GINGERSNAPS FOR OEDIPUS AND THE ULTIMATE FAILURE OF ART OR: SN;AFU 1/3 Author OneMillionAndNine Feedback: (Don't bother telling me I'm just sick; I already know) Rating: Seriously NC-17; not a speck of fluff Archive: Sure Spoilers: SuZ Summary: yet another take on the first time for our heroes. A veritable angst-o-rama. Disclaimer: If The X-files belonged to me the word Samhain would be pronounced correctly and Teena Mulder would have, at least once before she died, referred to Scully as "The Shiksa". Category: V, A, MSR Notes: Thanks to MaybeAmanda for asking good questions and keeping me from posting fic that looks like it was done by e.e. cummings on mescaline. Warning: CONTAINS A MEDITATION ON OEDIPUS REX and some very graphic, very unsafe sex. Probably not the single most wholesome depiction of The King of Pain ever to grace a computer screen. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX PART I : FREUD I steadfastly refuse to blame my mother. I mean it. Show me a man without an Oedipus complex and I'll show you an orphan. . .since birth. We all have them. Maybe I'm on the far side of the spectrum, but it is a universal condition. So what if mine is slightly more pronounced? Slightly? If Scully had a clue, she'd vomit and ask for a reassignment - not necessarily in that order. Or maybe not. Maybe she guesses. Maybe she knows exactly how much I have in common with the bozo we have been in lovely Detroit profiling. Maybe I'm not in his league, but we are definitely practitioners of the same sport. Somehow. I can't see the topic coming up, no matter how long the stake out was. {"Hey Scully, I ever tell you about the time I got a woody for Mom?"} She'd rather hear about mothmen. Or Reticulans. Or liver eating mutants. So would I. So would I. I don't know why they even bothered tocall us in. A chimp could have put the pieces together. Byron Sheets might as well be strutting around the Motor City wearing a shirt that says I KILLED EIGHT WOMEN AND ALL I GOT WAS THIS LOUSY T-SHIRT AND A HARD-ON. All we had to do was realize that a month before the murders began there had been a grave desecration where the body had been defiled in amanner that was virtually identical to our killer's work. Such as it is. As serial killers go, he's not particularly Enigmatic, or even interesting - just a Garden Variety Oedipus gone bad. More than a few narcissistic elements to his personality, not exactly a paragon of social skills, he nonetheless has good grooming and manages to get the women to go willingly with him. He is tall but his manner is so unassuming that the victims can't seem to imagine a viable threat coming from the boy. Boy. Scully maintains that crushing women's pelvises with a mallet qualifies him as a man. I say no matter how you slice it, 19 is a boy: look at the bodies, look at the evidence, talk to a few neighbors and school officials, and there it is. Pretty cut and dried, really. Young, single mother is emotionally isolated and completely unprepared for the responsibility of parenthood. Young mother tries to compensate for her ambivalent feelings by focusing her entire life on the boy while also forcing said boy to meet all her emotional needs. By the time the boy hits puberty, the sexual culmination, probably initiated by the mother, is almost a foregone conclusion. However, as he neared adulthood and his organic bipolar disorder began to assert itself more aggressively, Mom attempted unsuccessfully to end the sexual relationship. In the end, she thought she could only cut him off permanently by committing suicide. Only he was more persistent than she imagined. First, with her corpse, then a series of women with the misfortune to strike a sexual chord with him. Broken pelvis followed by rape and strangulation.Scully says the rape and strangulation took place simultaneously. Ain't love grand? I don't know why he is getting to me like this. I am nothing like him. Teena Mulder was no Rebecca Sheets. Where's the cheesy band with the velour jackets? Something's wrong. John Coltrane is playing in this stupid Holiday Inn Lounge. Well, a recording of John Coltrane, and I am helpless. I rarely drink, but I'm drinking now, and at the mercy of my brain, which is replaying one terrible memory among so many. Not the most horrific, just the most sickening. Really, I'm tone deaf. Shockingly, bizarrely, tone deaf. Coltrane is the only music without words I can recognize. Why? Because I heard the same album every Thursday for 16 years, that's why. A