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Sunday's Games
2009 Season
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Welcome to the 30th season of the
Sunday Football Picks!

Check out the Week 6 story, posted at 1:31 a.m. Monday!


The Sunday Football Picks started on Sept. 7, 1980. It's a friendly family competition with no money wagered, but plenty of pride at stake. Membership requires family-member status by blood or marriage, being at least 9 years old, and having an interest in the NFL.  A lifetime commitment to the Picks is preferred.  On the other hand, severe acts unbecoming to the family can get you booted, so behave yourself.  One's weekly goal is to win every game, but choosing all the favored teams is highly frowned upon by the almighty Picks Gods because the favorites only twice have gone unbeaten, and it's just a wimpy thing to do.  Only Sunday NFL games are picked, with predictions submitted by kickoff of the day's first game. Each season traditionally ends with all members gathering on the title-clinching Sunday to partake in a silly ceremony and give congratulatory handshakes to the champion.

For info on this week's match-ups, click Sunday's Games.  To see results and stories from the current year, click 2009 Season.  For summaries of the thrilling years now behind us, click Past Seasons.  To view standings covering the past 29 years, click Picks History.  For listings honoring the all-time greats and duds, click Record Holders.  To read individual stories about past and present participants, click Member Profiles.

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