A Hamster Wonderland
In the wild, hamsters live in burrows full of tunnels, chambers, and exits.  Each room is created for a different purpose.  You can recreate this habitat by making your hamster its own wonderland.

A hamster wonderland consists of several regular-sized cages, and other medium and small compartments, linked together by tubes.  Your hamster will use each room for something different, and each of the cage doors provide a different "exit" during play time.  A hamster wonderland doesn't have to all be bought and put together on one date: start with a regular-sized cage and over time, add on different areas and more tubes.  Soon your hamster will have a huge area in which to live!

You will have to start with a cage that can easily be linked to other cages and compartments using tubes.  The best thing to do is to buy a cage that is advertised for this feature; the company will sell all sorts of add-on items as well as the cage, and will also sell the tubes to link everything together.  You can also link two or more of these cages together, as seen below.  If you have a wire cage, but wish to start a hamster wonderland, adapters are sold that will allow you to connect the wire cage to cages that are designed to be linked (the adapter fits over the door and seals it, leaving a circular opening through which you can insert a tube).
- three Habitrail Safari cages linked together with Habitrail Safari tubes: a great beginning for a large hamster wonderland!
However, small compartments are as equally important as large cages.  Hamsters use them to store food, to sleep, or as a toilet area; the more the better!

Once you have a sufficient number of cages and compartments, you could try specializing the different rooms.  Here are some ideas: exercise room, "outdoor" room, underground hideout, toilet room, food storage, sleeping area...  Although you may expect your hamster to use the room for this purpose, don't be surprised if your hamster chooses to use it for something completely different!

You'll have fun rearranging the tubes and add-ons every month or so!

* all hamster burrows have and escape exit to the surface; you could simulate this by creating a vertical tube that leads to a compartment (or cage) where you put your hamster's fresh food.

* hamsters almost always reserve one small room for sleeping, and one or more rooms for toilet and food storage.  When you are filling the cages and compartments with bedding and toys keep this in mind; but don't be surprised if your hamster feels the need to "redecorate" every so often by switching around what you put in.

About Hamsters
Buying a Hamster
Hamster Care

Homemade Toys
Photo Album
The Cage

Finding a Lost
Dealing with Hamster
An Interesting Life
Visits to the Garden
A Hamster Arena
Hamster Wonderland
Simple Tips
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