LOVE SUPREME. It's so fucking funny that I could stick my head in the oven. Like mother, like son. Thursday was the maid's day off. We went through more than a few, but that was canon - Thursday was her day off, whoever she was. Thursday was also 'our day' - the day when, instead of going off with her friends, Mom played cards with me from 4 to 6. She smoked; I ate gingersnaps straight out of the bag. I remember trying to work up the nerve to tell her I was going to Quantico. I was 24 and I had just come down from Oxford with my Ph.D. She was expecting me to enter private practice. The very idea seemed incredible - exactly what did she think I had to offer a patient? She saw through me the minute I told her. Both of us smoking at opposite ends of the kitchen table, cards in hand. Of course, it was Thursday. She listened to me talk about joining the FBI, but she knew my real words were "I'm going to look for Sam." Her reply was a bottle of gin, a bowl of olives, the vermouth, and two glasses. Not exactly heartwarming, but at least it was a reaction. She hadn't pushed me away, so I followed her lead, got drunk, martini after increasingly sloppy martini, and kept playing cards. In retrospect, I would have been better off with the gingersnaps. She won. Of course, she won. She didn't know how to do anything else. Then she asked me to take her to a movie. And I did. Of course, I did. She was not a warm comfortable mother like Scully's mom. Even before she lost Samantha, she was distant and preoccupied. I've often wondered if she had some sort of attachment disorder, or was suffering from major depression, or if, perhaps, she just didn't like us. Maybe she was afraid to get close because she knew what was in store. I never knew the smell of her body, just the smell of her perfume. A succession of maids were more involved in my day-to-day life than Mom was, so I knew enough to take what I could get from her. She wanted to go see a Thin Man double feature at a local art house theater. She was drunk. I was drunk. Everyone on the screen was drunk. Teena Mulder, in her pearls and beige lambs wool twin set, had brought a bottle in her handbag. It was undoubtedly the best time we ever had together, bar none. The most we ever laughed. Rain and melancholy overtook us on the way back to her house, though. Fumbling with her key, she asked me, "Do you really think you can do it?" I knew her question meant 'find Samantha,' not 'be an FBI agent.' "I'm going to try." She got through the door just in time to crumble, her shoulders shaking with tears. This was familiar. This, I knew. After the divorce, this was my chore - some boys took out the trash, I comforted my mother when she cried. Her face was pressed against my chest, my arms around her back. Just like old times, Mom. I knew I would have to save my own tears for later - she would not appreciate the intrusion. My loud, awkward feelings made her uncomfortable, always had. Maybe that was what she wanted this time; maybe I had been gone so long that she had found a little tenderness for me. But she broke precedent. She broke precedent and hugged me back. It felt nice. It was normal, right? She whispered, "I'm proud of you, Fox. I love you." Wow, like a normal mom. A regular fucking Hallmark moment, and all I had to do was graduate the top of my class at Oxford and swear myself to a near-impossible mission. I pulled her tighter, unable to speak. Kissed her forehead, and was rewarded with an instant, raging erection. For a terrible thirty seconds, I was keenly aware of a conscious desire to have sex with my own mother. I stood very still while I tried to decide how to kill myself. She pulled herself away. Her eyes shut, her mouth formed a perfect 'O'. With her back to me, she spoke. "Leave, Fox." And I left. My sexual performance has been erratic ever since. Everyone knows I hate Freud. I hate Freud because he was right. Right about this, at least, about me. Pretty much every woman I have ever slept with has been a substitute for her. Every one I've ever wanted - Diana, Phoebe, various and sundry nameless whoevers, some of whom I managed to get it up for. Sundry is right. Kind of ridiculous how jealous Scully gets sometimes, when the truth is, a sexual experience with me is not unlike Sacramento as described by Gertrude Stein: there is no there, there. Even Scully - and if I'm honest with myself for half a second, I have to admit that what pathetic emotional life I have revolves around Scully - reminds me of my