and yes, notice the stylin hands and fingers that are holding the art
the ever kewl and "trendy on her own" GP=)
art skillz from the wong sistas
sister gawronski power: "sup? JCz are chill like that."
da captain in action!!
captain janet: "NO! don't take the picture!"
we love taboo
...and the word is??? *suspense*
we love taboo. especially the nesutanites.=)
yay! water! people! how exciting! rowboats!
take note of fearless leader sister twin marissa looking lost in the back...jk=)
aww...sweet picture. go trees that sis bev planted by nomphon
       the joy in natick abounds.
sis m&cap j: "we're smiling and standing in front of nomphon because neither of us sleeps there."
sorry...took awhile.  there were technical difficulties...yeah, and if i wrote out all the complications no one would want to read them, without further ado...
go boathike! look, itz cathy! yay!
nothing like refreshing apple juice after rowing across the lake...
sweet!  a nesutanite!! and itz e!  stylin, buff, power-rower e.=)
e: "rowing across the lake was a piece of cake."
...yeah... there are more pictures.  but how about another day?  u can check back later...they'll be here...sometime...before camp2003, i promise.=)
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*note: this page is here due in a huge part to LGP's (aka bg) persistant and faithful reminders.=)
warning: pg2 is mostly all nesutan...
you know the deal.  click for bigger pics.
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