Jack Pillemer's site – number 2

English teaching and other odds and ends.


This site has been created as an extension to my first site which can be found at www.geocities.com/jackpillemer

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    Virtual Visitor Project

This project and was decided upon because it is simple to carry out and yet has unlimited potential for English teaching.

An English speaker living outside Israel,  whom I refer to as “the virtual visitor”– in most cases an adult but not necessarily so – writes a simple email  letter of approximately 10-15 sentences addressed to a specific English class. The letter is sent to the English teacher of the class who then uses the text of the letter in numerous ways to bring the "outside English world into the classroom". Click on the link for a much more detailed description of the project. Perhaps you will find the idea exciting and decide to use it in your class


*    Virtual Visitor at Habad School Nazareth Elite

This is a report of what took place in English teacher Tobi Hendel's  6th grade English class in response to letters from Virtual Visitor Tova Britvan –from Michigan. The report describes how a simple addition to the classroom routine can motivate and galvanize a whole class. Read about it.  

My experience with the Virtual Visitor - An interim progress report by Ruth Sheffer - November,2008




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