mom. She may not be another, tall, dark, and cool Teena knock-off but she has that same sort of sad distance to her, something inside her permanently beyond my reach. All of them had that. Maybe it's their sorrow that turns me on. Maybe, if I had been a little more monstrous and little less intellectual that wet day, I could have brought us both a moment of real comfort. Maybe even love. Of course, I would have had to shoot myself afterwards, and with my luck, I'd have missed and wound up in a chronic vegetative state - Fox Mulder, ever the failure. Or maybe not. I have sometimes wondered if maybe there are men out there walking around who have actually done it. Normal men who have crawled back in from whence they came if only for a short time and continued to live some semblance of a normal life. Incest is under-reported - that's a fact. So maybe there are guys like that, who have acted out the Oedipal dream for real, with no notable ill effects. Could I have been one of them? Never in a million years. Sure, I probably could have pushed and wheedled and gotten her to comply. Her passivity was epic in its proportions, and I was always her favorite - not just favorite child, favorite person, I think, which is pathetic, considering how distant our relationship had always been. Anyway, I could have made her say 'yes' to me. But I can't even handle normal sex. Marital relations with Diana were creepy and pathetic. I do best with videos and prostitutes, a one-night stand every few years. If I had managed to get my tongue in her mouth or my hand on her breast, it would have been the end of my life, even if I'd lacked the balls to opt for the time-honored and utterly reasonable route of murder/suicide. I would have moved into her guest room and might still be screwing her to this day. Well, not to this day - she's dead now. I think I'm gonna throw up. What would Scully say? She'd be kinder than I deserve. She always is. Would it be "your inhibitions were lowered by alcohol" or "you were emotionally starved and getting confusing physical and emotional stimuli"? She'd explain it away, but she'd be disgusted and she'd know. What would Scully say if she knew how much I fantasize about her? Scully, not Mom. Old Spooky's not quite that sick, not completely ruined. What would she do if she knew the fantasies aren't always nice? If she knew one or two nights a month I rape her in my dreams. I force her, tear her, cover her little body with bruises, make her cry, and afterwards, she thanks me, offers me her undying love? As if. I know no one wants to be raped. I may be a degenerate scumbag but I'm not a moron. If I thought I really wanted to rape Scully, I'd eat my gun here and now. No, I think the appeal of the fantasy is that it is uncomplicated. I want her. I take her. I make her mine. Of course, if I made a move on her in real life, she'd shoot my sorry ass. And I'd consider myself lucky. Mom is intruding into my brain again. I never call unless there's a damn good reason. Correction: I never CALLED, past tense, unless there was a damn good reason, and now that option is gone. I remember talking to her after the first time she met Scully, though. I was desperate to know what she thought, desperate to seem casual. She ignored my pretense. "Is it all right that you touch her like that?" "Like what, Mom?" "Intimately. Did she tell you it was all right, or are you waiting for her to stop you?" Of course, I panicked. I didn't even make skin contact when I touched Scully, but my mother called it intimate. She knew. She knew what I was. She knew what I wanted. What I wanted from Scully. She also knew her baby boy was one part Quasimodo, one part Travis Bickle, and three parts Walter Mitty, because the next thing out of her mouth was: "Don't break your own heart" What would Scully do if she knew I called her Esmeralda? Someday, when I get up the courage, I'm going to give up buying her cheap silly gifts and get her an emerald ring. Emerald for Esmeralda. It will be stunning on her. As if she needs it - as if she isn't stunning already, as if she hasn't had me stunned for years. Who am I kidding? I'll never do it. I'm Fox Spooky Chicken-Shit Mulder. I realize now I'm still talking. Okay, lecturing. Stuck on Oedipus. Drawing together Jung and Freud and Campbell on this one. I should have my projector. "It's universal, Scully; all men want to screw their mother." "All men?" There she goes with the eyebrow "All men," I nod soberly. Or, it would be soberly, if I weren't