Joi's Phucked Backgrounds
Some are plain, some are obnoxious...and some are plain obnoxious!

Hello and welcome to my backgrounds page. This was created mainly for me- and a way for me to store the backgrounds I create until I get some more hard drive space. LOL  But I also started doing this because when I was out there looking for backgrounds, they seemed like the same boring ones...and I wanted some pizzazz. So I started making my own.

And I've had a nice response so far- so thank you!!

Anyways, feel free to use them for whatever- webpages, wallpaper, ? These backgrounds are free and you can use them however you want; a link back is always nice but not needed.

And I will be adding quite often too.

Questions? Comments?
Any requests for colors? Are you having any trouble finding certain colors? Let me know!
Please feel free to write me at:
[email protected]

And if you want to be contacted when I update the page,
email me and I will put you on the list!  :)

How to save images for backgrounds: Place mouse over the image you want to save. Right click mouse; and highlight SAVE IMAGE AS. Wa-lah! you are in business!

page one
page two
page three
page four
page five
page six
page seven
page eight
page nine
page ten
page eleven
page twelve
page thirteen
page fourteen

Problems? Broken links? Please contact Joi at the above address!

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