The Islamic Apartheid that created a myth on Israel

The very APARTHEID bastion of the world, otherwise known as the ‘Islamic world’, or the totalitarian dictatorships inc. where no one is ever equal there, not women, not one class to the other, not one minority has any decent rights, but persecuted in the regular Arab racism’s supremacy & Islamic apartheid, or Islamo fascism.

In order to divert attention from the real criminals of apartheid in this world [or to disperse their populations' resentment of the oppressive regimes], and much much worse then that [to say the least], they, in their collective hatred & Apartheid motivation against the ‘non Arab’ the ‘non Muslim’ entity AKA Israel, to deny it’s right to exist, have come up with a myth about “apartheid in Israel”, what it actually means is that if democratic & free Israel dares to defend it’s self from a Racist Arab terrorist it is doomed to be branded as an “apartheid” system.

The sad part is of course that some have been bought by Arab oil money like Jimmy Carter, but the world should not let the magic sand cover the Arabian monsters including those “freedom fighters” fascists in Gaza that oppress Christians or those “moderate” ‘Palestinians’ that try to ethnic cleanse all Jews from the land, and so far there’s not one Jewish family under “moderate” fascist ‘palestine’.


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