drunk. "Even you?" Might as well go for broke, Spooks. "Especially me." She feels this last admission rates both the snort and the raised eyebrow. "I'm going to bed, Mulder." "Need a hand?" "I have two." I'm nearly stumped "Well, in that case, I'd like to offer any other equipment you might need that I might have." "Might?" I nod. She is blinking and smiling. "Got an adjustable locking wrench, Mulder?" "Got a . . .plumbing problem?" I try to leer, but my eyes feel strange. It is her turn to nod. "Umm hmmm. My bathroom sink is driving me nuts." "Maybe I could take a look at it." This is pure bullshit, of course; she is much better at this stuff than I am. Come to think of it, I'm not completely sure I'd know an adjustable locking wrench if I saw one. Scully is staring, not even sarcastic "Get real. I'm going to bed." She pays her bill. I pay mine. We're so fucking modern. Shit. I can't stop watching her ass. My partner has to have the best ass in the world. I am now officially drunk to the point of stupidity and she is swinging her hips down the hall. I could reach out and grab that ass, pull her down and take her right here, ten feet from her room. Okay, I couldn't do it really. Not me, not Fox Performance-Anxiety Mulder. Not unless I had my gun handy for a late night snack. But I can enjoy thinking about it. Hell, I'll think about it whether I enjoy it or not. Suddenly, I am incredibly angry with her for rubbing my nose in this. {Bad dog, Mulder, bad dog!} As if from far away, I can see myself leaning in her doorway, sneering. "Scully has anyone ever told you you're a tease?" End 1/3 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX GINGERSNAPS FOR OEDIPUS AND THE ULTIMATE FAILURE OF ART OR: SN;AFU 2/3 Author OneMillionAndNine Feedback: (Don't bother telling me I'm just sick; I already know) Rating: Seriously NC-17; not a speck of fluff Archive: Sure Spoilers: SuZ Summary: yet another take on the first time for our heroes. A veritable angst-o-rama. Disclaimer: M&S belong to Chris Carter and Fox. This story about them is mine. Notes: Thanks to MaybeAmanda for asking good questions and keeping me from posting fic that looks like it was done by e.e. cummings on mescaline. Warning: CONTAINS A MEDITATION ON OEDIPUS REX and some very graphic, very unsafe sex. Probably not the single most wholesome depiction of The King of Pain ever to grace a computer screen. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX PART II : LAWRENCE He was drunk. She was drunk. And there was that damned adjoining door, but she was doing her best to ignore it. Son of a bitch. So what if she had given her ass a little extra wiggle walking ahead of him down the hall? So what? Lean in her doorway looking like God's fucking gift to women and call her a tease. Motherfucker! As if sixteen separate and distinct 'frigid' jokes directed at her by the local investigators over the last three days weren't enough. Yeah, she was frigid. She was a tease. She was one of the guys. But a small, weak guy who should probably be left behind when things get too intense. Heaven fucking forbid she be capable and assertive AND attractive, let alone have the same human drives as the rest of them. Not only had Mulder failed to come to her defense, failed to notice what was happening at all, actually, he was now jumping on the Shit- on-Scully-Bandwagon. Her favorite space cadet had been completely and utterly glazed over the last two days and for no good reason that she could see. This was not the Patterson case, for Pete's sake. These murders were so clear-cut even the Detroit detectives originally assigned to the case could have solved them. Why they didn't she still couldn't quite figure out. But even if Mulder was bored out of his mind, he could still pay some damn attention to HER. Or maybe he hadn't really been oblivious. Maybe he was silent because he secretly agreed with them. {You've got it guys - seven and a half years trying to defrost her, and I'm still out in the cold.