At this time there are no screencaps in any episodes. All screen caps can be found proceeded by PICS on the Episode and Pics Navigation system. Some pages have multiple episodes and some episode do not have any caps.

Season One:

1. Pilot - 101 - 09.19.96
Genius Jarod, whose exceptional intelligence allows him to master any profession, flees the research complex that's exploited him for decades. This episode: Jarod poses as a doctor.

2. Every Picture Tells A Story - 102 - 09.28.96
Jarod joins the Coast Guard to expose a pair of rogue officers responsible for a fisherman's death; Miss Parker tries tapping Jarod's phone lines to locate him. Note: Broots' first appearance.

3. Flyer - 103 - 10.19.96
Jarod becomes a test pilot to investigate a defense contractor's new computer system, which he believes caused a pilot's death.

4. Curious Jarod - 104 - 10.26.96
Jarod becomes the head of security at a Las Vegas casino to investigate a showgirl's murder and help out an aging Elvis impersonator.

5. The Paper Clock - 105 - 11.02.96
Aiming to help a man wrongly sentenced for murder, Jarod becomes a lawyer and goes after the arrogant attorney protecting the real killer.

6. To Serve and Protect - 106 - 11.09.96
Jarod becomes a motorcycle cop to track down a security guard's killers.

7. A Virus Among Us - 107 - 11.16.96
Jarod becomes a virologist at an infectious disease laboratory to find out what happened to a researcher who threatened to expose a doctor's deadly experiments. Meanwhile, Miss Parker who caught the flu.

8. Not Even A Mouse - 108 - 12.14.96
Jarod investigates the death of a homeless man known as Christmas George. Sydney's twin brother Jacob makes his first appearance.

9. Mirage - 109 - 01.04.97
Jarod becomes a sky diving instructor to find out why a survivalist died; Miss Parker receives a birthday gift from Jarod.

10. The Better Part Of Valor - 110 - 01.11.97
Jarod works as a firefighter while investigating the murder of another smoke-eater; Miss Parker tries to seduce a married man. Angelo's First appearance.

11. Potato Head Blues - 111 - 01.18.97
Jarod thinks a fellow member of the bomb squad he joins is responsible for a series of explosions. Also in meanwhile, Mr. Raines uses Angelo to try to find the Centre's leak and winds up focusing on Broots. NOTE: This episode is also called Bomb Squad, but it air on NBC as Potato Head Blues.

12. Prison Story - 112 - 02.01.97
Jarod impersonates a death row guard at a prison where many of the inmates die before their sentences expire.

13. Bazooka Jarod - 113 - 02.08.97
When Jarod joins the Navy to investigate the drowning of a ship's engineer, he must outwit a security officer who doubts his credentials. Miss Parker follows Jarod's clues looking for information about the children her mother saved.

14. Ranger Jarod - 114 - 02.15.97
Jarod experiences love for the first time in his life when he is paired with a beautiful partner during his stint as a search-and-rescue ranger.

15. Jaroldo - 115 - 03.08.97
Jarod becomes a TV news photographer to investigate a staged gang shootout that badly injured another cameraman. Broots chats online with his cyber-girlfriend Dehlila. Sydney and Miss Parker get trapped in a condemned building.

16. Under The Reds - 116 - 03.22.97
Jarod investigates a fellow paramedic whom he believes is responsible for a graduate student's coma; Sydney disappears. Jarod sends Sydney info on a treatment that may help Jacob. Raines orders Miss Parker to kills Jacob; she "pretends" to do so. Jacob gives Sydney a clue - "SL 27"

17. Keys - 117 - 04.05.97
Miss Parker takes Jarod hostage during a severe hurricane, upsetting his plan to nab a maritime patrolman responsible for refugee deaths. Miss Parker recalls a traumatic Thanksgiving dinner from her youth at which Raines beat Catherine Parker. Mr. Parker's First appearance.

18. Unhappy Landings - 118 - 04.26.97
Jarod takes the role of a U.S. marshal to protect a vital witness with information about drug bosses connected to crooked marshals. Miss Parker investigates her mother's plan to remove the children from The Centre.

