O dobrem vojaku Švejkovi, 1986-88

Obsah/ Komentař

Puppet animated serial about Soldier Švejk after the book of Jaroslav Hašek, which does no need to be explained again. We all know, how Švejk fools the authorities and the military and so fools the madness of first world war.

Dil�: (25 min)

1. Švejkovo zasahnuti do svžtove valky
2. Švejk jde na vojnu
3. Švejk vojenskym sluhou nadporucika Lukase
4. Švejkovy nehody ve vlaku
5. Z Putimi do Putimi
6. Švejkovy prihody v Kiralihyde
7. Pres Uhry
8. Z Hatvanu do Halice
9. Marschieren Marsch!

Kr�tk� Film (Jiř� Trnka Studio) + TV 2000 + SWF Baden-Baden

Režie: Stanislav Latal
Animace: Stanislav Latal, Josef Lada

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