} She'd show him. Bust through the damn adjoining door and give the ASSHOLE the best head of his miserable life. Yeah, she'd show him. Tease! How dare he? She started undressing. Pinched her nipples, imagined it was his hands on her. Oh, shit! She stopped. Maybe this was a bad idea. Maybe it would end up just like the X-Files, just like everything with him - he'd push her into things she didn't want to do, push her and push her into extreme possibilities, until they'd seem normal to her, until she'd need them herself. Until she was as bad as he was. She groaned. Oh God, maybe that was just what she wanted. What would he want her to do? She groaned again and took off her skirt, her bra. Water sports? Yes. Blood sports? Maybe. Analingus? She'd already done that one. She pictured herself putting painful little clamps on his nipples and a shiver ran through her. It was not a bad shiver. He would blindfold her and do indescribable things to her. She often caught him gazing at her stocking feet. She imagined him cupping them around his penis and thrusting away like mad. Would he ever want a menage-a-trois? Nope - he was waaaaayy too jealous for that. Too bad. She told herself she was drunk. It didn't help. This was either a really good idea, or a really bad one, but she couldn't decide. She was standing in her panties. She was having her period. She was still wearing her stockings - it was too fucking hot for pantyhose. She decided to check the adjoining door. The damn adjoining door. Of course, it was unlocked. Oh Lord, deliver us from temptation. Too late. Too late. Now she had to go in if only to prove she was not a tease. She stood in the shadow and stared. Pray for us sinners, now and in the hour of our death. Which may be arriving shortly . He was in the bed with a huge fist wrapped around an even more huge - no beating around the bush - her partner had the reproductive organ of a horse. Or, at least a donkey - some kind of big, sweaty animal, anyway. Well, Mulder sort of was a big, sweaty animal, in his own over-thought way. What had she told herself about extreme possibilities? He was pounding hard, grunting, eyes shut. jaw set hard. He hissed her name. She almost jumped before she realized he was not talking to her, that he was talking to some Scully-movie playing inside his head. He bit his lip, moaned, struggled with feet tangled up in sheets. The movie in Mulder's head was an old favorite. MovieScully was naked except for a pair of black pumps. She also carried a riding crop. He had already passed the spanking part of the movie, and even the part where she brought the crop down hard across his cock. He had reached his favorite part, the kiss-it-and- make-it-better part. It was good. Better than usual. It felt so real. It felt so real. It felt so. . . Oh shit! It was real. Scully's, the real Scully's, candy apple lips made contact all the way down to his raging fist, all wet and sloppy, and his eyes flew open. Mesmerized, he drew her head down to the base with both his hands. She never made the slightest motion of resistance, just swallowed it all, her eyes shining. She could feel him start to soften in her mouth, but chalked it up to shock. His voice was low and serious. "C'mon, quit it." "Ummmm uuummmm" she shook her head playfully. "I mean it." He was completely soft now, and she was tenderly trying to revive him. Suddenly, he was yelling, shoving her back so Hard, she landed on the floor. "I can't! I'm impotent, okay?" She thought for a fraction of a second he was going to hit her, but he turned instead, angry and red-faced, to the wall. She would have thought the jolt of adrenaline would be enough to overpower the alcohol, but she would have thought wrong. They both still seemed very drunk. She was having a hard time keeping a straight face. She bent her tongue backwards on the roof of her mouth to keep her lips from twitching, but her brain was racing, giggling. Fox Fucking Mulder, Impotent? Every time he walked past the secretarial pool, he left them all so aroused you could sail little toy boats in their panties. She tried to calm down, but her head was swimming. Of course, he was insanely hard on himself - he blew any minute mistake totally out of proportion, castigated himself continuously until the only person he could trust himself not to disappoint was himself. Oh, Mulder. He spoke under his breath. "I thought you'd figured it out." She didn't trust herself to uncurl her tongue yet, so she shook her head. "You don't think I would have made a move if I thought I could carry it off?" She shook her head again. "Then you're stupid" She fought to remind herself that he was drunk, too, to tell herself the that the idea that she could fix him was drunken pride. She was moving toward him, anyway. "Mulder," she whispered, "let me - " She paused long enough to consider strategy. {Approach the beast on his own terms, Dr. Scully. Avoid prolonged eye contact, don't make any sudden moves, and, above all, remember he can smell fear. Drive the fear out of your brain.