
PictureChi's Chiana sketches

G'day! welcome to my little nook of the web dedicated to Chiana, that special character in the series Farscape created and performed by Gigi Edgley! If you're wondering what Farscape is, who Chiana and Gigi Edgley are, or wanna see more about them, theres the awesome "the Gigi Enthusiasts Resource service" site that will answer you in style! Here you'll find humble sketches of Chiana I made in microsoft paint. I'm sorry they are so crude. I hope you like them anyway. If you do, let me know if you like.
I don't think I'll be adding more, thanks to how things went (special thanks to Mr. Kemper). If you'd like leave your email and I will try to notify you if I add anything.
Enjoy :-)

Hey, just being anatomically correct LOL. Serious, it really isn't perfectly clear if Chiana is supposed to have a navel or not, but somehow I thought a silver ring in the navel region would be an interesting touch on Chiana visually so I put one on 'er. The top would be silver and shiny. Foil-like. Sexy cut but also with style thatd fit Chi. A little midriff top. Snug fabric leggings practical in warm and cool but very comfy. Mid gray & black peppered. Silvery gloves. Silver round metal belt and silver heart topped crouch piece held by 2 delicate silver chains. I like the face, hasn't she the greatest hair?

Unfinished back sketch. T-shirt and thong. I thought 'hey Chi would be cool in a white t-shirt!' and well Chi is just outrageous enough *g* to wear a thong, but it'd have to be like silver and drawn by a better artist! So I just tried a back sketch of the 2 ideas anyway.

I actually really like this one. It's a costume sketch. I'd love to see this on Chi!! I think a white or silver fur-like bodice or accents on her would be so "drad" as Chi used to say. The soft fur material compliments her silky gray/white and sets off any hard material. Personally, I don't think hard or smooth leather is the wisest idea for her. Least of all thick leather. Don't take my humble though, go see what I mean in the shows. Something about hard AND thick.....looks cool in photoshoots and feels heavy cold and stifling in motion on tv. Wish I had time to really get in and paint this idea I think it'd knock everyone out!
Mod Chi.
Hey, couldn't think of another title. A "style" sketch I guess.

Seasonal sketch!
the first sketch I put up, just in time for the holidays! There's a simple flash, and 2 sketches.

When you think of Christmas colors you think of red, green and silver. Well between her white hair and light gray skin, she's got the silver! So I thought a red velvet bodice with white fur trim and lacings, hot green lipstick and a jade/cool green eye makeup and a cute santa cap. Chi would be soooo hot & cute in something like that, I'd love to see it! A dark red ribbon wraps it up nicely :-)

Trying to do a wink wasn't real easy. It always scrunched her face instead of the smooth, quick wink she'd probably do. A clench of face muscle shown at the cheek and just erasing the inside eye area did the trick. Click! Instant fuzzy holiday gift-giving joy great for any time of year!
Oooo Chi's winking at you! Well she can be a bit cheeky hehe! In fact it looks like she can't stop!
Legal stuff: Chiana as a character in Farscape is the property of The Jim Henson Company. I make no profit from my art and no one is to without my permission and the express written permission of the Henson people. [email protected]
Luff to Gigi Edgley :-o Peace on earth!
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