19. Jarod's Honor - 119 - 05.03.97
Intervening to stop a killing, Jarod becomes a hired gun in New Orleans as he continues his quest for his parents. Sydney and Miss Parker attend a twins convention.

20. Baby Love - 120 - 05.10.97
Jarod experiences fatherly instincts as he searches for the mother of a lost infant being sought by sinister authorities. Jarod's clues lead Miss Parker, Sydney and Broots to discover SL-27.

21. The Dragon House (1) - 121 - 05.17.97
Jarod becomes an FBI Agent to catch a dangerous fugitive who may have connections to the Centre. We meet adult Kyle, and first hear the phrase "I decide who lives or dies."

22. The Dragon House (2) - 122 - 05.17.97
Jarod returns to The Centre to aid Kyle, another Pretender in the clutches of Mr. Raines. Jarod discovers he has siblings - brother Kyle and sister Emily. Raines is severely burned when someone shoots his oxygen tank..

Season Two:

23. Back From The Dead Again - 201 - 11.01.97
Jarod takes the role of a professor to expose grave robbers tied to an unscrupulous scientist developing a wonder drug; Miss Parker continues her search. Jarod dresses up as Mr. Raines for Halloween.

24. Scott Free - 202 - 11.08.97
In the role of a single-armed safecracker, Jarod takes up with a vicious gang bent on a high-stakes diamond heist. Jarod discovers the Wheel-O (toy).

25. Over The Edge - 203 - 11.15.97
Jarod takes up with an emergency team to find out why one member had a tragic fall; a criminal behaviorist arrives at the Centre. Jarod discovers Spiderman and watermelons.

26. Exposed - 204 - 11.22.97
Jarod takes up a camera and joins the glamour photography circuit in an effort to find out who murdered a young female model.

27. Nip and Tuck - 205 - 12.06-97
Jarod takes up the doctor's scalpel to get back at a Beverly Hills plastic surgeon who deliberately ruined the face of a young woman. Jarod discovers "play dough."

28. Past Sim - 206 - 12.13.97
Jarod is horrified to discover that one of his earlier simulations was misused to benefit a foreign crime syndicate; Miss Parker struggles with the Centre. Jarod discovers the Magic 8 Ball toy. Broots meets Jarod for the first time. Mr. Lyle loses his thumb. Broots gets custody of his daughter Debbie, with Jarod's assistance.

29. Collateral Damage - 207 - 01.03.98
Jarod becomes a Special Forces soldier and helps the daughter of a Vietnam veteran get her father's name added to the war memorial. Jarod discovers Jell-O. Miss Parker baby-sits Debbie while Broots is in Florida on an assignment.

30. Hazards - 208 - 01.10.98
Jarod becomes a chemical waste expert to find out why an engineer attempted suicide, discovering facts along the way to absolve the man of guilt. Jarod learns the song "99 Bottles Of Beer On The Wall" Jarod discovers Twinkies. Sydney confronts his past, in the form of Dr. Krieg.

31. F/X - 209 - 01.17.98
Jarod becomes a TV special-effects expert to find out why a stuntman was injured; Miss Parker follows clues to explain her mother's death. Jarod clues Miss Parker and company in on Mr. Fenigor and Timmy/Angelo. Jarod appears to have Catherine Parker's diary, found in a safe deposit box (along with the Fenigor tape).

32. Indy Show - 210 - 01.31.98
Jarod takes the wheel of a race car to figure out what happened to a driver involved in a crippling accident. Meanwhile, Sydney has a troubling dream that leads him to his brother's side. A dying Jacob gives Sydney a clue to the past - the word "Gene" on a piece of paper.

33. Gigolo Jarod - 211 - 02.07.98
Jarod takes on the role of paid escort to get close to a housing developer who has plans to displace a low-income neighborhood for a high-rise. "Jarod Heart" writes a book called THE SADDEST LITTLE VALENTINE and leaves it for Miss Parker at an adult bookstore. Jarod discovers Valentine's Day, and various types of Valentine candy (chocolates, and candy hearts with words on them).

