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The Murphy CBH1500 Homebase was a cheap Cb from the 80's. I remember my one I bought new from Hewards Homestores in Birmingham in 1985 costing me in the region of �50 which, for a new homebase was a very good price.
They were by no means the best.. they suffered from close broadband (not as bad as some though) and the squelch was "clunky" when it dropped in and out (noticeable at night when radio was turned down) and if you listened closely there was some mains hum due to the manufacturers not using a shielded transformer but other than that... not bad.
For some reason they were very popular and even I still have mine. True it has mid and splits + a k-tone bleep and has had the transformer removed (now runs off 12v) and is "cybernet" wired, so its by no means standard  but I became attached to it and with all the rigs ive bought and sold in the past..I kept this one.
This page may help you understand the radio better
The first thing I normally do when i get one of these radios is to re-wire the back of the mic socket so its "cybernet" and more mic friendly than it would otherwise be as its original wiring is a bit unique. Basically it is cybernet but 90 degrees out of sync. The two pictures below show you what to do..
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With these radio's also, the meter plate comes loose and jams the needles. If this happens a strip down of the front panel is needed (not difficult but takes time) and the meter removing, opening carefully and the plate glueing back down. When this has been re-assembled and fitted back in situ, I  move the meter bulb and fit it to the top of the meter. That way the meter lights a whole lot better. The original wires should just stretch enough to do this.

Then I take a red and black wire from the 12v input part of the board and wire them to the back panel. This allows you to run small accessories off the built in PSU or, it allows you to externally power the radio via a 12vDC supply... ie in the car or a battery if where you live is prone to power cuts.
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