My Favorite Links:
Ukrainian wellknown  Artist of modern ART, one of the  best of 80-90-2007--Painting,  computer media, installations,    performance, ready made objects
details of my creative life   english
details of my creative  life russian
details of my creative life  ukrainian
latest big    picture
(sold) pictures  different years by Dima KAVSAN
1999 personal exhibition " KAVSAN 2000" in Kiev Lavra gallery (document photo)
Dima KAVSAN "Get'man Sagaydachnyi in Kafa" 2001 oil/aclilyc on canvas  200 x 300 cm
Kavsan Dima
[email protected]
[email protected]
click  to see me
for etudes to the picture (for fun -photos  models-my friends who posed for this picture)
Let's come IN      some times my friends and gests are very attractive
nexst my link
[email protected]
after fakt of picture made the photoprints of main  heroes of it by MAKSIM MIROSHNIKOFF from St. Petersburg
august 2001  Ukrainian artists group exhibition in Ujno-Ukrainsk
now in the big picture
   Watercolor  Painting        Big opening party photoshots and poster here
watercolors   gallery    MAYSTERNYA in  Kiev Artist's House
back to main site www.kavsah.h1.ru
             back to main site    www.kavsah.h1.ru       
solo Dima Kavsan  exhibition  in gallery   IRENA  THE DOGMANIA
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solo Dima Kavsan  exhibition  in gallery   IRENA DISAPPEARED SITY
Каталог Allprikol.ru
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STULYA.RU - Фабрика Стульев. Стулья, столы, офисные 
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значительные скидки.
cannylinc.com-the best
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solo Dima Kavsan  exhibition   in   gallery   Soviart KAVSAN-RETRO
solo Dima Kavsan  exhibition   in   gallery   IRENA    THE HISTORY OF ONE PICTURE (Getman Sagaydachnyi...)
solo Dima Kavsan  exhibition   in   gallery   IRENA  INDIAN MOSAICS OF HEAT
solo Dima Kavsan  exhibition   in   gallery   IRENA  GOTHIC
solo Dima Kavsan  exhibition   in   gallery   DA VINCHI    KAVSAN DIMA
solo Dima Kavsan  exhibition   in   gallery   DA VINCHI    KAVSAN DIMA
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