34. Toy Surprise - 212 - 03.07.98
Miss Parker attempts to prevent her father's assassination in a Centre plot; Jarod becomes a woodsman to help a teen-ager. Jarod warns Miss Parker about a plot to murder her father, which is detailed in a mainframe file called ARKHAM. We discover that it was young Miss Parker who first gave young Angelo a box of Cracker Jacks.

35. A Stand Up Guy - 213 - 03.14.98
Jarod becomes a counterfeiter and an undercover policeman in order to crack a Chicago crime syndicate; Miss Parker receives a difficult order. Jarod discovers SnoBall snack cakes. Mr. Parker orders Miss Parker to kill Mr. Lyle; she shoots him at a wharf, and he falls into the water.

36. Amnesia - 214 - 03.21.98
Jarod is beaten and loses his memory; Miss Parker, Sydney and Broots are questioned as to why they haven't apprehended the fleeing Jarod. Miss Parker, Sydney and Broots are interrogated by Raines and Brigitte at a "T-Board" at The Centre. This episode is also called Unforgotten, but it air on NBC as Amnesia

37. Bulletproof - 215 - 03.28.98
Jarod takes a place on a SWAT team to see why a member was killed; Sydney seeks the love of his life. Jarod discovers Chia pets. Sydney finds out he has a son.

38. Silence - 216 - 04.04.98
Jarod takes the role of child psychologist to help a boy break through his wall of silence and testify after seeing a mob murder. We meet Dannie/Einnad.

39. Crash - 217 - 04.11.98
Jarod discovers a cover-up while posing as a government flight inspector investigating an airplane crash; Miss Parker, Sydney and Broots attend a reunion. We learn some history about Mr. Lyle, aka Bobby Bowman.

40. Stolen - 218 - 05.02.98
Miss Parker closes in on Jarod as he takes the troubling role of an ailing, wealthy man whose son has been kidnapped; Jarod remembers his abduction. Jarod recalls the night of his kidnapping by The Centre.

41. Red Rock Jarod - 219 - 05.02.98
Both Jarod and Miss Parker are trapped by Mr. Lyle after arriving in the Arizona desert; Jarod finds assistance from someone he thought was dead. Two dead people return - Lyle and Kyle. Lyle kills Kyle, and escapes into the night.

42. Bank - 220 - 05.08.98
Jarod and Miss Parker meet a stranger with a key to their pasts, who is then shot in an attempted bank robbery. We see Jarod and Miss Parker working together toward a common goal - getting information about the past from Mr. Fenigor before he dies.

43. Bloodlines (1) - 221 - 05.16.98
Jarod is determined to prevent another kidnapping; Miss Parker discovers she has a twin. Jarod researches the eight Red Files. We learn about Project Prodigy and NuGenesis. Angelo is able become Timmy again.

44. Bloodlines (2) - 222 - 05.16.98
Miss Parker finds Jarod, the child he rescued and Angelo/Timmy. Broots finds an old DSA of Miss Parker's birth - which reveals that she has a twin, who she thinks is Angelo. Angelo give up his last treatment to save a child from becoming like him, which makes him turn back into Angelo. Sydney blows up SL27.

Season Three:

45. Crazy - 301 - 10.17.98
Jarod, Miss Parker and Mr. Lyle survive the explosion; Jarod goes under cover to find a murderer; Miss Parker learns her brother's identity. We discover that everyone survived the season finale explosion except sweeper Gar (who wasn't even *in* SL27). Sydney is temporarily blind as an aftereffect of the explosion ... or by his own sense of guilt. Miss Parker finds out that Mr. Lyle is her twin.

46. Hope and Prey - 302 - 10.24.98
Jarod experiences the world of the bounty hunter as he seeks an American Indian activist who has a price on his head. Jarod meets a young man who claims to have once been rescued by Jarod's father, Major Charles. Angelo leads Miss Parker to CA543 (a Center Archive box), which contains the gun that killed her mother; the gun has a Circle of Fire insignia on it. We learn about the Circle of Fire, and hear from Angelo and Major Charles to "follow the circle" to get to the truth (this idea apparently being later completely abandoned by the writers).

