
Total Mind and Body Experience


What is Pilates?

Read on to Find out More

Joseph Pilates was born in 1880 in Düsseldorf, he was a frail, sickly child who suffered from rickets, asthma and rheumatic fever. Determined to overcome this frailty, instead of following an established fitness regime he experimented with many different approaches. Yoga, gymnastics, skiing, self-defence, dance, circus training and weight training all influenced him and he chose aspects of each to develop his own body. By absorbing these methods and selecting the most effective aspects, Joseph Pilates was able to work out a system that had the perfect balance of strength and flexibility.

Having proven his techniques on his own body, he then began to apply them to others. When the First World War broke out he was training detectives at Scotland Yard but was classed as an alien and interned in Lancashire and later on the Isle of Man. With time on his hands, he helped out in the camp infirmary and further developed his techniques, training his fellow internees with amazing success.


What is involved in a Pilates Class?

Pilates is all about Body Awareness through controlled movement, using strength from the inside out.

The matwork based class is performed in a tranquil environment with soft relaxing music to aid concentration.

The class is split into 3 distinct sections:

·              A warm up section to help mobilise your body and to focus your mind on the "Neutral Spine" or your powerhouse. More will be explained during the class.

·             A middle section comprising movements to strengthen your abdominal muscles and lumbar spine. Essentially you will be strengthening the muscles around the spine and abdomen to give good postural alignment.

·             A final section of relaxation, focusing on your own body and its needs.

During the class you will learn postural techniques which can be incorporated into everyday life.

Results from within! 

 If you think Pilates is for you, and to find out about Classes and Fees in the

High Wycombe, Bucks area please contact Sally on:

0787 625 1967 or email me on

 mailto:[email protected].


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