What is Pieces of Heart? Pieces of Heart is one story in a Kingdom Hearts fan project that I'm working hard on, known as 'Betwixt + Between'. It will feature artwork, the story in written form, and a doujin to go alongside it. Only a few parts of the story may be put into doujin form, so you'll mostly see PoH as a fanfiction, not a manga.

What is Betwixt + Between? Betwixt + Between is a Kingdom Hearts fan project that consists of a prolouge in manga/doujin form, a main story that is mainly a fanfiction over a doujin known, and a final story that wraps everything up. There are three side stories in between Pieces of Heart and the final story, which explain what happens to three of the main characters during that time.

What's the purpose of this site? To host the fanfiction itself, the artwork, and the doujin pages, along with information about the characters, the story, and the settings. This is just one part of B+B, and it is NOT B+B's site/portal.

When will the site be back? Whenever I get a domain. This won't be too long from now, but I won't update this until I have my domain and I can move everything. The Pieces of Heart site will be back with new art, new chapters, new info, and a new layout when everything is moved.

Is there somewhere I can keep up with updates? Yes. I created a Livejournal blog to list updates to the story and this site, along with having that be the place where the people behind PoH and B+B can put up things like art and drabble. You can see it over here. This is where you'll get the updates first, so rely on the blog over the site! The doujin pages will be updated over on deviantART whenever I make them.

Anything else? I hope you enjoy the fanfiction!

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