Fic Teaser

So... recently it was brought to my attention that I've forgotten to put the teaser up here for this.


Please don't kill me. I have most it plotted, but not much of it written. Not only that, but what I have written is in a note book. And being in a notebook, it doesn't help us when we're trying to see it on the computer screen!

So here's the teaser. You know the pairings, 1x2x1, 3x4x3. Wufei is in the story, but he doesn't matter at the moment. I really don't know how strongly he's going to appear in this one. This is going to be a male pregnancy fic.

Yeah, yeah, improbable. Whatever- this is going to be probable as it's a result of a virus gone wrong. The Preventers heard about a biological warefare lab that started up in ... somewhere. Word on the information market had it that they were creating a virus that would attack the lymph nodes, and use them to produce chemicals that made the individual exposed sterile, then it would cause the body to start producing chemicals that inhibited cell reproduction and the production of white blood cells. This would leave the victim sterile, with no immune system and falling apart.

The Preventers hacked into the lab's computer system and discovered that the lab had a bomb production lab in the mid-western USA. The Preventers also discovered that the coding for the virus wasn't kept on any of the computers. The bad guys have gotten smart. Not only that, but they couldn't pinpoint the location of the bomb producing lab until it sent out the bombs. It's that whole failed networking thing. The bad guys didn't link their bases. Wufei led the team that attacked the known base, but unfortunately didn't manage to get the scientists before they had a chance to transmit the coding to the bomb lab.

However, the scientists who created and sent out the code ended up locating the bomb lab for the preventers by getting the virus info to them.

The other four recieved the go-ahead to knock out the other base, but unfortunately the bomb lab produced two bombs and got them sent out before the base fell.

Heero and Duo went to the east coast and Quatre and Trowa went to the west coast. They managed to locate and capture the bombs, but found out that the bad guys were still smart as the bombs would go off if they tampered with them in any way. They could move them, but that was it.

So they all had one hour to get the bombs out of LA and NYC to a safe location to explode on their own away from people. Meanwhile the virus code was sent to a Preventer lab to be checked out so they could find a way to combat it if anyone was exposed.

Unfortunately, Trowa and Quatre were too close down wind of their bomb when it went off and they got exposed. Heero and Duo also got exposed due to the fact that the bomb exploded mid air causing their plane to crash. They all survived, but time was off the essence.

And that, my friends, is as much of a teaser as I'm going to give you. *grins* Look for Chemical Equation sometime within the next four months! (hopefully)

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