Mark Hall's Spot on the world wide interweb.
A tour de force of graphic design.
Hello And Welcome To My First Attempt At Building a Web Page.  I don't know what it will be about but it might be good. Who knows?
Picture of Africa.
Wow Look at that. That's a pretty impressive picture of Africa.  I didn't take that picture, I've never been to Africa. But what's more impressive is the persistence it took me to get that picture there.  It took me like 10 minutes and several tries, but I kept at it.  Good work Mark!
Since the addition of the African picture, this webpage has come to a creative standstill.  It still lacks content and direction.  However, I do feel that the addition of bold type to the text has helped add a boldness to my website's message that was lacking in earlier parts.  Its like the online equivilent of a strong handshake and minty-fresh breath.
I have also come to the
realization that I can use color in my text, and have chosen a conservative navy blue. We don't want to get carried away too early in the game, or spread notions that this website is some sort of carnival game. Meanwhile, you have probably come to the realization that I am retarded. I have also considered moving away from the vertical schema that has dominated this page so far, but I think adding some original art work is first on the ledger.
A Work In Progress!

Progress Through Computers!
There it is! Some original artwork for you to view. 
Click on the guitar rock picture to go to page two of my website. I'll meet ya there dude!
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