<BGSOUND SRC="whatawonderfulworld1.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Hello, I am Birdie.  I live on a farm, near a small country town in Queensland, Australia and this is my first foray into page making. I hope to add photographs of my beloved Australia to this page, such as birds, animals, trees and plants that are unique to us here.
I will begin with the wild birds that visit our home.  I leave wild bird seed out for them, together with clean water for their drinking and bathing.  We now have over 40 different species of birds visit our yard during the year. Some are migratory, others live close by, some even nest on our verandah.
This is a pair of Zebra Finches, the same as the pair who have made our verandah their nesting place.
They are quite a timid little bird and startle easily.
For safety, they eat in a flock with their heads bobbing up and down, staying very alert to any danger. They make quite a sight with their orange beaks and legs and pretty feather markings.
Australia abounds with gum trees. These eucalypts are particularly hardy and have adapted to our harsh dry climate and can withstand long periods of drought for months, sometimes even years. They cover the continent from the  tip of Cape York Peninsula Queensland, in the tropics, to the
  A sample of gum blossom
This attractive shrub is a type of native Grevillia, of which we have many different varieties.  Recently it has become very fashionable to feature Australian native plants in home gardens and the Grevillia is one of the most popular and hardy choices. Because of the nectar they produce, they attract many native wild birds. The colours vary greatly depending on the type grown, from yellows to pinks to reds. A very useful, easily grown evergreen to have in the garden.
Of course you recognize this fellow, it's an Eastern Grey Kangaroo, and we have lots of them on the farm. They shun the house area, but contentedly nibble the grass and crops at the rear of the property. Unless they are in plague proportions, where they do massive damage to crops, these charming animals are tolerated by the farmers. We do love our kangaroos here.
This is a type of Wallaby,we have several varieties of these delightful creatures. They are quite easily mistaken for young kangaroos in many cases. They are much smaller and tend to stick mainly to the safety of bushland rather than open fields. Being a marsupial like the kangaroo, they carry their young in their pouch.
This is a Goanna, a very large monitor lizard, and these too, are in plentiful numbers here.  They are very fleet of foot, and rarely venture near the towns. They prefer bushland and open fields. Many different varieties of these reptiles exist here, and they can grow to a very large size, depending on the breed.
Here we have a Bearded Dragon, a fierce name for such a docile reptile. These reptiles are extrememly popular as pets and are found in home gardens throughout Australia. They are very popular with children and adults alike. They can be seen basking in the sun anywhere, and care has to be taken not to run over them on the roads, where they often lie to soak up the warmth on the bitumen.
I do hope you have enjoyed this snippet of Australiana, I have enjoyed bringing it to you, as well as learning a lot about page making. I intend to add more pages later, so do visit this site again...and please SIGN MY GUEST BOOK and add a comment. I would like to know if there is anything you would like to see about Australian life, and I will try to incorporate it into my pages.
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Aussie Creepy Crawlies
**Please Note: Birdie has moved homes since this page was
written, which is explained on my page:
              Birdie & Family.
This is the magnificent King Parrot...regular visitors to our home. They usually travel in pairs, they bring their young ones in to feed and drink also.  When the young leave the nest for the first time, they are difficult to distinguish from the adults.  The male (as shown) is a vivid red on the head and chest, green wings, with lighter green markings on them. The female, is a duller shade of green and does not have the  red head and chest at all.
This colour combination, although quite vivid, bright and remarkable, make them very difficult to see in the trees and is the perfect camouflage for their protection against other predatory birds such as hawks.
bottom of Tasmania, our most southern state.  We have many types of eucalypts.  These trees withstand our horrendous bush fires, only to reshoot and thrive once again.
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