Norte del Valle Cartel [Bustamante Organization]


Wilmer "Don Hairo" Alirio Varela
Leader of a Norte del Valle cell which move masive amounts of cocaine into the southern district of the United States. New York was the prime area of distribution for Bustamante according to a 2003 federal indictment. Bustamante was seized by Cuban authorities on July 2, 2004 and held on a charge of carrying a false Mexican passport. Bustamante finds himself in an uncomfortable position as high ranking Norte del Valle leaders such as Don Diego and Wilbur Varela have questioned Bustamante's loyalty to the organization. It was long feared that Rasguno would seek a deal inorder to secure a lenient sentence should he find himself extradited to the U.S.

  Those fears were apparently well founded as his admission to supplying 60% of the found in the U.S., as the leader of a faction aligned with the Norte del Valle Cartel. The total value of the 1.1 million pounds of cocaine supplied by Rasguno to the U.S., market has been valued in excess of $10 billion between 1990 and 2004. In his absence control of the cell went to Jose Aldemar Rendon Ramirez.

Luis Enrique "Combatiente" Calle
Authorities believe Diego Perez Henao conspired with Luis Enrique "Combatiente" Calle and AUC commander Carlos Mario "Macaco" Jimenez to effect the murder of Don Hairo. As a result the organization run so effectively by Don Hairo was split three ways with signs of tension showing between the three chiefs. One piece of the puzzle was solved when Jimenez was extradited to the United States shortly after Don Hairo's murder. Diego Rastrojo has jockied for power with Calle but has been given a slight edge in the quest for total control following the arrest and detention of 112 members of Calle's organization.

President (Rastrojas)

"Diego Rastrojo" Diego Perez Henao
Authorities believe Diego Perez Henao conspired with Luis Enrique "Combatiente" Calle and AUC commander Carlos Mario "Macaco" Jimenez to effect the murder of Don Hairo. As a result the organization run so effectively by Don Hairo was split three ways with signs of tension showing between the three chiefs. One piece of the puzzle was solved when Jimenez was extradited to the United States shortly after Don Hairo's murder. Diego Rastrojo gradually conceded power to Calle but quickly re-established himself as the dominant figure in the organizations leadership structure after securing an alliance with Angel Gabriel "Edgar Tovar" Lozada to export cocaine to the United States, Mexico, Peru, Spain, Italy, Venezuela, Ecuador and Peru. The move came in the aftermath of the detention of Combatiente on trafficking charges.

Vice President

"El Doctor" Javier Antonio Calle Serna
Calle-Serna and his brother cut their teeth woking under Don Hairo. The duo rose to prominence controlling the shipment routes and laboratory operations which earned him the nickname "El Doctor." The organizational talents and laboratory expertise of the Doctor are among the attributes which give the Calle brothers a slight edge over the Rastrojas in terms of quality of product produced. However the terms of the agreement between the Calle oganization and the Rastrojas which calls for the Calle boys to leave Medellin and Antioquia to the Rastrojas. It appears as though the recent crackdown aimed at the Rastrojas may provide a gap to wide for the Calle's to ignore.

Board of Directors

Ramon "Lucas" Quintero San Clemente
Long recognized as a major figure within Norte del Valle trafficking circles, as evidenced by his inclusion in a 1999 south Florida indictment charging drug and money violations. SanClemente received further publicity when he was again mentioned prominently in connection with the laundering activities of Don Hairo's organization. Following the bosses murder in 2008, investigators believed San Clemente would emerge to challenge for control of the organization but he chose to remain in the shadows while others vied publicly for control of the lucrative operation.

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