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Awfi, Sadid al-Din Muhammad ibn Muhammad Buhari: Javami al-hikayat va lavami al rivayat; (Compendiums of Reports and Illumination of Narratives) (1228)

Taken from:

(Anecdote 1974) An account of the earliest alliance by marriage between Iran and Turkistan: Balaj or Balh (?), the king of Turkistan, gives his daughter to the King of Iran called Hasanawayh or Hastawayh (?); the King of Iran sends among other presents a Zangi, a curiosity which the people of Turkistan had never seen before; the Zangi becomes a favorite of the King, and seizing his opportunity kills the King, makes himself the ruler, and becomes famous in Turkistan as Qara Khan.

(Annecdote1975) An account of a few peculiarities of the Zangis  eg. fencing with poisoned spears - eating snakes - making special flexible bows and super-fine shields from the hide of an animal called Malt (or Lamt)

(Anecdote 2059)
The Giraffe: structure of the body, various theories about its origin and birth, supposed to be an animal of mixed breeds, hence the Persians call it camel-ox-leopard. Refutation of this theory by the great naturalist, al-Jahiz

Mohammed Aufi : Lubab-al-Al-bab, (The essence of wisdom)
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Taken from : Annemarie Schimmel; A two colored Brocade: the imagery of Persian Poetry
(oldest biographical work on Persian poetry)
Also called: Awfi, Sadid al-Din Muhammad ibn Muhammad Buhari:
A poet called Sandali is quoted expressing the wish that his patron might be happy. (Sandali means eunuch.)

as long as around the faces of the Turks exist Hindu-like curls,
as long as this clamor comes from the Negroes to the dust of Byzantium,
may your smallest fief be Turk and Hind and Rum (Byzantium) and Zanj..
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