Mandy Lynn
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My early childhood
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My later childhood
Formal Events, 2004
'Ello chums! My name is Mandy. My full name is Amanda Lynn Metcalf. My social security number is...BAH HA! j/k. I am 18-years-old. I am a Clear Fork/Knox County Career Center alumnus as of June, 2005. I will be attending the Cincinnati Christian University as a music/vocal major. I love music, Broadway musicals, swing dancing, writing, hanging out with my homies, being in the city, being at the beach, amusement parks, swimming, and most of all I love Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. I plan to be a singer with a recording contract serving my Lord. If you would like to know my sense of humor, two of my favorite movies are "Napoleon Dynamite" and "Monty Python and the Holy Grail". I also currently love the movie, "Moulin Rouge." And so does your mom.
Formal Events, 2005
Me and Katie
Well, I believe I covered all my hobbies and interests up above. BAH HA. But while I'm here, how about a joke? ok- why did Tina cross the road? answer- to get the FOOD! (If you haven't seen Napoleon Dynamite, you need to.) Also, I have an important message to you- Luke.....I am YOUR MOM!
What can I say? My family and friends are  wonderfully odd.
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