} "Let me suck your cock." He was getting angry again. "Haven't you been listening?" She swallowed hard and decided to be manipulative. She was drunk, so she could do what Mulder did: she could whine. "But I've always wanted to. I promise I won't expect a thing. Can't you just enjoy the sensations? Like a back rub?" She was totally shameless now. He was both dubious and amused. Flattered. Scully, begging him, actually begging him, to LET her give him a blow job. Dana Scully. "A back rub?" She nodded. "All the pleasure, none of the pressure." She had to be joking. But she wasn't. He rolled out of his fetal position and she slid silently between his legs. She went slow. Very slow. Gave no hint at what she had planned. Her face betrayed nothing but pleasure. He began to relax. She rubbed her soft cheek against him, ran her tongue over his balls, circling, circling. He was not getting hard but was making sweet little noises in the back of his throat. Her lips brushed up and down his shaft - dry, gentle, chaste, almost. Then a flick of tongue at the base, growing softer as she moved up to the tip, until it was only a whisper. She continued on. Kisses in his thick pubic hair turning to nothing but breath by the time she reached his glans. She took a chance and gradually increased the wetness and pressure of her attack. It paid off. When he realized he was completely hard and shaking in the dark, over air-conditioned motel room, he started to panic, and she retreated to his testicles, taking them both in her wet mouth. She stroked his member with one pretty finger, almost absentmindedly. Almost. He was starting to flag from the anxiety; she had to do something to distract him. An idea, like a cartoon light bulb, flashed over her head. A big light bulb! She could feel him leap under her hand as she ran her tongue down the cleft of his ass. He couldn't believe it. He was throbbing in her hand and Dana Scully was giving him a rim job. It was too much sensory information, too much pleasure to be afraid, to worry. Two small, very wet fingers slid into him. Sure and purposeful, she massaged his prostate. Mission accomplished. She was overcome with smug satisfaction. He was moments away from coming hard. There was no way he was going to lose his erection, now. Dr. Dana Scully - Winner and still Champion - drew her wet tongue up his length and promptly swallowed him whole. Christ, it was like choking down a baseball bat! She counted to ten, relaxing her throat until she was able, with great effort, to breathe, slowly, through her nose. When she had regained her bearings, she began to slalom her tongue from side to side, pushing waves of pleasure left to right across his shaft and back again. He never imagined anyone could produce sensations like this in him . It was ecstatic in the truest sense. He felt beyond human - pure sensation, all nerve endings, no brain. Her jaw was getting sore, but he was so close. She slid him out slowly, all the way down her throat again, and he started bucking against her lips. She struggled to breathe, to move him to where he could see himself coming in her mouth. He'd like that. He was a visual person. God, she was drunk. Agent Scully didn't even think things like this, let alone actually do them. {Well fuck you, Agent Scully, and fuck you too, Agent 'drinkorgoawayscully' Mulder.} She lowered her head and gazed at him in what seemed to her to be a parody of desire, though it sent Mulder over the edge. At that moment, in every way that mattered, she owned him. She had worked it just right. His mouth was a wide, silent testimony to shock as he watched himself come, salty bitter rope after salty bitter rope, mostly in her mouth, leaving just a little tell-tale sticky white on her lips and chin. He pulled her up, kissed her hard, got it on his face, too. He was squeezing her to his chest. "Damn damn shit fuck fuck fuck" He was shivering, whispering. His shoulders shook. "Thank. . ." She stopped him with a violent shake of her head. "How do you feel?" he asked, instead. "Like I just performed fellatio on a horse." He was laughing and breathing like he'd just come in from a run, wrapping his arms around her. She snuggled against him, not at all sleepy. "Scully?" He was leering down at her. "I...want...uuuuh...fancy some...Shiatsu?" She thought she was finally slightly less drunk. "No." He was sticking out his lip, trying his best to look wounded. "No?" "Oh, come off it Mulder, don't make the kicked puppy face. I'm having