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Picmicro Resources
Fast Forward Engineering, includes an Embedded Systems Programming Answer Line
Andrew Warren
's home page
Andrew Errington's PIC Project Page
includes good introductory material and many useful links
The Guru's Lair

PIC information can be found in the Reference Library, but browse around; there's lots of good stuff here.

Steve Lawther's Electronic and Microcontroller Projects
, includes among other things a nifty PC keyboard viewer
David Tait's PIC page
, with links to info on his PIC programmer as well as others
, featuring Simmsticks
Scott Dattalo's PIC page
, including many useful functions such as Sine, square root, log, and parity
C2C C compiler for Microchip adn Scenix microprocessors

Mauricio Culibrk's PIC page
, including AT keyboard emulation routines (both ends)
How to control HD44780-based Character-LCD
by Peer Ouwehand, includes both PIC and 8051 examples
The GNUPIC Project
, maintained by Scott Dattalo
Paul Vollebregt's GNUPic Page

Kalle Pihlajasaari's
PIC Microcontroller Zone
The Synthetic PIC
, a VHDL PIC core design by Thomas A. Coonan
Mark Wenning's PIC projects

David Thomas' PIC programs

STOIC Engineering PIC page

Arrick Robotics PIC Microcontroller Source List

PIC FTP archive on ftp.funet.fi

S. Wieman's PIC archive
shareware LCD module code from Lipidex Corporation
Bob Blick's Electronic Projects
, including a really cool PIC16C84-based "Propeller Clock"
, a simulation of PIC-based robots
Silicon Junction
, Prashant Bhandary's PIC projects including DCC model rail control, vacuum fluorescent display drive, and more.
C compilers
SmallC Compiler v C3.0R1.1 with sources by Chris Lewis (free) (104K)
ANSI C compiler
for Microchip PIC by HI-TECH software
Development Assistant
for HI-TECH C compiler, developed by RistanCASE
PIC_C Compiler v1.0
by Collin Brendemuehl/DPC (shareware) (15K)
MPC Code Development System
by Byte Craft Limited
- A complete C virtual machine development and runtime environment, developed by Dunfield Development Systems
MediumC PIC-C compiler
with sources, developed by Janusz J. Mlodzianowski
Other languages
JAL: a free pascal-like language for the 16x84, developed by Wouter Ooyen
Free P2C Pascal-compiler
, developed by Pavel Baranov
EFORTH on the PIC17C42
by Chen-Hanson Ting (86K)
Forth to PIC compiler
for PIC 16C84, written by Michael Josefsson
IRTC - commercial FORTH compiler
, supplied by RAM Technology Systems
PICLite Language
- very simple language for mid-range PICs, designed by Myke Predko
SIL compiler
- simple BASIC/MODULA2/Pascal language for PIC16C84, designed by Lars Silen
UNIX-based Microchip PIC assembler and simulator
for the PIC16C7X, 16C8X by Randy Sargent and Anne Wright
PIC assembler and disassembler
with sources, written by Timo Rossi
- replacement for the MPASM under the terms of the Gnu Public License, developed by James Bowman
PIC16C84 disassembler
, written by Martin Darwin
Useful macros
for MPASM users, written by Ivan Genov
Hobby-Electronics practical electronics webzine, published by LLH Technology Publishing
Micro Control Journal
- Electronic design and industrial automation.
Everyday Practical Electronics magazine
, their ftp site and Editorial Department
Circuit Cellar INK
- The Computer Applications Journal and their contact page
Nuts & Volts Magazine
- Exploring Electronics & Technology to the hobbyist and professional, their Editor
Electronic Design News
- electronic technology infrormation.
Popular Electronics and Electronics Now
, [KOI] - Russian electronics magazine, their Editor
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