47. Once in a Blue Moon - 303 - 10.31.98
To save a teen-age victim, Jarod learns the skills of criminal behaviorists and comes face-to-face with the Blue Moon Killer. We find out about Annie, Mr. Raines' daughter - who died because young Jarod wouldn't get into the mind of her killer.

48. Someone to Trust - 304 - 11.07.98
Jarod poses as an arsonist to expose a corrupt attorney, but faces unexpected accusations when the attorney is found dead. Jarod falls in love with Kristi (despite the fact that his pretend research should have told him enough about her to prevent that). We learn about Lyle's mail order Oriental bride - who was murdered. Jarod reminds Miss Parker of something her mother once said: Trust can kill you, or set you free.

49. Betrayal - 305 - 11.14.98
Jarod teams up with Broots to find the culprit in a shootout at the Centre's Data Annex, a former operative named Damon. Broots gets to work with Jarod again. Broots gets "ghosted" by The Centre - Lyle thinks he may be a traitor (an idea Miss Parker greets with contempt). Miss Parker "rescues" Debbie Broots and has Sam watch over her while Broots is unable to care for her. We find out what drove Jarod to escape The Centre - their betrayal of him, using Damon. Jarod kills someone for the first time (Damon); it was the only way to save Broots' life.

50. Parole - 306 - 11.21.98
Jarod portrays a paroled convict to aid a widow; Sydney learns startling news while consoling an old lover whose husband is dying. Sydney reunites with Michelle and his son Nicholas, after Jarod informs him that Michelle's husband is dying.

51. Homefront - 307 - 12.12.98
Jarod steals millions from the Centre, then poses as an arms dealer selling missile launchers to a weapons merchant in Venezuela.

52. Flesh and Blood - 308 - 01.02.99
Jarod takes on the role of a tracking expert to help find four teachers, including Sydney's son, Nicholas, who are taken hostage in the Appalachian hills.

53. Murder 101 - 309 - 01.09.99
Jarod takes over a criminal psychology class and teaches a lesson in committing a flawless murder before tracking down three suspected killers.

54. Mr. Lee - 310 - 02.06.99
A blind man and his assistant piece together Jarod's personality so they can kidnap him.

55. The Assassin - 311 - 02.06.99
Jarod helps a former CIA computer analyst who must assassinate a U.S. senator to free her children from a kidnapper; Miss Parker meets her new neighbor. Thomas Gates' First appearance. Miss Parker Love Affair Begins!

56. Unsinkable - 312 - 02.13.99
Jarod tries to help his new friend Argyle pay off a loan but winds up caught in a turf war between two Atlantic City loan sharks.

57. Pool - 313 - 02.20.99
Jarod challenges a pool hustler to get evidence linking the man to the murder of a young woman's father; Miss Parker tries to prevent Brigitte's marriage.

58. At the Hour of Our Death - 314 - 02.27.99
Jarod and Miss Parker each face life-threatening experiences after his plane crashes and she's rushed to an ER. They recall a childhood incident where they and Angelo met a dying girl named Faith at the Centre.

59. Countdown - 315 - 03.20.99
Jarod races against time to locate the father of an injured boy with a rare blood disorder.

60. P.T.B. - 316 - 04.03.99
Jarod fills in for a radio talk show host who disappeared after a violent confrontation with a threatening caller; Thomas asks Miss Parker to relocate.

61. Ties That Bind - 317 - 04.10.99
Jarod goes under cover to investigate a law firm that has a suspicious history of silencing witnesses; Miss Parker declares she is leaving the Centre.

62. Wake Up - 318 - 05.01.99
Thomas is brutally murdered in Miss Parker's home by an unknown assailant; Jarod finds clues leading to a drug addict who later dies of an overdose.

63. End Game - 319 - 05.08.99
The kidnapping of a young chess prodigy brings Jarod a little too close to his own demons -- and to the attention of an FBI criminal profiler ('Profiler' crossover). Meanwhile, Miss Parker gets unsettling news from Brigitte, and about Brigitte.