my period" He slid his finger down her sternum. "So?" She rolled her eyes as his finger continued down to her navel where it diverted, drawing lazy spirals, like crop circles, along her hipbones, pushing her panties down. She couldn't help but smile; his hands felt so good. His voice was so quiet. "Come on, Scully. What's a little blood between us, partner?" She winced, smiled, nodded slowly. "Okay, you can...rub my back." He practically jumped between her legs, pulled out her tampon like he was popping the cork on a bottle of champagne, and threw it against the wall, where it spattered. She held her breath. This place was going to wind up looking like a freaking crime scene. "You know Lawrence, Scully?" "The one in accounting or the wire tap guy?" "D.H. Lawrence, Scully." He was definitely still drunk. "Oh." She sighed. And she was not nearly as sober as she had thought. "The proper way to eat a fig in society is to split it into four and to open it so that it is a rosy, glistening, honeyed, moist, heavy- petaled flower. Then you throw the skin away after you have taken off the blossom with your lips. But the vulgar way is simply to put your lips to the fissure and take out the flesh in one bite." Which he demonstrated on Scully's clitoris. He held it between his teeth, his lips. He sucked, licked, kissed, slid two thick fingers mercilessly in and out of her until she came in a shivering agony, pausing only to allow her breath before renewing his attack. It felt like he had jabbed a sewing needle straight through her clitoris but in a good way. Was that possible? How could a human tongue be so rough? Using more teeth now, he brought her to the crest of that wave not once, but two more times, each time increasing in volume. He was very good at this. She felt a strange, painful pressure at the back of her cervix, a pain that also felt very good. Oh, God. He had made himself so good at this. He'd had to. The next orgasm was so intense, it seemed like someone, mostly likely Mulder, was squeezing her brain like a sponge. When he rose, Scully cringed, terrified of how he might look, of how much of her blood might be on his face. She tried to chide herself out of it {imagine the big, bad pathologist afraid of her own blood!} but the fear remained. She was relieved to find just a little smear on his chin and a ruby glisten to his lips; nothing too macabre. His hands were a different story. {He looks like he could be the - no, don't even think it} but he wiped them on the sheets. Her breathing was returning to normal, but her heart was still racing. He was kissing her and she could taste her own blood on his mouth. Her blood had become the dominant smell in the room. She was so full of thoughts, pulled in so many directions, all she could do was give in. Give in to whatever he wanted, and as usual, he wanted everything. After a few minutes that seemed to Scully to last six months, he managed to take some of his weight onto his elbows, though he was still very heavy to her. God, she knew how those Puritan witches felt being crushed to death by stones as part of their 'trial' {I cannot tell a lie - I caused my neighbor's cow to become afflicted with worms. I cannot tell a lie - I just hopped into bed with a man I've been deftly avoiding intimacy with for nearly eight years. Do I even want to wonder why? No no nononononono.} His soft penis was nestled between her labia, the spongy head resting against her clitoris. Jesus. End 2/3 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX GINGERSNAPS FOR OEDIPUS AND THE ULTIMATE FAILURE OF ART OR: SN;AFU 3/3 Author OneMillionAndNine Feedback: (Don't bother telling me I'm just sick; I already know) Rating: Seriously NC-17; not a speck of fluff Archive: Sure Spoilers: SuZ Summary: yet another take on the first time for our heroes. A veritable angst-o-rama. Disclaimer: M&S belong to Chris Carter and Fox. This story about them is mine. Notes: Thanks to MaybeAmanda for asking good questions and keeping me from posting fic that looks like it was done by e.e. cummings on mescaline. Warning: CONTAINS A MEDITATION ON OEDIPUS REX and some very graphic, very unsafe sex. Probably not the single most wholesome depiction of The King of Pain ever to grace a computer screen. