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The Amazing Deception - A Critical Analysis of Christianity          Born Again... And Again         Thoughts     Feedback

The 2nd edition of The Amazing Deception is now available at Amazon.com and most good book stores.


Life of Jesus and Christian History

Interested in some little known but historically accurate views on Christianity? Do you know who truly wrote and compiled the New Testament? Who were the Christian writers? What about Church doctrines? Have you studied all the commonly accepted views, but still find them lacking? I lived most of my sixty years as a devout Christian and I feel I've heard about all of the evidence used to substantiate the validity of those New Testament teachings. In the end, there are just too many contradictions. And, although what I present here is mostly speculation it is based on deductive reason and historical facts. Facts that refute the ethereal fantasies that have evolved through Christianity. I am fully aware that most Christians view Bible criticism as a personal attack. That is not my purpose. The questions and objections I raise here are not directed at the individual, but at the organization. I am not questioning anyone's right to believe; only the belief. If my remarks sometimes appear irreverent it is because I am so. If my statements are caustic or offensive I ask that my reader disprove their validity before condemning me. It is not my intention to insult or antagonize anyone.

I have often been asked, "How do you know that what you believe is true?" My answer, "Read The Amazing Deception, I believe you'll find enough strong evidence to justify, if not prove, my position."

If you haven't recognized it, my web site title is a take-off from the rules book of card games, According To Hoyle. I chose it, not to identify myself as an authority, but to simply say "This is the way I understanding it."

This is my forum. It's very simple, consisting of only three topics. The first is a book I compiled on the history of the Church entitled, The Amazing Deception - A Critical Analysis of Christianity. The second, Born Again... and Again, is a brief biography of my life as a Christian. The third, Thoughts, is just that, ramblings of my mind. I'm vain enough to believe my viewpoints may be interesting to others, but I don't wish to force them on anyone. Read if you like--you're always free to exit.

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