Shalom, welcome,

I am an Orthodox Jew with an open door to people who are looking for more information about conversion to Judaism.

I do not convert people nor am I a missioniser.� I am a convert myself and know from my own experience how hard it can be to get started with studies, finding a rabbi, or just deciding whether or not Judaism is the right way for you.

I am a co-founder of a group online for people who are seeking or have undergone a Halachic Orthodox conversion, who are studying for conversion or who are interested in conversion.� This club is purely for providing help and support for Orthodox converts.

The main mean of communication is via message-board, but there is also a chatroom available, where members can exchange their experiences and talk to people with the same interests.
There is an extended link-section and and files uploaded by our members.

All members are free to post messages (questions, answers, stories, articles), add links or photo's.� The group is moderated, only postings on topic are accepted and - as we are of the opinion that there are enough other places online for interfaith discussions - participation of missionisers is not allowed.�

You find the address of the group listed under the links of this page.
Halachic Conversion, the only option?
Article by Y. Herskowitz
Subjects to know for conversion
It's about learning and pride
Kitty's journey
Orthodox Conversion To Judaism, learning for Halachic converts.
Email us your suggestions for this page.
Thanks for visiting us:
Created in december 2000

We Are Listed With HaReshima

Last updated in february 2004
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