maybe just the knowledge that someone else out there has experienced the same feelings that you are feeling at this moment.

Life is full of joy, sorrow, beauty, heartbreak and happiness and it is for this reason that I've created this Site.

Life in Verse

When life throws you a curve ball and you just want to crawl back into bed and pull the covers over your head

When one and one does not add up to two or you step out the door and get mud on your smart shoe

When all your plans go awry and you feel blue

This is just the place for you.

Jokes and Fun My Poetry

Heaven's Gates

Bill Gates went up to heaven and was met by St. John at the Pearly Gates. Seeing how Bill Gates was so important, St. John gave him the option to go to Heaven or to Hell. Bill Gates asked, "What are they like?"

So St. John shows him Heaven, which is very nice with green fields, sparkling lakes and luxurious houses. Only you can't drink any alcohol. Bill is not too happy with this situation and asks St. John to show him Hell. So St. John shows him Hell, which is exactly the same except you can drink as much alcohol as you please. After seeing this Bill Gates says, "I'll go to Hell then."

About a month later St. John pops into Hell to see how Bill is getting on, just to find hime working in the furnaces sweating and wishing he could drink anything but alcohol. Bill upon seeing St. John curses and says "Hell is nothing like what you showed me!"

St. John replies, "Well that was only the Demo Version, you know."

Reflections on Life

See the early morning dew on the grass
the sun's rays make them shimmer like glass,
See the spider's web carefully spun
like silver threads when caught by the sun.

Hear the birds with their early morning song
so catchy you just want to sing along,
Hear the gentle early morning breeze
as it softly whispers through the trees.

Watch the world start to rise
as the sun carves its path through the skies,
Watch the bees flit from bloom to bloom
collecting pollen till there's no more room.

Smell freshly brewed coffee whafting through the air
moments like these are truly rare,
Watch the face of the child as he slowly awakes with a smile
this is life, this is all it takes to make it worthwhile.

� Maria Pillemer

The Art of Crying
God's Covenant

Recipes Imagine That
Orange Custard Fridge Cake
Serves 10-12


1 Packet orange jelly
450ml (2 cups) boiling water
60ml (4Tbsp.) custard powder
30ml (2Tbsp.) cornflour
500ml (2 cups) milk
125g (� cup) margarine (room temperature)
250ml (1 cup) castor sugar
5ml (1 tsp.) orange essence
3 Packets tennis biscuits
125ml (� cup) Moir's creamo whipped (cream substitute)


Dissolve jelly in boiling water and allow to cool until medium set. Mix the custard powder and cornflour with a little milk to make a past. Bring the rest of the milk to the boil, add to the paste and cook until thick. Leave to cool. Cream the margarine and sugar. Beat in the essence. Beat in the custard mixture, a little at a time. Place some whole biscuits into some of the cooling jelly. Spread some of the custard mixture over. Repeat the layers, ending with a custard layer. Crumb the left over biscuits and press into cake. Spread the whipped cream substitute over the top. Decorate with orange pieces. Place in fridge and allow to set.

Maria's Dried Fruit Pudding
Vinegar Pudding

My Favourite Links

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My Favourite Quotations
There is in every woman?s heart a spark of heavenly fires, which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity; but which kindles up, and beams and blazes in the dark hour of adversity. ~ Washington Irving

All the adversity I've had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me... You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you. ~ Walt Disney

Freedom of speech and freedom of action are meaningless without freedom to think. And there is no freedom of thought without doubt. ~ Bergen Evans

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