Visit  Php
Welcome to P.I. The Philippines, the voice of Asia.

If you are reading this web page you are about to experience a trip to one of the most beautiful group of Islands anywhere in the world.

In fact there are 7108 of them, many uninhabited but all surrounded by nature's true climate conditions, hot summers, warm wet winters.

The Philippines has the true feel of Asia, the food, the culture, the history but here more than any other place, the people make a difference.  The Filipino shows his joy ,his heart on his face, by his smile and his presence.  When you hear the phrase lets means just that!

If it will be your first trip, pack lightly, bring a digital camera, shorts, walking shoes and a back pack so you can shop till you drop, experience the Manila thrill.

The surrounding country side has it all, the smallest monkey, the smallest fish, the smallest deer.  The inventors of the florescent light tube, tiger prawns, the orchid and the antena used on the moon by the apollo team. Home to Manny 'packman' Pacquiao, Efren "the magician" Reyes, the Philippines has its fair share off publicity.

For me its greatest achievement is the gift to the entire world of free speech.  This is the home of People Power and you will love it!
The Beauty of  Nature
Where to look for Information
WoW Philippines
Every thing official about the philippines
Introduction to the Philippines
Every one Should Visit "The Philippine Islands"
Name: Cultural Lover
Email: [email protected]
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