If you're looking for the way past the brick wall, it can be found here. The list of rumored and discarded book titles can be found here.

Since JKR pretty much made this site irrelevant by announcing that The Pillar of Storg� was a hoax, I'm taking it down to do a little bit of revamping. I plan to bring the site back in a day or two as soon as I can, and if all goes well it'll become a place to find all kinds of information about the next two books, and maybe even to discuss your theories about them. (I also hope to come up with a name that isn't ten words long, but I'm not making any promises there.)

In the meantime: I created a LiveJournal community for discussion of Book Six, which can be found here. I can still be reached through e-mail [[email protected]] and AIM [storgesite]. If you want to be contacted when the site comes back online, sign up with the mailing list below.

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