PRO 61. Grand Master - 319 - 05.08.99
Sam continues to study the case of Bryce Banks, whose life might still be in danger. Her fears are proven right when Bryce disappears. She suspects the enigmatic Father is using the boy in his revenge plans.

64. Qallupilluit - 320 - 05.22.99
Jarod heads for Alaska to find his father, only to find himself trapped with a research team whose numbers are dropping rapidly -- and bloodily.

65. Donoterase (1) - 321 - 05.22.99
Jarod's reunion with his father is marred by news of the Centre's latest project -- a teenaged clone of Jarod himself. From outside the Centre, Jarod and his father plan a rescue, while Miss Parker must face new truths from inside the Centre.

66. Donoterase (2) - 322 - 05.22.99
Jarod's reunion with his father is marred by news of the Centre's latest project -- a teenaged clone of Jarod himself. From outside the Centre, Jarod and his father plan a rescue, while Miss Parker must face new truths from inside the Centre.

Season Four:

67. The World's Changing - 401 - 09.25.99
Once again a prisoner of the Centre, Jarod discovers a plot to murder a team of nuclear researchers, giving him even more motivation to escape. Meanwhile, Sydney and Broots try to find Miss Parker and Miss Parker tries to find her father -- and figure out who to trust.

68. Survival - 402 - 10.02.99
Jarod joins the Army CID to investigate the suicide of a soldier in POW survival training. Meanwhile, he gives Mr. Lyle and Miss Parker a taste of that training by trapping them together in a shipping container.

69. Angel's Flight - 403 - 10.30.99
Jarod infiltrates a Goth con game to locate a missing girl. Meanwhile, a faceless wax head sent by Jarod leaves Miss Parker and company trying to fill in the pieces.

70. Risque Business - 404 - 11.06.99
Jarod pretends to be a sex therapist to investigate a brutal assault on a doctor. Meanwhile, Broots tries to summon up the courage to reveal his feelings to Miss Parker. 'Daronex' is not actually a real drug. Nor is Pronil. Pronil is actually a city in Poland

71. Road Trip - 405 - 11.13.99
Jarod finds himself on a road trip to help a mysterious young woman, whom he falls for. Meanwhile, he tells Miss Parker, Sydney and Broots to 'follow the yellow brick road'.

72. Extreme - 406 - 12.04.99
Jarod Pretends to be an extreme sports enthusiast in order to learn what happened to a comatose young man. Meanwhile, Miss Parker, Sydney, and Broots follow Jarod's "game show" clues, and find themselves investigating Mr. Lyle.

73. Wild Child - 407 - 12.11.99
Jarod Pretends to be a psychologist to help a young girl found living alone in the wilderness. Meanwhile. Miss Parker finds out a Centre contract has been taken out on her father's life, leading her to look more closely at Mr. Cox.

74. Rules of Engagement - 408 - 01.08.00
Jarod tries to stop a hostage situation in a hospital. Miss Parker is confused by an encounter with her father.

75. 'Til Death Do Us Part - 409 - 01.15.00
On the anniversary of Thomas' death, Jarod challenges a haunted Miss Parker to resume her hunt for his killer. But the search leads back to her father and Brigitte, who is close to giving birth.

76. Spin Doctor - 410 - 02.05.00
Jarod tries to track down the killer of a man who helped him escape from The Centre. Meanwhile, Miss Parker tries to help Sydney deal with his past. (Profiler Crossover) Jarod Discovers: Cup-O-Soup

PRO73. Clean Sweep - 410 - 02.05.00
The action continues in Part 2 when "The Pretender's" Jarod (Michael T. Weiss) and the FBI's Rachel Burke discover that the two dirty Secret Service agents, who are their most direct link to the killers of a fellow agent, are found slain, forcing them to begin their investigation all over again. However, while romantic sparks fly between the pair, Jarod suddenly disappears and is tortured by the murderer (as Baxter, guest star TBA), who is on a crazed mission to eliminate everyone he thinks is involved in the agency's corruption.

