Pat Shay

Improvisor            a   Actor             a                  Teacher                  a    Pisces


And welcome to my e-home.



Wise people update their website... you know... regularly. 

I am not a wise person. 

But I'm glad you're here.  

Looking forward to seeing you - and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me any time.

Hey, people - one of my New Years resolutions this year was to remount my solo show Their Own Words: An Evening with Gielgud, Burton, and Olivier. I'm just writing this here and now so that I'm on record. I have four months to get it up.  ... Okay. Three. 


Some stuff to watch: 

Mary and I finally broke down and started a youtube channel. We're using it as a clearinghouse for clips. Check it out here. Or at

Also, Mary and I made a pilot: there's a trailer... here 

Hey - here're some recent clips that I posted up to the youtubie:


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