Dylan Thomas was born on Friday May 17th 2002 at 504 pm. He weighed 6 lbs 4 oz and was 19 in long! Dylan was welcomed home by his brother, two year old Cody (aka: Monster). This site is designed and run by his mommy (aka: Mommy Monster).

Visit our brother site, The Monster's Lair to experience life with a toddler!

Please excuse our dust- The Pickle Jar is under heavy construction! 

Coming Attractions!

~Picture Gallery!

~Online Babybook- keep up with Pickle's development!

~Links to baby related sites, articles, and general fun stuff!

~Online scrapbook- scans of Pickle's scrapbook, posted for all the world to see.

How The Pickle Jar came to be...

A few months after my oldest son's birth, my father (Monster's and PIckle's grandfather) offered me unlimited space on his server. I didn't know where it would lead, just knew that I was going to create a page on the joy of my life- Cody.

The page grew. I added a babybook, the Monster's birth story, posted excerpts from my journal online, and created the Monster Gallery. Eventually I branched out, adding links to family friendly toddler sites. I joined webrings to get the hits up, shared the site with family and friends, and even started creating some of my own graphics for use on the site.

Last winter, my dad lost his static IP address when he changed ISP's. With no warning, Cody Monster's Lair came down. In the meantime,  I was busy getting things ready for our new arrival. I had already started Butter Bean's Garden- the forerunner to The Pickle Jar. The Garden didn't last long, and it wasn't anywhere near finished when the Lair went off the air.

Just last week, I began working on The Lair again. With a new host (geocities), a new look, and a modified title (The Monster's Lair instead of Cody Monster's Lair), the site was up in a few days' time. It was time to get The Pickle Jar up- and as you can see, it's here, it's running, even though it's running at the bare minimum.


I have dreams for this site. While The Monster's Lair focuses on toddlerhood, The Pickle Jar focuses on babyhood. I hope to eventually have an entire section of links to baby related articles. Articles on topics such as bottle feeding, breast feeding, sleeping through the night, weaning, teething and so on! So check back regularly, and share the joys of life with a baby!

~the webmistress, aka MonsterPickle Mommy~

Dylan and Grandma on the 4th of July- just swinging in the breeze.




Thank you to Cinnamon Stick Graphics for the backgrounds and icons on this page!

The Monster's Lair banner and The Pickle Jar banner are creations of Mommy Monster Graphics.

Photos are the sole property of the webmistress. Family member may email me an request copies- please don't take them from my page.

Font used in the title and on this page is Blueprint. Most any font that I use on my sites can be found below, unless otherwise posted.



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