77. Cold Dick - 411 - 02.12.00
Jarod becomes a Las Vegas private investigator to save a showgirl in trouble with with the mob. Meanwhile, Broots' fantasies suddenly become a little too real.

78. Lifeline - 412 - 02.19.00
Jarod becomes a bodyguard to reunite an undercover ATF agent and her daughter. Meanwhile. Miss Parker sets out to prove Raines' religious 'conversion' is nothing of the kind.

79. Ghosts From The Past - 413 - 02.26.00
Jarod infiltrates a white supremacist group to stop the bombing of a Unity event. Meanwhile, Angelo fights his way through Jarod's past to find the old enemy currently threatening Jarod's life. This episode marks Michael T. Weiss directorial debut.

80. The Agent Of Year Zero - 414 - 03.11.00
Jarod tries to help a Cambodian woman avenge the death of her family at the hands of a war criminal -- who is also an ally of Mr. Lyle. Meanwhile, Miss Parker tracks that connection from the Centre.

81. Junk - 415 - 03.25.00
Jarod goes undercover as a junkie in a rehab clinic to help a woman regain custody of her son. Meanwhile, Miss Parker and company find Jarod's connection to the woman through her father and the Centre.

82. School Daze - 416 - 04.22.00
Jarod poses as an elementary school teacher to protect a young witness in a murder trial. Meanwhile, Miss Parker encounters a ghost from the past. Jarod Discovers: Corn Dogs. This episode marks Jon Gries directorial debut.

83. Meltdown - 417 - 04.29.00
Jarod infiltrates a gang of burglars to discover which of them killed a little girl. Meanwhile, an email that isn't there leads Miss Parker to someone who might have answers about her mother's death.

PRO81. Pianissimo - 418 - 04.29.00
When a talented concert pianist is found slain, Rachel suspects the victim's prodding parents until she discovers the young woman was pregnant and that her baby was forcibly delivered and kidnapped. But her biggest surprise comes when Jarod re-surfaces at her door. While the two indulge their mutual romantic passion, Jarod's mission is to help her deal with the threat posed by Marks, a fugitive FBI agent who delights in tormenting her.

84. Corn Man - 418 - 05.06.00
Jarod follows the trail of a kidnapping, documented by a camcorder he finds in a pawn shop. Meanwhile, Miss Parker continues her search for Edna Raines, with Jarod's help.

85. The Inner Sense (1) - 419 - 05.13.00
Jarod finally locates his sister Emily, just in time to see her nearly assassinated by The Centre. Meanwhile, Miss Parker's search of the secrets behind her mother's death lead her and Jarod to the same place -- and a mysterious young man named Ethan whose foster parents were killed by Raines. Broots finds a DSA that clearly shows Catherine Parker alive when she was supposed to be dead.

86. The Inner Sense (2) - 420 - 05.13.00
Broots finds another DSA with Catherine and a young Jarod after her alleged death. Catherine told Jarod a secret. Miss Parker captures Jarod only to take him to her house where Sydney is waiting to hypnotize him so she can retrieve the information her mother told him. Miss Parker and Jarod discover they share Ethan as a brother and that Raines has been messing with him. Jarod finds Ethan in a subway car with a bomb. Jarod convinces Ethan to trust him but they are unable to stop the bomb. They reroute the car but when they are about to leap from the train car Miss Parker stops them. Jarod convinces her to leave with them and they all run to the exit at the end of the car. It ends with the car exploding.


1. The Pretender 2001 - 01.22.01
Jarod and Miss Parker learn more about their pasts, as Jarod attempts to stop another Pretender from seeking revenge against the powers that be at The Centre.

2. The Pretender: Island of the Haunted - 12.10.01
Through a series of bizarre circumstances, Jarod and Miss Parker find themselves trapped together on a strange island in a life and death situation, out of which come some of the most important revelations about their pasts. NOTE: Kim Myers who plays Jarod's Mother, Margaret makes uncredited appearance.
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