Why is it, that by the time you realize how great something is, it is usually over?

Why is it, that people will complain that they never get what they want, but, if you ask them what they want, they say; ''I don't know!'' ?

Why is it, that people will work & work, so that they can have more & more money, so that they can buy more & more things, go into debt, work more and more, and then cry poverty?

Aren't ALL crimes ''Hate'' crimes? You don't commit a crime against someone, because you ''Love'' them.

The US Census report that only half of the population has sent in their completed forms- How do they know?

You know, when someone says; ''One day, you'll look back on this, and laugh''? Has anyone ever done that?

Has anyone ever really gotten ''service'', from ''customer service''?

Do any men really read the articles in porn magazines?

Has anyone's face really ever ''got frozen like that''?

How come, when setting someone up on a blind date, no one ever says; ''Well, she/he's got a great body, and a gorgeous face, but a terrible personality, & they can't dance''?

Whoever said; ''Tis better to have loved & lost, than to have never loved at all'', obviously never got dumped.

Why do the words; ''Slight pressure'' & ''Mild discomfort'' tend to set my teeth on edge?

Did anyone's father actually ''know best''?

Just where is that ''permanent record'', that you always had held over your head in school? (As in, when you got caught smoking, throwing spitballs, other mild mischief, etc.-''This will end up on your permanent record!'') Has anyone ever gone for a job interview, only to be told; ''Well, Bob, your resume is excellent, and these references speak for themselves- but, I'm afraid that we can't hire you- Does sticking chewing gum under your desk, in the fifth grade ring a bell?''

Why is it, that the only time bad behavior, rudeness, or bad manners are excused in your life, is when you are a small child, or an elderly person? Everyone has heard; ''He/She's just a child!'' or, ''Aunt Louise/Uncle Ernie is getting on in years...this could be her/his last holiday!'' as an excuse for bad behavior. Why do the rest of us have to toe the line? Has anyone ever heard- ''Bob can't help but act that way! He's 34, you know!'' as an excuse for bad behavior?


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