Vancouver, BC
The second week of January, 2000, Marianne and I took a trip to Vancouver to visit her Mom and her Step-Mom's family. We flew Alaska Airlines and the horror story there is for another day... Anyway, we made it there safe and sound. We had an entire week to play and frolic in the sun, snow and cold. We spent several days running around Vancouver and then took a ferry out to Victoria Island. The trip was most beautiful. For anyone that has not yet experienced the area, it is a trip highly recommended. Explore below and see for yourself...

Ain't this purdy? Yup, yup. Located on the northwest point of the coastline, just across the Lion's Bridge from Vancouver, this lighthouse helps to warn incoming ships of danger. More can be found on the next page...
This is the view from Stanley Park. It was gorgeous. The Park is really magificent; pretty much Vancouver's version of Central Park or Golden Gate Park, and they pull it off well.
And Marianne strikes the Vogue!
In the background, The Empress Hotel is something of a celebrity all by herself. It's the oldest hotel on Victoria, and quite exquisite. It was built in stages, with the protion toward the right being first, and the portions toward the left added later. We didn't stay there... $ $
On the island of Victoria, across the harbor, is the Building of Congress (or Parliament, or something like that!). Gorgeous building, enormous.
One of the places we went to was a very fancy hotel (can't remember the name now, I'm afraid...), decorated in very Henry VIII period furnishings. The rooms were decadent (we didn't stay there, either)! The houses to the left are actually authentic fake store fronts... Above the authentic fake store fronts are actual guest rooms. Pretty cool. We stopped here to see Ann Hathaway's Cottage (a replica of the house in which Shakespeare's wife was born), which can be seen in two pages. We also found that the hotel restaurant offered "High Tea" so of course we had to indulge...
And this is Ann Hathaway's cottage. We didn't go inside, but it sure looks purdy from outside, don't it?
And when we don't behave... We only left her there for three days. And she learned her lesson!
This was a place we sort of chanced upon. The details of it are given on the next page, but essentially Dunsmuir was a really rich guy who built this house. Cool, huh? ;-)
Okay, so this is pretty self-explanatory...
While on out skiing trip, we were met with a less than friendly snow storm that actually closed the mountain... as in, all of you people having fun, get off this mountain, cause we don't want you to die or anything... Good thing I was safely planted in the bar by then... ;-)
Did I mention that it was a little cold? Yeah, *&#$ing freezing! Marianne, Mercedes and I made a mad dash for the van to try to keep warm for a few minutes while we were waiting for James and Aaron (another one) to finish enjoying the slopes...



Thanks for visiting,
Aaron & Marianne...
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