CSSS PHX Heal / Southwest Environmental Health Asspciation Header


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We have a NEW website home - SWHEAL.ORG  

Please visit us there from now on, we will be moving there
permanently very soon.

We had been a regional chapter of H.E.A.L (Human Ecology Action League) that represented Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico for many years.  

We are NO LONGER a Regional Chapter.  We have decided to go out on our own to help others without being affiliated with the HEAL organization. We feel we can better serve our fellow MCS suffers this way.

We are here to provide volunteer help, information and support to individuals who suffer from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity.  

Our mission is to create awareness and compassion for those suffering from Multiple Chemical Sensitivity.

We work to help those who are suffering from Chemical Sensitivity and to educate others.

This illness is extremely hard to live with.  You don't have to go through it alone.  We can help by providing friendship, helping you to find information that will help enhance your way of life.











"The Kindle Reader is a great answer to help those who have MCS!"

Purchasing the kindle using our link helps benefit other MCS suffers.


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                             Copyright CSSS PHX Heal/ Southwest Environmental Health Association  2007  (Privacy Policy)  (Disclaimer)



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