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Hearing and listening are not the same. Hearing refers to the ability to perceive a sound. Listening refers to paying attention and attaching meaning to what has been heard. Hearing is a passibe process. Listening is an active process.

Listening is a skill that develops. Children vary in their ability to be good listeners, depending on age and skill level. What can you do to help improve listening skills?

Model good listening behaviors.
Show interest by allowing the child to control the conversation. Take the time to listen. Stop what you are doing, if possible, and give your full attention as you listen. Set aside specific times for sharing conversation.
Make certain that you speak in a form that the child can comprehend.
Vocabulary and sentence structure should be appropriate to the child's age. New words can be introduced but should not interfere with the message. If the message is too difficult to understand, children will stop listening.
Repeat and/or rephrase your message.
Sometimes simply repeating a statement that was not understood initially is all that is needed. At other times, it is more helpful to rephrase, using different words.
Offer additional cues to aid listening.
Use gestures, like pointing or other body and facial movements, to relay information.
Make sure that you have the child's attention.
Remove distractions. Eliminate background noises, such as the television, radio, or electronic games.
Use game-like activities.
Ask the younger child silly questions: "Can you write with a banana?" Older children enjoy questions more in the form of a riddle: "Who is my sister's mother's brother's son?" My cousin!
Encourage listening to tape-recorded stories.
Have the child retell the story or answer questions.

Good listening is an important skill needed for academic and social success. Please contact me if you have any concerns about listening skills.

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