Saw an angel  a moment ago  
who spoke of peace  
and I spoke of  being alone  
and the angel  
showed me  
the peace  of being alone.  
(c) Terrell Neuage (Adsit pre-August-1981) ~ 5-1966 New York City 	Saw an angel  a moment ago  
who spoke of peace  
and I spoke of  being alone  
and the angel  
showed me  
the peace  of being alone.  
(c) Terrell Neuage (Adsit pre-August-1981) ~ 5-1966 New York City 	Saw an angel  a moment ago  
who spoke of peace  
and I spoke of  being alone  
and the angel  
showed me  
the peace  of being alone.  
(c) Terrell Neuage (Adsit pre-August-1981) ~ 5-1966 New York City 	Saw an angel  a moment ago  
who spoke of peace  
and I spoke of  being alone  
and the angel  
showed me  
the peace  of being alone.  
(c) Terrell Neuage (Adsit pre-August-1981) ~ 5-1966 New York City
	Saw an angel  a moment ago  
who spoke of peace  
and I spoke of  being alone  
and the angel  
showed me  
the peace  of being alone.  
(c) Terrell Neuage (Adsit pre-August-1981) ~ 5-1966 New York City various selected poems since 1962 	Saw an angel  a moment ago  
who spoke of peace  
and I spoke of  being alone  
and the angel  
showed me  
the peace  of being alone.  
(c) Terrell Neuage (Adsit pre-August-1981) ~ 5-1966 New York City 	Saw an angel  a moment ago  
who spoke of peace  
and I spoke of  being alone  
and the angel  
showed me  
the peace  of being alone.  
(c) Terrell Neuage (Adsit pre-August-1981) ~ 5-1966 New York City
Why is it when I dance on your rooftop at midnight you have dreams that we are making love in the rain? 1
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