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX PART III : JUSTICE I was terrified: terrified he wouldn't be able to perform, and his new confidence would be washed out to sea; terrified he 'would' be able to perform, and I'd wind up in some podunk E.R. because he'd torn me like I was made of paper; terrified everything would change; terrified that things would stay the way they were until one or both of us got killed. My breathing was shallow. He was cradling my head in his arms when it hit me that this was real, and this was right, and that he had gotten very hard, very fast. Could we have done it sober? Somehow, I doubt it. I doubt we could have gotten to that first time without a little impairment. What made it incredible was that it wasn't a fantasy. I could smell my blood, feel his dried semen on my chin, feel the searing pain as he guided himself into me. Inching, really. I knew I was tearing, but I doubt he did. This was no dream. No guilty fantasy filmed through a soupy lens. For one thing, he had this huge smile on his face and it made his overbite really apparent, and the blood on his chin had begun to turn dark. He was so close up, his nose seemed twice as big and bumpy as usual, and when he kissed me, it smashed against my face. Also, well, his breath left something to be desired, but mine probably did, too. It felt like I was being pounded by a fist. I found myself shaking, coming, as my partner fucked me. Even though it hurt. Even though I didn't know what the repercussions would be. He was just a second behind me. The pain was increasing and I felt relieved. He thrashed and moaned my name, pulled my hair. We kissed. In the confusion of the instant, I could have sworn there was a sound when he came, a sound like distant gunfire. Strange, but true: having Fox Mulder come inside me reminded me of being shot while wearing Kevlar. It was stinging and thrilling, scary and life-affirming. I felt a little bit ashamed, a little bit bruised. Afterwards, he leaned back on one elbow, eyes closed. I expected him to fall asleep, but he surprised me. He looked over at me seriously, swallowed. I could see it coming a mile off, or rather, six inches away. "You know I love you, right?" His voice never faltered. "I know." I was trying to avoid seeming moony without seeming cold - a hard dichotomy to straddle, and I was in no shape to straddle anything. So, I closed my eyes and popped my neck. What the hell - as long as I didn't have to look him in the eye while I said it, I could keep from crying "I'm assuming you know I love you, too." "I know now." Where upon he gathered me up in his arms and we fell asleep. In the morning, the room did indeed look like a crime scene. We were stuck together with semen and blood and it hurt to pry ourselves apart. I think Mulder ended up paying for the sheets, and maybe the mattress, too. I hope the motel didn't overcharge him. I found it painful to walk for the next few days, but we finished the investigation, justice triumphed, yadda yadda yadda. By sheer luck, we happened to be with the local PD when they collared the killer. As he struggled, he dropped a crumpled paper. Mulder, of course, never one to let impulse be squelched by trivialities like police procedure, picked it up, and, after a moment's glance, handed it to me for examination. A poem, torn out of a book. Donald Justice. I hope the killer saw the irony - not only a murderer, but a vandal, as well. But these maneuverings to avoid The touching of hands These shifts to keep the eyes employed On objects more or less neutral (As honor, for the time being, commands) Will hardly prevent their downfall. Stronger medicines are needed Already they find None of their stratagems have succeeded Nor would have, no Not had their eyes been stricken blind, Hands cut off at the elbow. Maybe it should have meant more to me. Maybe I should have said something, done something, other than shrug and turn it in as evidence. It summed us up pretty well, but it offered no direction. Once, during one of his vehicular monologues in the middle of nowhere, Mulder had said that the purpose of art was to elucidate complex emotions and situations. Mulder is full of shit. Either that, or art, in general, has failed big time. Nothing can elucidate this. Sure, I love him and he loves me. So what? Tell me something I didn't already know. Sure, sex with him was heart-stoppingly intense. Never expected anything less. Again I ask, so what? Sex and love are questions, not answers. Ironically, Mulder is too naive to understand that. I am afraid. I have no idea what will happen next. Or as they say in the military: Situation Normal; All Fucked Up. End 3/3 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX THE END Bring it on: