Title: Pater Familias II – Absentia Author: OneMillionAndNine http://www.geocities.com/onemillionandnine Rating: Bare mattress NC-17 Feedback: kokotheuberchimp@hotmail.com Archive: feel free. Disclaimer: I like to surf but it'll take more than that to make me Chris Carter . That aside, I still can't figure out how to turn fan fic into a cash cow. Note: Not A Perfect World was my very first attempt at fan fic and when I posted it initially I thought it was a complete story. A veritable landslide of emails informed me otherwise. Three months and 200K later, here we are. Be careful what you ask for. That said all in all this is a fairly happy shiny story though it has its dark spots. Thanks: All thanks to MaybeAmanda - she asks good questions, capitalizes, punctuates, points out gaping holes I have missed. If it weren't for her, I'd probably never post a thing. And now she's set up a website for me {gets down on one knee before the whole fic world} Mandy, will you leave your husband and be my bitch? :~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~: What is so wrong with him? Why couldn't he do this right? Why does he suddenly trust the Smoker now that he's apparently dead? Why does it make Scully so angry? He wanted to protect them, wanted to do what was right, but all he seemed to have done over the last month was bicker with Scully. It was as if they had never had sex, almost as if he had never been gone, like the baby was driving then apart instead drawing then together. Not exactly the happy family he'd imagined all the times he'd masturbated into a plastic cup at her gynecologist's office. {Oooo that's right, Mulder, blame the boy - it's clearly all the fault of someone whose last major achievement was to hold up his own head}. It seemed so right at the time, but apparently he went too fast, or assumed too much, or screwed it all up, somehow. In retrospect, he probably should have waited until he had proven himself with the baby. Or maybe he should have given up a long time ago. He could never really earn the right to them. He had probably blown it on a karmic level lifetimes ago. Maybe if he'd said it differently. Maybe if he'd asked instead of decreed. Maybe, maybe, maybe. He had tried to stay calm, had rehearsed it to himself on the way to pick them up from the hospital, but when push came to shove, it still wound up coming out something like: "Scullywe'vegottagoigotatapethesmoker'sdeadI've startedgettingeverythingreadywehavetodisapp ear!" To which she'd simply said, "No." And he, predictably enough, lost his temper. She didn't exactly shut him out, but after that, things definitely took a step backwards. Sure, she let him in the door. Sure, she let him hold the baby. She even accepted a kiss on the cheek or the forehead, if it was innocuous enough. But the line between then had apparently been redrawn and he had not been consulted. He is trying to fight his way back into her good graces - and, if the truth be told, her big, soft bed, too - one diaper change and one bag of take-out at a time. That sounds horrible. Using the baby to get to Scully. He's a horrible person. Put another mark in the why-the-hell-did-they-even-bother- to-dig-him-up-column. He *is* one sorry son of a bitch. All hail Bill Scully, a prophet for the ages. He likes the baby. He really does. The baby is – is nice. And he smells good. Mulder just wishes he was a little more convenient. And safe. Ideally, back rattling around inside his mother's mostly-empty ovary. Then Mulder wouldn't have to worry about the two of them getting separated. That would also obstruct his habit of interrupting his father's obsessive need for his mother's attention. He's an asshole and he deserves every bad thing that's ever happened. He loves the baby. He truly loves the baby. He just loves Scully more. Somehow, he know in his bones that CGB was telling the truth. He just has to prove to her how important it is that they disappear before he loses everything that matters in the world. But what to say? It's his Achilles' Heel and he is loathe to tell anyone about it. Not even Scully knows, but there is one big flaw in his famous memory: himself. He could not remember his own words the same way he remembered everything else, and he can't figure out what he said that made her this incredibly mad. And he doesn't even have work to distract him at the moment. To top it off, he suddenly hates his apartment. He'd hate any apartment. He wants to live with Scully, even if it means a bedroom that smells like sour Scullymilk and almost hourly wrestling with the Diaper Genie. He wants her with him. He wants to know where she is and what she's doing ever minute of the day, dammit. He's a loser and about another three weeks away from becoming a genuine stalker. Jesus, if she wanted to she could probably get a restraining order. But he hasn't done anything out of line yet, right? Emphasis on that 'yet'. Well, at least he still has his couch. :~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~: He has never had a lucid dream before, but it just figures it would be something like this. No, he couldn't be coherent for a nightmare or even one of those meaningful conversation-with- his-dead-mother dreams he's been having lately. Oh, no. He has a lucid dream about painting his fingernails. Boring. Vaguely homosexual. {Vaguely? Right. He'd just keep telling himself that.) Revlon - Top Speed - One Coat - Quick Dry - Mink: That's what the bottle says. The symbolism is disgustingly obvious. What's next, a train in a tunnel? Jeez, he hates Freud. Funny - just then he notices the hands he's painting aren't his. Well, they're his, but not HIS; they belong to the dreamer but they are not Fox Mulder's hands. They are similar, though. He gives it the amateur palm reader's once over: broad, square palm; fairly short tapered fingers not unlike his own; high mound of Venus denoting a very sensual, nearly dissolute nature; almost equally pronounced mound of Luna that could either signify a tendency toward instability or a love of travel; and finally, a strange callous over the mound of Mars, probably indicating great stubbornness on the part of the dreamer. Yup, could be him. Except it's not. They are too smooth, too hairless to be his hands, though the shape is right. Also, there is no callous on the trigger finger. He would like to turn the/his hands again, over but he goes on painting them until each one is evenly coated. He realizes he is not in control here. Then he feels it - a sub-current of thoughts and feelings definitely not his own. Suddenly, he is nearly overwhelmed by physical sensation, though very little is happening and he is initiating none of it. His legs feel amazing. They rub together like silk, crossed right at the ankle. He glances down. Shit, he's sporting an amazing set of D cups. He's a woman. Well, that's comfortingly Jungian. A dream from the perspective of the Anima: he can deal with that. Maybe. He/she is calculating the fluid weight of the liquid polish compared to the area and thickness of the dried coat, figuring in the minuscule amount of evaporation that must occur as he/she blows them dry. No conscious part of his mind works like this. Does anyone's? Well, if his subconscious can do this, why can't his conscious mind even balance the checkbook? She counts everything: strokes of polish, shakes of the bottle, area of bathroom floor space covered by grout. It is driving him crazy in a hurry, but for the anima, there is nothing frantic about this - she simply thinks in numbers and operations, gets a small pleasure from discerning the square roots of each of the numbers she comes up with, then turning them around and doing it again. He/she feels a strange, achy, wet feeling, almost like some kind of stomach distress, like too many rides on the Tilt-a-Whirl, only lower. Shit. Is this what female arousal feels like? The wetness descends and he/she can feel their pulse between his/her legs. Her nipples stand out like little soldiers, brown and the size of three fat gum drops stacked one on top of the other. Now he knows she's his anima because she looks like she came straight out of his video collection. Well, her tits do anyway. Make-up time. Does she have a date, this female self of his? Please let her be a lesbian. Well, at least he'll get to see her face. Surprise, surprise - she kind of looks like him. Surprise, surprise - she's not white. Not surprising, really - in a Caucasian's dream world, a dark-skinned person usually represents the id, or the dreamer's "dark " desires. So this must be his feminine self who also happens to be involved somehow with certain urges that are uncomfortable enough that he fails to recognize them consciously. Okay, study closely, Fox. She's not black, she's - what? Hispanic? Asian? Pacific Islander? Native American maybe? He just can't tell. Her hair is straight black in a Betty Page sort of a do. Her general face shape is a lot like his; broad, big jaw, slightly cleft chin, higher cheeks, though. Her lips are big, just more even than his. Eyes glittery black, but slightly more slanted in her face than his. Nose? Smaller, but not small. Most likely Hispanic he decides. If he had to describe her, he'd say 'a strange and pleasing combination of Tia Carrerra and Minnie Driver.' Actually, kind of Xena Warrior Princess-ish, only gold skinned, the overwhelming effect being one of cute. She's cute. Baby faced and pretty, but too cartoonish to be really beautiful. As opposed to, say, Scully, who is never cute but often gut wrenchingly beautiful. Okay, the make-up is done now. She/he runs her/his hands over her/his breasts and his/her heart pounds as they turn the corner out of the bathroom. She/he is the opposite of Scully in some other ways too. Long legs and wide hips, insanely large, round tits. She could put somebody's eye out with those things. Cartoonishly sexy. As soon as he wakes up, he's taking all those vintage issues of Heavy Metal back to Frohike. Shit. There is a naked man on the bed. Shit shit shit! He is not gay. He is not gay. He is not homophobic, either, but he is not gay. Nonetheless, there is a naked man on the bed. With an erection, no less. And she is aroused - man, is she aroused. The numbers in her head are dancing in equations he has no hope at following. He is terrified. She does a little shimmy around the bedroom for this man on the bed. She thinks it's silly but she knows he loves it, so she does it. She's so very turned on by him she can afford to feel a little silly. He looks familiar. She thinks a word: 'gorgeous.' That's what he is to her. His wavy hair is golden, but she thinks 'amber waves of grain.' Even so, he won't mock her. Once, on a long drive, he took a look at Scully and thought 'filled full with life to the hair and teeth as the rose is fulfilled to the rose leaf tips with splendid summer and perfume and pride', so he has no room to. To tell the truth, every time he sees Scully healthy and laughing, really laughing, he thinks it again. And once you quote Swinburn, even in your own head, you lose all right to mock. Meanwhile, she/he is sliding between his legs. NONONO NOT A BLOW JOB! PLEASE! For what it's worth, she doesn't even slow down. His hairy legs are vaguely ticklish against his/her skin, and she/he brushes his/her lips softly over his cock. He, Fox Mulder, is starting to get turned on. She's really good at this. She could go professional, or to the Olympics, maybe. He wishes he was on the receiving end of this instead of, um, where ever he is. Shit. He's not huge, just proportionate, much taller and broader than Fox, and his penis is matched to the rest of him, fits him. Fox on the other hand, looks slightly goofy with a hard-on - Phoebe said it made the rest of him look small. Anyway, this guy, he is perfect, like all the other men in the world are doing it wrong. That's what she thinks, too, his Anima. And suddenly the FBI man recognizes him. He works, or rather, worked at the Bureau. Killed less than a year ago. SAC Jean Mercy, hostage negotiator and all-around great guy, at least that's what he's heard. Why him? And who'd imagine Fox's anima could deep throat? He can't decide whether to be horrified or impressed. His balls pressing her/his chin. She is loving it - the wetness of her own mouth, the silky feeling of his cock, the sweet musky smell (he thinks, at first, it is some kind of cologne, but she knows this, knows it's his arousal), the low moans escaping from him. What could this possibly mean? He's a girl (she doesn't look a minute over 22) who looks like she came out of a comic book, giving head to a dead SAC? Right now, however, the dead SAC seems rather lively. They are being pulled up on top of him and it only takes a split second to be penetrated. Jesus!!!!!! They are shaking from the second he slips in. Is this what a woman's orgasm feels like? He can't imagine he has ever made anyone feel like this. Christ! Shouldn't she need some foreplay? There is an insane buzzing that covers their skin until their teeth chatter. His hands are huge - he means huge. People say that all the time, but now it is really applicable. His paws on their ass, squeezing, lifting in time with his hips. The vibration dies down to just a crazy buzz again and their rhythm picks up again - one - two - three thrusts, and it's too much. Their breasts pound against his face. They stutter. How long can this go on? It's inhuman? Shove - two - three - four - five -- they feel a strange cold in the soles of their feet as they come again, twitching like an epileptic. This is going to last forever. Does he have a fever? It feels like he does. His lips are so soft, his hands pressing their face to his. He has to hold them there; all they want to do is ride, ride, ride, ride. Mink nails dig into his chest, and they come again. Every time feels harder than the last, but that hardly seems possible. Each orgasm never really ends, just slows into a hum before rising into the next - again, again, again. They want to cry. Unfair. He's being unfair as he throws them off, positioning them on their hands and knees like a doll. Omigod. From behind? There is a painful jolt that only serves to make it better, as he hits - what? Oh, the cervix. They have a cervix. She thinks his fists are like hams, cured hams, strumming their clitoris. Again, again, again they come. His balls bounce against them and it is delicious. There is nothing better than this. They can't stay down. They rear up against him, his chest against their back, one of his arms wrapped across them, clutching their opposite breast, as if he needs to hold them up. Their ears are ringing as they come again. A little death - this one really lives up to the name. By the time it's over, they chant 'fuck fuck fuck fuck' like a mantra, and clutch at their own breasts till it must bruise, and afterwards he's still, and there is no more buzzing. Like a crypt. What he does next feels so rough, brutish. He pulls away, flips them easily onto their back, dives in. Fox can't see why, but she is smiling up at him. "Fuck me, Jean. Fuck me." It's strange now, like the connection is lost, even though he is up there, pounding away. Something is missing, now. It's just his hard cock moving against them. She's waiting for him to come, trying to help, him along. They tense their muscles, flex/release, feeling every vein and ridge of him as they squeeze/flex/release. He has yet to break a Sweat, but they are smelly and sticky. It is becoming incredible to have him on top of them. Something so sweet about his smell and his size and the moisture of his lips. Not sexual so much as comforting. They struggle to have one last tentative orgasm, hoping to encourage him. He is smiling "Come on, come on." His voice is so low they shut their eyes in concentration. "Tell me you love me," says a completely different voice, a voice he knows too well. Suddenly the man above them has turned into Walter Skinner. Their heart races. He is screaming. Shit! Shit! Shit! She is having a full-blown anxiety attack. They actually just puked in the bed and the worst part is, they were both turned on. It had been a long time, and he was still in no real shape for it, but he had almost decided that his only real choice was a run when the phone went off. There was no way to avoid answering it, since it was bound to be some sort of emergency at that hour. Nonetheless, he waited till the caller ID lit up. His mouth dropped when he saw that the name on the display belonged to an FBI agent some eight months dead: Jean-Guy Mercy. He was wondering what the correct greeting for a call from a ghost you just dreamed of fucking was. Could you look it up in Emily Post? "Yeah?" Skinner's voice was a profound disappointment, and a shock rang his head. "Mulder? That you?" "Far as I can tell." "I need to ask for your help on a personal matter. "Fire away." "Not over the phone - there's a 24 hour Hagen Daz store near the park where you like to run. Can you meet me there in 45 minutes?" "Soon as I call Scully, Sir" "She's already on her way." And the call ended as abruptly as it had begun. :~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~: It took him ten minutes to get to the ice cream shop. The girl behind the counter had a tattooed tear and rolled her eyes when he asked if she knew Henry Rollins had once managed this very store. He went with a banana split and tried to recall everything he ever heard about the dead agent whose home Skinner had called him from. Jean-Guy Mercy was as much a bureau legend as Spooky Mulder, which made his task easier in that people talked about him more than if he'd been some run-of-the-mill Joe Fibbie. On the other hand, that also meant not all of the things he'd heard were true. He knew with certainty that Mercy had died at 47, was married, with one child, and was undisputedly the top hostage negotiator in the bureau. All the rest was suspect. Word had it he was the one success story to come out of the Baltimore foster care system, the child of a white prostitute and her Haitian pimp. Rumor also had it that the father had stabbed the mother to death when Mercy was 11. He had an older sister who was either severely disturbed or retarded but, in any event, lived in a halfway house somewhere in the DC area. Jean Mercy was also rumored to hate sports with a passion. There was also enough of an age difference between he and his wife that Mulder, as out of the loop as he was, had heard about it. The wife was generally considered "hot but unfriendly," which explained the fact that, while he had occasionally seen Mercy at the odd unavoidable FBI function, he was not aware that he had ever seen his wife. He conjured up the image of Jean-Guy Mercy; he was a large man, both taller and heavier than Skinner, who wore his cheap suit in a way that, at the time, made Mulder feel like he was trying too hard. Mercy was not in the best shape, and a small paunch hung over his belt, but his upper body was massive. His golden hair combed back so that it fell in row upon row of finger- sized waves that stopped at his nape. Mulder wondered, suddenly, why it had never occurred to him before. He and Mercy were a perfect dichotomy. Where "Spooky" was treated with contempt, Mercy was idolized. Where "Spooky" was inevitably at the bottom of the FBI dog pile, if not in rank, at least in personal dominance, Mercy could out Alpha Male Walter Skinner. Where Mulder was 'Old Money,' Mercy had grown up in the kind of poverty few people manage to struggle out of. Physically they were diametrically opposed, even their faces. He had always considered his own face to be rather goofy, comedic. But Jean Mercy's face was regal, leonine, and the reason that, despite his violet blue eyes, cheerfully pink skin, and blond hair, no one ever mistook him for white. If you had stood them side by side, Fox Mulder was darker in every possible way, but still unfailingly white. Once Scully had mentioned in passing that she knew him. No, she mentioned that she knew his wife. Ahhhhh, the wife. He didn't know why it hadn't occurred to him off the bat: if Skinner had called him from Mercy's house at 4 a.m., it was entirely probable that whatever had happened, had happened while Skinner spent the night with the young widow. Now that was an interesting thought. His reverie was disturbed by a tiny voice. "I want my mama," followed by Skinner's, "We're gonna find her, Junior," and the unmistakable cooing sounds of Scully comforting a distressed child. What was Scully doing, leaving the baby? "Scully, where's the baby?" "With the guys." "You left my son with Larry, Curly, and Moe?" "It's alright; my son's there, too" She gave him the classic don't-push-me glare. They slid into the booth with him. Skinner wordlessly passed him a note from his coat pocket. It was written on Skinner's office stationary in a terrible scrawl. Walt, I guess you're figuring out about now the family business is bullshit. I'm not coming back. Sorry about this. I hope you believe me when I tell you I wish things were different, but I can't just play into his hands by continuing the way things are. After the video from my father, I knew that Junior would never be safe as long as he's with me, and neither would you. Take care of my boy. Try not to think too badly of me. This new baby probably isn't even yours, anyway. Probably just another Frankenstein. I have never understood the difference between love and the deepest friendship. I honestly don't give two shits about the sum being greater than the parts, when the parts are enough for me but since I know it means something to you, I love you, Dickhead. Don't come after me. I can't be helped. Betty On the bottom was a fairly well-drawn portrait of Boris Karloff. "I found this about an hour before I called you." "What more can you tell me? Who's her father?" "It seems that CGB Spender has been pretty busy," Scully said, the corner of her mouth twisting. "Or so he claims." Mulder was mirthless. "I also know where she went." Skinner's movements were leaden. "Look, Mulder, I'm pretty sure she has information that can help explain the medical procedures done to the women in the project - and Gibson Praise. She's panicked that she is being used for some sort of breeding program and - and I need you to bring her home" "Sir, we can't bring her back against her will." Scully was trying to be gentle. "It's not that I'm not willing, Sir, but..." Mulder stopped mid-sentence and spooned an unnaturally large bite of ice cream into his mouth. "She also seems to be under the impression that the two of you are related. Any chance that it's true, Mulder?" He pursed his lips and nodded. "We don't know for sure, Sir. We haven't had a DNA sample to run a comparison with." "Does Hallmark make a card for that?" Mulder was savoring the last of his ice cream, scraping the chocolate syrup out of the edges of the plastic dish. "'Is it true you're my dad, you black lunged Old Thug?'" "The question is, will you go?" Skinner was running his hands over the top of the boy's curly head while Mulder did his best not to stare openly, searching the child for some sort of answer. The boy's lower lip stiffened despite the perpetual pout that made Mulder inspect his clear plastic spoon at the familiarity of the feature. When he finally looked up, the large round eyes that met his were in the midst of shifting from moss green to amber. "Sir, regardless of what decision Mulder makes, I would like to offer my help in this. I'd like to go. You did the same for me when Mulder was missing." "That isn't necessary, Scully, I don't want...Your son needs you." Skinner shook his head slowly. "Like Betty's son needs her?" She laid her hand on Skinner's arm. "You've just had a baby." Skinner might have said the words, but Mulder agreed silently, thought them as they came out of the AD's mouth. "I had a baby a month ago," she eyed them both. "You know Nancy Flood, the jailor downtown? She was back at work three days after she had her daughter." "And you feel okay with leaving him with the guys?" Mulder asked with practiced casualness, scraping at his ice cream dish, despite its conspicuous emptiness. "They're kind, trustworthy, and the most paranoid people I know. He's probably safer with them than he is at home." She shrugged, her narrowed eyes as intent and focused as her body was seemingly relaxed. He smirked inwardly, knowing the gesture was Scullyese for "I hate to do it, but there's no way I'm letting you do this alone." There was no way she'd give him that much power. It was a realization he'd had about three days earlier: it wasn't exactly that she didn't trust him , she'd just had so much power wrested from her in the past nine years she was terrified to loosen her grip on what was left. "What about your mom ?" He looked up at her shyly. "My mother comes from a different generation, with some different ideas about childrearing." She suppressed a smile while Mulder felt his eyebrows shoot toward his hairline. "She let's him cry too long." Mulder nodded. Now that he considered it, Scully never let the baby fuss for an instant longer than she had to. And, as in all things, Frohike and friends would follow her instructions to the letter: they might idolize him, but they were simply terrified of her. "Sure, we'll both go. Anything to get out of the house, huh, Scully?" He tried to force a smile. "Your plane for Dallas leaves in two hours. This is strictly non-bureau." Walter Skinner looked like he was battling nausea. "They don't exactly think we're the good guys down there." "Good thing, since I'm still officially dead and Scully's still on leave. Besides, I thought Texans loved the Feds." "They do, but you're going to rural Oklahoma. And thanks...from both of us." The boy nodded in silent agreement. Mulder looked down at the mother of his child and noticed the front of her shirt was soaked. He tried to draw her attention the way he used to with the nosebleeds, and felt ridiculous gesturing to his own nipples. Finally, after entirely too much throat- clearing, she looked down. It was at that perfect moment that a photo slid out of the file in Scully's hand. A photo of Mulder's anima, who also happened to be the Widow Mercy. Shit shit shit. :~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~: His inner monologue had become so intense that the outside world was merely humming, mosquito- like, in his periphery. An hour into the flight, he finally composed himself to the point of being able to speak more than four words in succession. At some point, he decided to interrogate Scully. Not in a bad way, of course, but he knew people tended to recall things more effectively when asked appropriate questions in an appropriate manner. He wanted Scully to remember Elizabeth Mercy. "So what's she like?" "It's been years," she sighed. "But you were friends at Georgetown, right?" "I wouldn't say we were friends exactly. We were in the same department, but to tell you the truth, she made me uncomfortable." "What was it about her that bothered you?" "I was young, Mulder, and she was..." "Spill it, Scully." "You read her files." He had indeed, and there was an element of aching familiarity in the information Skinner had hastily put together. The woman who could be his sister was born in 1970 in the state mental hospital, to a 35 year old Native American woman with a history of alleged abductions, who had, by all accounts, had a hysterectomy fifteen years earlier. The infant was handed over to her maternal grandparents at birth. Then followed a 12 year bureaucratic gap - no documentation whatsoever - until a twelve year old girl named Elizabeth Myrtle Roguebull enrolled at Georgetown. At nineteen, she received her doctorate in Physics, and married a thirty seven year old FBI agent. After that, she went on to a noteworthy career. A celebrity among her peers; respected, but not exactly beloved - not unlike himself in his profiling days. In 1995, she had given birth to a son. None of it told him much about her, not in the way he wanted. "What was she like in school?" He spoke quietly and he knew she couldn't resist him much longer. "A veritable cat in a bag. Let's see, she was brilliant. She was overbearing. She was disorganized. She was promiscuous. She wore flannel shirts and too much perfume. She liked to play practical jokes. That's about the extent of my knowledge." He smiled "Practical jokes?" "Ran the gamut from fireworks in the department bathrooms to taking out personal ads in the professor's names. I haven't seen her since her wedding. People can change a lot in 11 years." Scully made a gesture that indicated he should know exactly what she meant, but he wasn't sure. "You went to her wedding?" "I was a bridesmaid, actually. She didn't know a lot of women and Jack Willis was one of Mercy's groomsmen, so I got drafted. I think Jack was afraid he was going to have to escort the maid of honor." "She had a great personality, huh?" "No. She was a guy named Pete." "So, Scully, were the dresses ugly?" "Surprisingly, no. Let's see, they were off the shoulder, knee length, silver satin. I still have it, actually. I think I wore it to the bureau Christmas party once." "You know I never go to those." "I think you've seen it in my closet." He knew exactly the dress she meant. "Somehow, I doubt Pete looked as good in it as you did." "I have a lot of regrets when I think back about her. We were pretty much the only women in the physics department. I mean, she didn't exactly. . .in retrospect, I realize she was a lonely, frightened adolescent, but at the time, I took her at face value and found her, well, strange and off-putting." It was unusual for him to see her struggle for words. And the idea of Scully being intimidated was surreal. The whole thing was weird. A sister he didn't want, who was apparently more fucked-up than he was, if such a thing were possible. Is that how Scully would feel about him if she hadn't been forced to get to know him better? Weird, off-putting, over bearing, over the top? He had wanted to let it go and tell Skinner to tilt at his own windmills - Mulder had had a belly full of the Don Quixote act and would like nothing more than to settle down to a quiet life of little league and chasing poltergeists and bloodsucking freaks with the girl of his dreams. Despite this, he had failed to tell Skinner to take a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut, and he had failed because of two important design flaws in Fox William Mulder. Scully had once described them as defining characteristics; curiosity and guilt. If he wasn't guilty and he wasn't curious, he wasn't Fox Mulder. So perhaps it was simple delusion to imagine there was some way NOT to go to Oklahoma, some way not to beat this ugly pi๑ata till the sick and sordid story fell out. He had wanted to work things out; the stupid un-nightmare, whatever was happening with Scully, why Scully had let him do what he'd done. Touch her like that? He kept feeling her breasts in his hands like a pair of phantom limbs. The baby. Fatherhood. He wished he could hang his head out of the window of the plane. He didn't need anymore fucking family tragedies right now. It took everything he had not to shiver. :~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~: It had been an incredibly long day. Sure, Scully had managed to catch some sleep in the car, but being as she'd gotten up 21 hours earlier and traveled half way across the country before breakfast, not to mention having spent the rest of the day in fruitless pursuit of Betty Roguebull, she felt her inalienable right to a lumpy hotel mattress had been breached. She wished rental cars were equipped with Magic Fingers, not for the first time. Here she was in rural Oklahoma with the man who could get lost in a shopping mall, following vague directions to the "49" {whatever the hell that was} that included phrases like, "turn about a quarter mile past the field with the two red dogs and the rusted-out water heater" and "if you see a wrecked bus with 'HEAVEN' painted on the side, you've gone too far." She'd like to go back to sleep for awhile, but she was afraid if she did she'd wake up in Arizona. Mulder was managing to be both tense and humorless. Charming. It was charming. Sister or no, Betty undoubtedly held a big piece of the Consortium puzzle. They'd gone much farther for much smaller crumbs of evidence, but somehow, without the mantle of government authority, Scully felt unreasonably vulnerable. It was almost as if they were undercover as themselves. Well, so be it. If it was important to the safety of her baby, and she felt certain it was, that was all that mattered. Then she heard the music on the wind. At first it sounded like snatches of the traditional Native American music she had heard on vacation at the Grand Canyon as a child, until she realized it had a weird resonant metallic sound to the drum. It was slower. Then she began to recognize the words. English. My Sweetheart, She Don't Love Me Anymore Because I Drink Whiskey I Don't Care I got Another One She's Got Another One Too She Can Do Whatever She Can Do I Can Do What I Want Too I Don't Care, I Got Another One "Well, that's a lovely sentiment." "Huh?" "Stop the car, Mulder. We're there. Hear the music?" Looking ahead she could see a small cluster of men were using the hood of an engineless car as a drum. What she had from the distance taken for a deserted shack now seemed to be teeming with people. Not in quite the way every party she had ever seen - indoor or out - teemed with people, but in ones, twos, and threes, ambling slowly over the dark, treeless plain. A few more clustered around a large, orange fire. The yellow grass was sprinkled with restless, wiggling sleeping bags and blankets. Scully estimated there were some 65 - 70 people present, not counting who ever was in the dim little house. Then the side windows went black. A wall of human flesh loomed over Mulder's side of the car and he prayed to fate that there was not yet another ass-kicking in his immediate future. He craned his head out the window. "Hi!" He tried smiling winningly and just felt very out of place. Mr. Wall-O-Meat spoke. "You folks lost?" "I hope not. My name's Fox Mulder and I'm looking for my sister. Someone said I could find her here." "Your sister?" The Wall looked suspicious. "Elizabeth Roguebull." "Thought you were Feds. Sorry." The Wall scrutinized his face. "If that's true, we're kin. Come on up to the house - I think she's in there." With amazing agility, he turned to Scully, who had hopped out of the car. "What's your name?" "Dana, Dana Scully." A rumble started low in his chest before tumbling out of his mouth. If rocks laughed, it would sound like that. "Dana Scully, I'm Dana HoneyEater." He extended a hand so large it seemed surreal. Mulder's eyebrows tried to migrate to his hairline as the two of them shook heartily, smiling. Suddenly a pair of men only slightly smaller than Dana The Larger flanked them. "Everything okay here?" asked the one standing closer. They were dark, almost black and the wind whipped their waist length hair in circles. "This is Fox - says he's Betty's brother." "That piece of shit your dad, too?" Mulder realized the men were identical and he nodded, chagrined. "My mother, she was married to someone else. I lost her about a year ago. I didn't even know about Betty until a few days ago. I'm still not one hundred per cent." The three men looked at him in open appraisal. He was expecting some profound pronouncement, but instead he got a trio of nods. "Y'all sit by the fire. I'll go get Betty," and one of the twins was gone. "Well Dana, I got Old Crow, Boones Farm and some Malt Liquor...what you want? They got bud in the house if you want to wait for Gene to come back." Mulder was mildly surprised when she chose the whiskey, somehow having figured her for the sweet wine type. "Fox?" "I think I'll wait for the bud." Scully immediately knew Mulder had misunderstood and was intensely curious as to whether her partner would actually end up smoking marijuana. Yup, Mulder could commit three B&E's in one week, and more police brutality than you could shake a stick at, but she knew some little cop part of his brain would balk at smoking a joint. She took a medium-sized swallow from the mouth of the bottle and passed it back to the other Dana. She took another, longer pull from the bottle. It was funny that such a loose cannon was so prissy about certain things. Of course, he would deny everything. The bottle came back at her again. He wasn't breaking or entering {What Scully? Did you want the bad guys to get away?} And if he got a little over-excited during an interrogation or a collar, well, just look at what the perp had done to those poor defenseless women/children/rectumless cattle. "So, where you from, Fox?" "Massachusetts." "Boston?" "Nope, Chillmark. Little tiny place." Scully felt pissed that he had suddenly turned into Gary Cooper. "Martha's Vineyard. He's from Martha's Vineyard." She didn't even know she was saying it aloud until her irritation got the better of her. "Like the Kennedys?" Dana's eyes widened. "Shit." And everyone stared at the fire. "Chillmark is the town on the island." Mulder sounded sheepish. "The Kennedy's just vacation there, anyway." "I guess everybody's gotta be from somewhere." Dana tried to give Mulder the benefit of the doubt. "Ya'll gonna be here long?" "Well, Dana," Mulder slipped his arm around Scully. "Just a couple of days. We have a new baby at home." Was she suddenly his girlfriend, now? Nice of him to let her know. Yes, she was thrilled that he thought enough of her to state his intentions explicitly, and not leave her guessing. And just when she was getting used to his respectful and resentful no-closer-or- farther-than-four-feet act at her apartment everyday, too. Oh well, she was a trained FBI agent: she could adapt. "Whadda ya do, Dana?" "I'm a pathologist." "Like Quincy?" His head cocked. Scully chuckled. "Pretty much." "But she's waaaay hotter than Jack Klugman," Mulder informed him. "And I'm the most fucked- up psychologist you're ever gonna meet." So far it looked like he was sticking to his plan of telling the truth except for when he knew it would get his ass kicked. The admission earned him a smile and sideways look from Scully. Gene ran up laughing. "Betty says she wants to see him but she's too stoned to move." :~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~: The air was so thick with marijuana smoke that both agents gasped as they entered the house. "Betty Roguebull?" Mulder called out in a voice so like an FBI agent addressing a suspect that Scully had trouble maintaining her composure. A voice came from the floor. "Spooky Mulder, I presume?" Betty was flat on her back, her eyes reduced to slits. "I am soooo high." As soon as he finished gulping down his fear, he continued, crouching down beside her the way Scully had often seen him do with children. "is your father CGB Spender?" "As far as I know, Frankenstein. But then again, he is one lying sack of shit." she propped herself up on one elbow smiling. "He said you were his, too, but like I said. . ." Mulder nodded. "He's a lying sack of shit." Scully was uncomfortable for a period of time where they stared openly, as if a long, hard look into each other's faces could reveal the truth. Then she saw something in their faces close off and, although they continued to study one another, she saw the wheels in each head begin to turn. As if through mutual agreement, it seemed they decided they could reason their way there, instead. She supposed it was her job to state the obvious. "All you need is a DNA analysis. I took the liberty of sending some hair from your brush to some friends of ours before we left DC." "Hey Dana, I'd say long time no see, but I'm not wearing my glasses. Sure. Sure you don't need a tissue sample for this? Shit, hack off my leg baaaaaaaaby" Betty was doing her best Big Bopper imitation, which wasn't very good. 'Same old Betty,' Scully thought as she glanced over her with microscopic carelessness. Ten or so pounds heavier, but it only seemed to add to her inherent look of sexual ripeness. Mulder lurched back from his first sight of her as if seared, stiffened as if afraid of slipping onto the floor beside her. If not on top of her, Scully thought wryly. The idea sickened and depressed her, and in some part of her consciousness, she knew it was beneath her, beneath all of them. She looked at the two of them and felt it with the gut response she would vehemently deny having. She knew he felt it too, and he wouldn't even bother to question it now that he'd seen her. The jaw ,the long graceful limbs, above all the eyes. Not a common feature, yet reproduced before them stunningly. Betty was unquestionably his sister. Scully brushed the back of her hand against his side, and like a puppet, he turned to her. Yup. She could knock Miss Tits-and-Ass right out of his head. Some things were immutable, she hoped. Though it was hard to see in the dark and the smokiness, there was a heavy narcissistic quality when the two of them stared in to one another's eyes. Ugly. Very ugly. She could have come off a video box. Her smooth skin managed to be both golden and rosy. Her glossy black hair fanned out in waves over the floor. He wondered, did Scully feel like this when she looked at his lips? It was all he could do not to snarl at her. "Walter wants you to come back." There was an edge he hadn't intended in his voice. "Tell Walt-" she giggled,"-tell Walt to want in one hand and shit in the other and see which fills up first. Can you remember to tell him that...Bro?" she emphasized the last word the way Mulder himself would have. "I have an eidetic memory." "Trying to impress me, Frankenstein?" She laughed and her breasts jiggled in a way that was maddening. He couldn't stop himself from trying to guess whether she was a D or DD. Maybe if he held them in his hands. . . Scully watched his fists clench and relax. At some point, he realized the only effective way to drive her out of that corner of his psyche was to picture Scully in all those ways he was used to fighting desperately. He was right; he moved his head just far enough to the left to catch Scully's milk-heavy breasts from the corner of his eye. Betty was gorgeous, but no match for the redhead. She passed him a joint bigger than any he'd seen at Oxford. He must have already been suffering a contact high because all he could think to do was to put it to his lips and inhale. Fire filled his lungs and throat and his head was rapidly floating away. He expected Scully to scream or slap him but all she did was give him a bemused look. "Why do you keep callin' me that?" "Would you prefer Rocky? 'Come up to the lab and see what's on the slab!'" "What?" Scully saw that he was truly clueless, but she was starting to have a sickening suspicion, so she leaned in closer. Elizabeth moved forward until the three of them were disturbingly close. "Are you saying, Fox, old boy, that you have no idea?" Beetle browed, he shook his head slowly Betty leaned back and made a noise that was very close to a bark. "Okay. Let us review the facts of Fox Mulder and see if we can gain anything from it. Remember Socrates, boyo? The unexamined life is no better than a bullet in the brain. One: Ever read any Oliver Sachs? Eidetic memory - You know that particular feature is nearly unheard of in functional adults. Most people with eidetic memories display their uncommon recall along side mental retardation or at least severe dysfunction such as autism or debilitating brain lesions. Two: IQ of what? 170?" "174." "Okay, 174 it is. Puts you in the top point one percent. Three: I'll bet you have uncommon hand eye co-ordination and great gross motor skills as well, when, for most mortals, it's either one or the other. Four: you heal remarkably well. How many times have you been shot, stabbed, knocked unconscious? A normal person would be a complete physical wreck after half the things you've been through. Five: You're aging very well. Pushing forty, right? How many forty year olds have musculature like that? And your skin still very elastic despite persistent over-exposure to excessive UV. Six: accelerated development. I'll bet money you said your first words at around six months, as soon as your larynx dropped into place. You also walked at what 8? 9 months? And you went through puberty painfully early, right? First pubic hair on the block, right? And you're emotionally different from other people, too. You have a heightened need for stimuli, a heightened sex drive. Your hearing drives you crazy at night, so you sleep with the TV on, but you don't sleep much. Don't need to. You think you just won some kind of genetic lottery, Bro? Nobody lucks out like that." He was slack-jawed. "What are you saying?" "Knowing our shallow daddy dearest, I'm guessing you're hung like a donkey. Am I right? Or am I right? Consider yourself lucky I got fucking tits by Mattel. My back is so fucked-up, but they didn't even think about that. Apparently, a connoisseur of subtle beauty he ain't. Looking like this is not exactly a boon in the field of physics but that might be my fault; maybe I should have been a stripper." Scully was staring at her partner like she had never seen him before. It all made so much sense, fit so perfectly. She'd just been too close to recognize it. He was both puzzled and angry, as if she was toying with him in someway. "Spell it out for me." "Okay, you came from a lab. From their lab. Like I did. Like Samantha did. When you were conceived, I doubt your mother was within a five mile radius. You were probably manipulated throughout gestation. They made you and you serve their purposes, whether you want to or not. Just like the rest of us." His face was blank page. No, it was worse than That; he was a blank screen waiting for the projector to get to the next slide. Scully couldn't read him, couldn't tell if he was hiding some emotion, or if this was one of those calm moments before the violent eruption of Mount St. Mulder. She was unsure, and it was that uncertainty which bothered her. Then she saw a tension around his eyes that allowed her to breathe again. He was in MulderOnAMission mode. "Okay, then. Corrective lenses - why would the Uberman be nearsighted?" "Fuck if I know. I wear glasses, too. Guess it's just a design flaw they hadn't worked out at that point. Though I think, I think it was a side effect of too much jacking with the fetal brain" "Why? Why make us? For what purpose?" "I'm guessing our particular bunch was made to kill E.T. But I'm too stoned to explain it properly tonight," she giggled "Take another hit - it's not like you don't have some neurons to spare." He didn't know what else to do but comply. Scully took the blunt next - it had been a long time. "Did you know my sister? I mean, Samantha. My sister Samantha?" The laughter evaporated. Betty rolled onto her side, looked up at the agents with her small black eyes stretched wide. "When I was six years old, men came to my grandparents' house and took me to live with my father at April Air Force Base to be 'tested'. I spoke no English, I had never held a book or a pencil in my hands, I was suffering from a charming combination of malnutrition and overweight. "But there was a girl there who loved me, who was my sister. She used to read to me. We used to have those books, A.A. Milne, not Winnie the Pooh but the poems." She did her best to ignore the tears rolling down his face. "You have to understand, Fox. I was six years old when they took me. I, I. . .loved him because I didn't know any better. I hated the tests, but I believed him when he said they had to be done. I would get so mad at Jeff. I was jealous. I thought he loved Jeffery more because he never had to go," she shivered violently, "he never had to go lay on those cold tables and be hurt by the doctors. He was never tested. Samantha knew I needed to believe he loved me even though it was a lie. "You know what she told me? She told me, she told me when dad made Jeffrey, it was like making meatballs - you just sort of stirred the ingredients together and hoped for the best, but that she and I, that dad had made us carefully, piece by piece, like Frankenstein, that he gave us up for the tests because we were a different sort of a creation than our brother. After that, she used to call Jeffrey 'meatball' to cheer me up. "When she ran away, I killed myself. Dad had a Jeremiah Smith bring me back. After that, he brought a girl back home, but it wasn't Sam." "The kind of trauma she endured can change anyone." Scully tried to comfort her. "You don't understand, Dana. It wasn't her. My sister Sam fought him at every turn, she used to call Casa de Spender the Hanoi Hilton West. The girl he brought home followed him around like a whipped dog. It wasn't her." "Your father may have had Jeffrey Spender killed," Scully nearly whispered. "So I guess we know who the favorite son is." Betty gave a sad little smile. "So how did the meatball turn out, anyway? I haven't seen him since I was 8." Mulder looked ashamed. "I don't know. We didn't have the best working relationship." "Surprise, surprise, surprise." "Betty," Scully was quiet but confident - the shock and melancholy of the other two was not hers and she wouldn't pretend otherwise. "There are a lot of things we need to talk about, the reasons we're here. . ." "Tomorrow, Dana. I give you whatever facts I have tomorrow. They ain't much though; just enough to get you killed." "Like Jean?" Mulder was studying her again. It was Scully's turn. "Did they kill Jean?" She snorted in reply. "Oh no! A guy who could talk a toaster into making a pint of ice cream was shot in the head by an anonymous mugger, right?" Mulder and Scully's eyes locked for a fraction of an instant before she continued. "It was ten days after I told him. He wanted to go to you right away. He wanted to blow the whole thing wide open. Shit, if anybody could have made people believe, it was him. I was afraid for Junior - even though he's a meatball. I knew they'd threaten him." Scully used the tone she usually reserved for a distraught Mulder. "Why did you tell him, Elizabeth?" "He made me. You have to understand, Dana, they've been taking me all my life. No lights, no pretense - a car comes, and I go. Sometimes everyone's human, sometimes not. Usually, they knock me out, but occasionally I wake up at inopportune moments. I tried to struggle for a few years, but it was useless. So I just went." Scully nodded. "I told him because Jean thought I was having an affair. I loved him so much. I couldn't stand the idea that he thought I'd be unfaithful. So I told him. Every sordid little detail, all the guesses I made. And it killed him. I killed him because I couldn't bear to have him think badly of me." Mulder had backed away almost to the opposite wall. With someone like Mercy on his side, someone persuasive and admired, he quite possibly could have blown the conspiracy open a long time ago. Of course, there most certainly would have been repercussions, mostly falling on Scully and Jean-Guy Jr. And he might have risked it. But in Elizabeth's position? He both hated the decisions she had made, and understood them perfectly, probably would have made them himself in the same situation. Had made the same decisions, really, while sitting on a folding chair in the Gunmen's offices staring at the image of CGB Spender on a television screen. Scully was leaning in close to her again. "Betty, you didn't kill him. They did." "Might as well have been me." All three exhaled sharply. Betty stood up unsteadily and Mulder saw she was nearly his height, even bare foot. Blinking, she slipped on a pair of incongruous black horn-rimmed glasses. "Jesus, you guys look like shit. How long you been up?" "Since 2 a.m., DC time." "Shit. Go to bed." "Where's the nearest motel?" "Fuck if I know, but there's a bedroom about ten feet away." "We don't want to put anybody out." "Get a grip. My long lost brother shows up and I'm gonna send him out to find a motel room at 2 am in the middle of Nowhere, Oklahoma?" "Thanks." She held up her hand in the universal 'don't mention it' sign. "Use a condom, Bro," she called after them. End 01/02 =============== kokotheuberchimp@hotmail.com http://www.geocities.com/onemillionandnine Title: Pater Familias II – Absentia 02/02 Author: OneMillionAndNine http://www.geocities.com/onemillionandnine Rating: Bare mattress NC-17 Feedback: kokotheuberchimp@hotmail.com Archive: feel free. Disclaimer: I like to surf but it'll take more than that to make me Chris Carter . That aside, I still can't figure out how to turn fan fic into a cash cow. Notes: in part 01/02 :~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~: Scully had seen worse bedrooms, but had never slept in one. She felt less tired than she probably should have. She also felt less surprised than she would have imagined herself after the torrent of revelations. The one sensation she did have in spades was arousal. Maybe it was the Old Crow lowering her natural inhibitions. That, and the idea of fucking Superman. Well, she wanted to...wanted to...she didn't know what she wanted. She threw herself on the dirty, bare mattress, getting stuck in the back with a spring for her trouble. Before she could finish squealing "OW!" he was looming over her. He loomed great. "I gather you're taking the bed?" His slanted eyes glowed brilliant green down at her and she felt naked. "You're free to join me on the mattress, such as it is." Sheer will was all that kept her from looking away as he lowered himself down beside her. "We should talk." "Why?" "I'm sorry about the day...the day Benny was born. I took...unfair advantage." "As opposed to taking fair advantage?" "It was a moment of weakness." "On both our parts, apparently." "You think it's weak to pity me?" "Pity?" Shock overtook bravado on her face. "You think that was pity?" "What else would it be, Scully? He couldn't help reaching out and tucking a strand of hair behind her left ear. You don't have to spare my feelings." "Ummm. . .desire?" He pursed his lips and tensed his jaw. "Don't be cruel, Scully. I've had a long day." "Honestly, Mulder. For about seven years, I've sat through your slide shows wishing I could get into your pants." "Nice to know your feelings for me run so deep." "I'm telling the truth here, Mulder. I've felt this way about you for a long time." "What way is that?" His gaze never wavered. "I seem to be slower than usual today. Spell it out for me." "Well," she did her best to keep her emotions from getting the better of her, "you're my best friend. I care for and about you. I'm undeniably attracted to you. And I have had your baby, Mulder." He stared, nodding. "I love you. Is that what you're trying to get me to say? It's true. I love you. There, I said it." She thought that her natural inclination would be to respond with anger, but she just didn't feel that. "What about now?" "What do you mean, what about now?" "You still want to, ah, get into my pants? Now that your curiosity has been satisfied, I mean." She sighed, the terror and tension having loosened for some reason she couldn't quite grasp. "Mulder, even when I want to kill you with my bare hands, I want to get into your pants." "Still?" "You mean, - " the alcohol she hadn't even felt before seemed thick in her blood "- do I still find you attractive now that I know you're Superman?" He nodded. "Now that you know I'm part of their plans." "You mean, like me, Mulder? After everything they've done to me, and you think I'd be bothered to know you were manipulated by Them?" "I think the word is 'engineered'." "Okay, whatever. Engineered. Welcome to the club. Doesn't change a thing about how I feel. It's late, Mulder. Go to sleep." "Don't you wanna know how I feel?" "You have made your feelings abundantly clear, Mulder." "I have?" "Yup." "How do I feel, Scully?" "You only want me if there's some kind of imminent threat or dire circumstance. The rest of the time, you're a big old tease." "I'm a tease?" "The worst." "I don't mean to be a tease, Scully." "Okay then," she was proud to note she didn't sound at all flustered, "have sex with me." "What?" "I believe you heard me, Mulder. Have sex with me. Not to clear the air, not to satisfy eight years of wondering, not because you're afraid you'll lose me, and not because I'm the mother of your child. Have sex with me because you want me." "Umm...are you recovered...enough? It doesn't seem like a good idea," his voice cracked, "um, considering what happened last time." Scully laughed out loud, a short, sharp, ugly sound. "Time to put up or shut up, partner. Unless you really are just a tease." "Okay." The cracked ceiling took on a new fascination for him as he unbuttoned the fly of his jeans and eased them off his hips. There were dozens of tiny skulls and crossed bones adorning his black boxer shorts. "Scully, I want you. You know I want you. I just didn't know if you had a place for me." "Oh, I've got a place for you, alright." She raised her eyebrow at the tented front of his shorts. Terrified of losing the small scrap of dignity that remained in place, Mulder was silent as he revealed his cock. It trembled and a drop of clear, sticky fluid stood out on the head. "Uhhh, Scully, you gonna touch it or are you a tease?" He swallowed, his mouth tight. "Can I?" "You better - unless you want to see grown man cry." She had no idea she was holding her breath. Almost unconsciously, she traced his length with her callused trigger finger. He gasped and it sent a shiver washing over her skin. "You're weeping, anyway." "How...poetic. Scully, Scully, I've wanted...to...be...with you like...like this...for so...fucking...long." "Tell me." Her voice was as clear and precise as ever. "Tell me everything you imagined." "I've thought about it so many ways." "Pick one." She pressed her lips together and shut her eyes, overwhelmed for a minute as she brushed his testicles with her fingertips. "Promise you won't laugh." "Promise." She echoed, her hands wrapping themselves around his shaft. "This is going to be a really short story if you don't back off a little bit. One hand, okay?" She blushed fiercely. "Sorry." But she wasn't, not really. "Okay, in this one we've been, uhmm, intimate for awhile already, and you, you let me buy you uhmm, things to wear when we're together." "Things?" "You know, lingerie. So, in this particular fantasy, I come home from work and you're all ready for me, and..." "Come home from work?" "We're married, okay?" He looked angry. Alice had nothing on little Dana, who had, apparently, fallen down the rabbit hole straight down into a topsy-turvy world where her partner day-dreamed about being married and buying her underwear. And she thought it would be to pushy to ask him to spend the night. She exhaled and stroked him gently. "Go on." "You have on a...a black push-up bra...and a garter belt...stockings with seams down the back and. . .panties, 'cause you know how I love to take 'em off. I'm home early, so I catch you doing the dishes." A healthy portion of Scully's brain wanted to smirk at him for imagining her washing dishes dressed up like she'd just stepped out of one of his videos. This was her Mulder, alright - adolescent to the end. But she promised no laughing. And the idea that he thought of her as he watched his endless stream of porn movies made her gulp comically. "I sneak up behind you, right, and kiss your neck." "Where on my neck?" She had failed to noticed when he had slipped one hand inside her pants, but it came to her attention when his index finger slid carefully between her labia. "On the right side, where your neck meets your shoulder." "Then what?" Her breath was coming in hiccupy gasps. "I pull you down to the floor..." His finger was flitting lightly over her clitoris and she couldn't shake the mental image of a bird trapped in her panties. How long had it been it been since she'd pumped her breasts? She was momentarily gripped by the cold feeling of milk swelling inside her. "Yeah, and?" "And. . .I eat you out." "Shit." She was simultaneously aroused by the image and irritated by his amazing ability to sound like a 14 year old boy. If he'd just said 'cunnilingus' instead, she would have come. She both wanted to slap him and grind her crotch into his face. "Mulder?" Small circles began to spread on the front of her shirt. Shit. "Yeah, Scully." "Can I change my mind?" The small circles began to rapidly widen. "About what?" He sounded alarmed. "About the talking. I just want you to shut up and fuck me, okay?" "Um, I really like to talk during sex." She couldn't help but laugh at that. "Is there a time when you don't really like to talk?" "Umm. . ." "Okay, talk. Just as long as I don't have to answer you." Mulder nodded in agreement. "Sure you won't answer me?" "Not in English." "oh. Uhm, can I kiss you?" He felt free to rub her clitoris, but seemed to need permission to kiss her. It would be a miracle if she didn't strangle him. For Mulder, the self-conscious part of his brain had completely overloaded and blown itself out around the time she had called him Superman. For once, the there was no filter between his brain and his mouth and the words came out as he thought them. His mouth closed in on hers. Her lipstick was slippery and bitter and the Old Crow on her tongue burnt his - it was heaven. He rubbed the tip of his nose to hers as he bit down on her lower lip. Soon, the kissing took on a slurpy rhythm; probe, bite, bite, bite, suck, bite, bite, bite, probe. He was pulling off her clothes in between bites. It was a strange sensation, closer to eating than any kissing either had ever done. If he hadn't pulled away, she had the feeling she would have gone on until both them were bleeding. Her entire chest was wet now, but instead of being put off, he seemed even further aroused. It vaguely worried the same part of her consciousness that drove her to choose Tofutti Dreamsicles over Dove bars. She decided to ignore it. "Scully, honey? I want to get in you now, but if you move too much, it's gonna be over real fast, so just lie back and think of England. I'll make sure you come. Trust me." He backed up and pulled her pants down roughly. Based on her limited experience, it seemed Fox Mulder's penis had the power to make her razor- sharp brain very, very rusty. So it happened that Special Agent Dana Scully, M.D., lost not only her ability to be self-conscious, she had been robbed of her ability to understand her native language in any but the most rudimentary fashion. Somehow, as soon as she finished her internal giggle at being called 'honey,' she was literally visualizing rain, Big Ben, green fields, Monty Python's Flying Circus, a double decker bus, and the Beatles, until his cock bumped insistently against her lips. "It'll be easier if you get me wet first." His voice sounded so tender that she would have told him to come off it if she hadn't been so horny, tired, and, if not drunk, then terribly close. A few passes with her quick tongue were all he expected, but she rapidly swallowed him down to his pubic hair, her swollen lips stretched to their limit. He gasped and jerked hard out of her throat. "Jesus fuckin' Christ, Scully! Are you tryin' to kill me?!?!" "You didn't like it?" She smiled up at him. "You're a succubus, aren't you Scully? You can tell me. Jesus, I'm never going to get used to this. How am I ever going to get anything done? I'm just going to look at you and come in my pants. You're a fucking goddess. Fucking Goddess. You know, you're never gonna be able to get rid of me." He was breathing so hard every word came out as a gasp. He looked younger, gawky, all long arms and legs and sharp elbows and knees, as he positioned them, lining up the requisite parts. An awkwardness settled over them that just wasn't there the first time. "Stay still, stay still, stay still still stillstillstill," He pleaded, easing into her, fixing her hips in place with his hands. He slid into her much faster than he had intended and almost came. Like his first time. Like a teenager. "I'll stay still if you'll shut the fuck up!" she hissed. He giggled nervously and pressed two fingers on either side of her erect clitoris. The only part of him that moved at all were his fingers, leisurely stroking the center of her sensation as her vagina rippled around him, so wet that he knew any movement at all would make little sucking noises. The tightness was so intense that, at first, it was actually painful for both of them. No surprise - it could never be argued that they had been built for each other. Shouldn't childbirth have done something about this? Oh yeah - caesarian. She had had a caesarian. To keep from speaking, he was forced to bite hard into his lip. Still, he issued a continuous string of groans and squeaks. Scully was growling? Yes, she was. Her orgasm squeezed him so tight he imagined he was being permanently damaged. Oh well, it would be worth it. Two seconds later he lost control completely. "Awwww Fuck. loveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyou." His hips rammed spastically against her. She shuddered in pain. The blood from where he had once again torn her slid down her ass as his semen congealed hot inside her. They were both surprised when, instead of collapsing into a deathlike sleep, he proceeded to lick the thickened, bitter fluid out of her. Her glossy shell-pink color both soothed and mesmerized him. His fingertips - nine smooth, one roughened from his gun's trigger - came perilously close to tickling her thighs as he sucked. His head was spinning. He was licking his own come out of Dana Scully, and there could not possibly be anything in the world better world than her hitched breathing as she had her second orgasm against his mouth. "Oh my God, Mulder!" She had known that he would inevitably be open to more sexual possibilities than the other men she had been with, but what he had just done never once crossed her mind. It took her breath away - his mouth felt so good on her battered labia and the act itself was so. . .dirty? Well, that was not the right word. Forbidden, maybe? Forbidden by whom? She was still puzzling over it when he pulled himself up beside her and wrapped them both in a ratty green blanket that smelled distinctly of dog. Quickly, he kissed her, forcing a small pool of blood and semen between her lips. Leave it to Mulder to find something so grotesque and intimate and ultimately sweet to push on her. His hands touched her breasts tentatively. She was concentrating on the taste of blood and ejaculate, thinking he wouldn't be so bitter if he had a decent diet. Thinking she would learn to like bitter before he would submit to any semblance of healthy eating. She wasn't sure which idea embarrassed her more - wanting to fellate him enough to get used to his taste, or wanting to change his eating habits. Smug. He looked smug, like his sperm in her mouth was some sort of victory. She rolled her eyes. Yep, it was confirmed - she was now sleeping with the oddest man in the western hemisphere. "Scully?" His head lay between her breasts. "Ssshhhh. Go to sleep." "Scully?" "Sssshhhhh." "Don't you think. . .?" "No. Go to sleep." "Scully?" "Shhhhh. . .Mulder?" "Yeah?" "Let me know next time you're going to do that." "But Scully, my mother taught me not to talk with my mouth full." "I'll remind you of that at breakfast." "Scully?" He snuggled against her chest, oblivious to the warm milk pooling under his head. "Next time will be better, I swear." Except for a brief and incredibly painful ride around dawn, Dana Scully slept soundly until 3 p.m. She was too tired to rib him about assuming there would be a next time. :~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~: She could hear voices. "Your cheeks are higher." "But the jaw is the same." "I think your eyes might be a little bit bigger." "I don't think so. I think they're about the same, mine are just angled in my face differently." "At least you have an upper lip." "Well, they had nine years to make a few design modifications." "Just think, you, too, could have this nose." "It's endearing. It has character." "It was easier to accept when I thought I was the unfortunate victim of genetic roulette." "Fate's just what you call it when you don't know who's sticking it to you." "He made you better looking than me." "I don't think so, Bro. Jean said you were quite the object of desire down at the Hoover building." "But you're really hot." "And that sure has made my life better. Besides, it's bad reasoning: if we're so much alike, how can I be better looking?" She was amused to see them side by side in front of the bathroom mirror, scrutinizing their faces in myopic wonder. "The nose makes all the difference." "So if you were engineering someone...?" "Longer face, smaller, more even lips, bigger eyes, smaller nose, more chin." It was apparent from the way he rattled it off that he had known the answer to that one for years. Scully couldn't help but laugh. "Mulder, I think you just described Tom Colton." "And on the third day, she rose." Funny how years ago she never noticed how Betty's voice tended make the same odd shifts in pitch that amused her in her partner's. Mulder, however, was slightly shy and behaved as though she had been shot rather than fucked. "You okay? You need a Tylenol or something? A glass of milk?" Special Agent Scully was dumbfounded. Her eyes fluttered, head tilted, mouth opened. She began to laugh. "Man, and I thought Jean had a big head." Betty was laughing, too. For several minutes, each time one woman paused they made eye contact and began to snort again. Mulder was in a very special hell. He couldn't think of anything better to do than stare at the sink until he realized that someone had grabbed his ass. He hoped to hell it was Scully. "May I?" She gestured to the toilet. "Sure you don't need a wheel chair?" And the two collapsed into giggles all over again, leaving Mulder to wonder what strange spasm of karma had brought him to this particular juncture. :~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~: Sitting on a rock in a field drinking coffee and eating slightly stale cornbread was actually quite pleasant. The day had gone slightly rainy and cold but the bite of the wind was sweet on Scully's face. Finally, they were getting somewhere, even if it seemed an awful lot of Betty's information was based on conjecture. What was more, she liked her. It was not unlike the time in her life when, after a two year long lull, she and Missy had gone from hated rivals to friends. The arrogant and edgy teenaged Betty had been simply beyond the comprehension of a cherished and sheltered young Dana Scully. In purely selfish terms, she was pleased to find someone like her now. These days they were about equally guarded and hard bitten; adult Scully liked that in a woman. She remembered when Betty had appeared, comet-like, during the beginning of Dana's junior year. Younger, exotic, and just plain smarter at a time Scully wasn't used to much competition in that department. Then, to add insult to injury, her breasts managed to quadruple in size in a mere six months. So much for Dana Katherine, sweetheart of Georgetown physics. Betty didn't even seem like a real person back then, more like an insanely plumed bird-of-paradise, designed to show Scully for the drab little sparrow she was. Despite it all, she had learned some important things from the whole experience, things about being a woman doing a 'man's job'. If you were attractive, you couldn't possibly have anything important to say. If you were less than stunning, most men never even saw you, let alone heard you. If you were a woman, you were screwed either way. The only real talk the two of them had during their two overlapping years studying physics - and it stuck with her over the years simply because the longer she lived, the more it seemed 15 year old Betty, sneering all the way through one of those post-final 'geektaculars' as she'd called them, had hit the nail on the head. If she concentrated, she could still conjure up the image in her head: little Dana, Betty, and about thirty guys who looked like the Lone Gunmen in larval form, drinking beer and eating pizza. She almost laughed to think she'd been naive enough to argue that she was the author of her own fate. If they could convince Betty to go back to DC, Scully could nearly imagine she and Mulder doing couple things with Betty and Skinner. She could certainly see them having an entertaining lunch date together, which would be a refreshing break from sometimes cloying lunches with her mother or the bicker-du-jour with Mulder. "Like I said this morning, the Consortium fucks had the idea that, after the aliens came and got rid of all earth's undesirables, it would be their distinct pleasure to redesign human society. Now, of course if you're a follower of traditional western thinking and buy the whole 'inherently evil nature of man' thing, you don't believe you can do that without redesigning the basic human. Now they had an upper class essentially chosen for them, I believe, by the aliens, who instructed them to make disease-resistant hybrids capable of communicating with the Grays. Cassandra was their first complete success. They also had a labor class - they call them the Melissas- drones, essentially, engineered from Samantha and a few others - who were totally mute and incapable of independent reproduction." Scully winced. "Why that name?" "After the beekeeping priestesses of Athena, right?" Mulder answered. "Yup. The other series is us. The Praetorians, after the imperial guards of ancient Rome. I think we were easier than the others in that there was less old DNA to turn on. But they were playing with some very subtle brain chemistry when they designed us, trying to encode certain behaviors, certain personality traits. I believe you're the oldest model still functioning. I think it was your search for Sam that saved you. From what I can gather, nowadays, they're mostly female and project gets 'em knocked up early. It helps them make it sometimes." "Explain." "We have an innate need to love, protect. We also lack a strong instinct for self-preservation. We have an unhealthy tendency to focus our attention on a single individual. New from Hasbro! Now you too, can build a stalker in your basement!" Mulder was nodding. "Fortunately, there's a high attrition rate. The preservation-instinct problem. I understand only a quarter have managed make it to adulthood. Or, adulthood such as we are capable of." Mulder was enthralled. "What's that supposed to mean?" "There are certain changes that take place in the adult brain that. . ." "Are you saying that the ability to build fixed neural pathways has been affected?" Scully asked. "They've been eliminated. Our neurological chemistry is stuck in a permanent state of adolescence. Kind of like an axolatyl-inducing neotony was a way to solve certain problems." Scully nodded and took a bite of cornbread, followed by a swallow of coffee. "Betty, those weren't tricks you used to do at parties, were they?" "Well, just the boiling water thing. I got all the rest out of a book." "What are you talking about, Scully?" "Betty used to have this act she'd do. . . " "Nothin' like getting liquored up and putting on a show for the meatballs. That part of the experiment failed. All I can do is effect temperature, nothing like what they were shooting for." At this point Mulder drew himself to his feet and walked away, muttering. Dana Scully suddenly felt very tired, even as she set down her coffee to follow him. "You know you just encourage him to do this kind of crap when you rush after him." "And you would suggest?" "Years of in-depth therapy. But given our current time constraints, I'd say we should continue our conversation and if he feels like coming back, he will. To tell the truth, I'd be really fucking surprised if he goes all the way back to the house. I predict he'll turn around and pout as soon as he realizes you aren't racing behind him. Then, after what he deems an appropriate length of time, he'll come grumbling over here, sit back down, and glare at me. If we continue to ignore him, he will then blurt out what he has on his mind." "He thinks you're lying." "No." She shook her head. "He wants me to be lying. There's a big difference. I also thinks he's jumped a few steps ahead of us and doesn't like where we're going." Scully looked dubious. So Mulder was throwing a hissy fit in anticipation of what he THOUGHT Betty was going to say? Betty knew he knew. He knew Betty knew he knew. The syntax alone was irksome. "So?" "So. No one falls into this game through happenstance. They sent you to him as a test, to see if he could do the job he was designed to do." "What was that?" "You two really need to work on your communication skills." "What is it, Betty?" She asked, even though, at that moment, she knew. She knew. If she was right, this changed everything. And nothing. It meant. . . it meant . . .nothing that had happened to her had anything to do with Mulder. 'Not everything is about you' – how she wished she'd been wrong. If Betty said the words, it meant that, even if she'd refused her assignment to rein in the crank in the basement, even if she'd left one of the dozens of times she'd seriously considered it, fuck, even if she'd married Ethan Minette when he'd asked, her terror would be the same. It also meant that staying with Fox Mulder was not by definition being wedded to calamity. He did not bring her into this - she had been born to it, no differently than Emily or any of the rest of them. It also meant that Benny was, on some level, wholly and completely the Consortium's creature. How would she ever protect him? She felt the color slide from her face, but managed somehow to keep her features blank, even as she wondered why she bothered. Exactly who was she trying to impress with her show of strength? "Well, Dana, you're one of the Purity Control mothers. Fox has known it for years. And I guess he never told you." Suddenly, Scully's cornbread seemed hard in her throat. "It was pretty obvious." Trying hard not to be at all surprised. "They did take my ova, after all." "Well, we were made to protect you - and the other women like you. But, according to old Dad, after observing the X-Files dynamic in action, our particular line was declared an unmitigated failure." She shook her red head in puzzlement. "I don't get it." "You save him, but he's supposed to save you. He's supposed have incredible feelings of devotion for you, but be unable to function with you sexually; clearly, he can. He is not supposed to elicit strong feelings from you; clearly, he does." Mulder had approached noisily and listened for some time, though neither woman acknowledged him in any way. "Then I must be the failure." "No, you're the success. While you don't have too much alien DNA, you are almost perfectly compatible with them, biologically. Your genes were used to enable them to change Cassandra the way they did. Your mom make a lot of Christmas cookies when you were a kid?" "Yes." It came as a sigh "Well, when Cassandra wasn't spending the holidays on a locked ward, she used to make a lot of cookies, too." Scully frowned. "What does this have to do with..." Betty cut her off. "She used to make this basic dough that you could use for all the varieties you wanted. Add an extra egg, some coconut, and some maraschino cherries and you had one kind of cookie. Take another hunk of dough, add some melted chocolate..." "Your point?" "Mulder's the basic dough. He's the perfect starting point. Fox was a failure because he should have been too unstable to act on any of his feelings for you, unable to do anything but protect you. He should never have been able to actually have any sort of relationship with you, beyond maybe that worshiping-from-afar crap and maybe some kind of stuttering professional dialogue. They wrote him off. They wrote us off. But about a year ago, something changed. Suddenly, they want him, want us. They want a lot of us. And I'm pretty sure they're making them. Well, this time I draw the line in the sand." "Wait, wait - too many pronouns. What are you saying?" "They are making more Praetorians, more Praetorians from our patterns." "The Consortium was destroyed. Who is doing this?" "You know that after Attila the Hun died his heirs couldn't hold the soldiers together. They fought among themselves and eventually degenerated into the bands of thugs they'd been originally." "And a splintered Consortium could be potentially more dangerous than a united front? How do you propose to stop them?" "I didn't say I was going to stop them, though I sincerely hope they'll destroy themselves. With the last of the original members gone, it's Lord of the Flies time on Consortium Island. I'm just refusing to play Drusilla to Fox's Caligula. Not even in a petri dish. Not in this life." A low voice spoke up. "You don't have proof for any of this, do you?" "Since when do you need proof, Mulder?" Scully was irritated to a degree she had previously thought impossible. "So what, The Smoker is everybody's father now, right? Mine, yours, Samantha's, Alex Krycek? He our brother, too? How 'bout Skinner? Scully? What about Covarrubias - are you gonna tell me I fucked my sister, now? This is just one big fucked-up family, right? Maybe what we really need is a therapy session. We could go on Jerry Springer." Betty Roguebull was chuckling. "You said it, not me. Look, the original Consortium members just sort of stumbled into it, but it didn't take long for them to see themselves as members of a very select elite. All the younger players were made by the original conspirators- one way or another." "How does Scully come into this?" "You're making Oxford look pretty over-rated right now, Bro " She turned away from him. "Your father's career military, right?" She nodded at Scully. "All your health care was done at military hospitals, from your mother's first prenatal check to your first pelvic exam? They had to use a larger group to try an create a hybrid. The circle of conspirators was too small." "Just tell me I'm not related to Krycek." Mulder was studying Scully. "Ironically, I understand Alex Krycek is Bill Mulder's sole offspring." After a moment of hyperventilating shock, Mulder began vomiting forcefully. Scully's shoes, cornbread, and coffee all fell victim. Betty shrieked with hilarity. Mulder spat. "As long as you're amused." "What can I say? You're pretty fucking funny." Scully tried to maintain her traditional role as the beleaguered voice of sanity, but things began to spiral out of control from that point. Mulder made a few pointed remarks about mothers who abandon their children and asked if she'd waited until after her husband was actually buried before she screwed Skinner. Betty, in her turn, was just as cruel, pinning him with both personal and professional impotence. "I hear you were really good at profiling, though. Why'd ya quit? Wake up one day and find yourself jerkin' off to a picture of twelve year old wearing a ballgag? You like that about Dana, don't you? In dim light, I bet she could pass for twelve." Betty's eyes glinted briefly. "No, I think eight is more your speed, right?" That was the one that finally did it. He lunged. Scully tried to force herself between them, until she recognized that they were both utterly oblivious to her. Mulder was bigger, but not by much, and while he had superior upper body strength, Betty had better balance. She seemed ever so slightly more able, more angry, less restrained. It could go either way. Then Betty's fist connected with Mulder's nose quickly - once twice three times - and his hands wrapped round her neck. This was serious. Scully had to do something, but her gun was in DC. There was no point trying to tell them anything, since they weren't capable of listening or hearing. She was simply too small to pull them apart physically. In the end, she knocked them both in the head with a sun-bleached bone she found not too far away. Legbone. Bovine. Still had a hoof on one end. Silly, but effective. :~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~: The offending parties were sitting on the ground cupping their heads tenderly, distorted mirror images. "What the hell was that?" Scully was pacing and fuming, still holding the bone. "I'm guessing the telepathic equivalent of guitar feedback." Betty was staring at the blood on her hands with wonder. Mulder nodded. "A good bet, I'd say." Wincing as he flexed his fingers. "The emotion is echoed back, both amplified and distorted, only to be amplified and distorted again." "Ad infinitum." Betty rubbed her throat. "Only hole in that theory is - you're not telepathic. Any more." Scully stood in her angry stance, feet apart, hands on hips. "Are you?" Mulder rubbed his eyes and tried to scrub the dirt out of his teeth with his tongue. He shook his head. "I had a dream about an hour before Skinner called me..." "Oh, brother." Scully threw her head back, searching the sky, wondering what sin she had committed to earn her this partner, this stupid line of reasoning, this ridiculous life. She felt she should run to the car as fast her little legs would carry her, then drive nonstop to DC. He was nuts. They were nuts. All of them, her included. "Hear me out, Scully." Oh no, the 'beseeching' look. It was a miracle Scully had never killed him herself. "I dreamed I was, um, being intimate with Jean Mercy. But I wasn't myself. I was a woman. I was Betty, Scully. I looked in the mirror and I was Betty." Scully considered what he'd said. "There are plausible explanations for this, Mulder." "Was that all?" Betty narrowed her gaze. Mulder shook his head like a dog. "What was the rest?" Her glittery black eyes had become two piss holes in the snow. "He turned into Skinner." "And?" "And I puked." "What was I doing at the beginning of the dream?" "Painting your nails - Revlon Top Speed. One Coat. Quick Dry. Mink. Do you understand how this happened?" "Not really. It was an intense dream, but no offense, the old man said you were a really weak, telepathically. Receiver only. Equivalent of a cheap Yugoslavian radio - takes forever to warm up and find the station and even then the signal's spotty." "It's how I profile, isn't it?" "Just the Spooky part - anyone with right DNA turned on can pick up a signal. Correctly interpreting the information requires a smarter-than-average bear." He was nodding. Scully was circling the two, bone still in hand. "Sorry about..." Betty gestured vaguely toward him. "Aaa, Scully can tell you my week isn't complete if I don't get my ass kicked at least once. I usually don't...usually don't go around hitting pregnant women. Shit, you alright?" He looked at her through one eye. "Skinner's gonna knock my teeth down my throat for this." "Not if you don't tell him." Mulder's eye brows shot upwards. "She's come home to die Mulder." Scully said just as the realization hit her in the same voice he was used to hearing from her in the morgue - sad, bored, tired, but precise. "Before you say anything, Bro, listen to me. This is the only way. If I'm dead there's no reason to threaten Junior. If I'm dead they can't use me to further the project. Face it - alive, I'm nothing but a liability." "When?" He couldn't argue. "Well, I thought I'd indulge myself in a premature wake tonight, then tomorrow I bite the big weenie." "How?" "I have uhh can uhh consciously control my autonomic nervous system. I'll just, you know, lay down and die, like Dan George in Little Big Man, only I know for a fact the magic's gonna work " "Is that all the information you have Betty?" The no nonsense ScullyVoice again. She supposed she could argue, but even if she didn't agree with Betty's choice, she could understand it. "All the technical information, yeah. Everything else is just, you know, family shit. Maybe you'd rather not hear it. I doubt any of it matters much." He eased himself onto his side. "Tell me." "Where shall I start?" "Krycek " "Well, that kinda starts with the Mulders. The way I understand it, both of them were going to be used for Project Praetorian initially but Spender, I think, well, he was...he saw to it Bill Mulder was found genetically unacceptable. He'd been enamored of your mother since the beginning and I think it was his way of..." "Pretty much raping her." Mulder's smile was ugly and humorless. He closed his eyes and released a chuckle that was nearly a sob. Scully had silently come to stand behind him and was now stroking one stubbly cheek. "My mother was never even a volunteer. Krycek...um...after Samantha was born, I understand it started to get to Bill Mulder more than before and he had an affair. I think she was his secretary at the State Department. Anyway, she worked for him some way or another. When she got pregnant, he came to Dad to ask him to arrange an abortion. Instead, good old Charlie Spender married her off to some Consortium goon. Sasha used to come over and play. We're about the same age." "What was her name? I might remember her." "Dad called her Cozy, but I think her given name was Cosima." "She was the maid." He closed his eyes. "Our maid. She used to have cookies ready everyday when I came home from school." His shoulders were shaking silently somewhere between weeping and cackling. "Shit." "Mulder?" Scully was trying to soothe him her palm, rubbing tight circles on his now hunched back. "My parents hired her when Mom was carrying Samantha. The one before her used to drink and steal change off my mother's dresser. Cozy used to-" he hiccupped. "Cozy. When I was little I used to splash her when she gave me a bath." "Mulder, I think everyone did that when they were a kid, albeit most children splash their mother not the maid." "Scully, I did it because if I got her wet enough, she'd take her blouse off." The laughter began like popcorn ricocheting off the plains. "Just think, Alex and I had our little dicks scrubbed by the same woman." He was edging up on hysteria. After a while, Scully and Elizabeth couldn't help but follow him. "I kind of figured. I just never. I mean, I was old enough to figure it out, just not old enough to suspect my dad." His side ached. "I was probably in the house when he was conceived. Oh My Fucking God, kind of adds a whole new dimension to my life-long feelings of inadequacy." "You know, Sasha's step-dad, he was the kind of guy, the kind of guy who'd marry a pregnant stranger because Spender told him to. I still don't know if he was incredibly loyal or incredibly craven. I think he was the first person Alex ever killed. Alex was about 15 and they were up reshingling the roof. I don't know what was said or done, but I heard Sasha beat the back of his skull in with a hammer." Mulder opened his eyes to stare. "Seems to be a pattern. Did you know he killed Bill Mulder?" Betty nodded as if she had known, or at least suspected as much. "Now this is the funny part, I remember how proud Dad, Spender, was. 'Today you are a man' and all that crap. He got him his own apartment and put him to work after that. Mulder couldn't help snorting. "God, Sasha worshiped our Dad. He used to be afraid like everybody else until, well, okay. His step-dad was not big on buying toys and I remember him pining, absolutely pining, for some Legos, but Mr. Krycek wouldn't go for it. And Cozy, she was too fucking terrified to defy her husband. Resourceful boy that he was, Sasha decided to steal Jeff's a few at a time. You know, 'cause who's gonna notice five missing Legos? Anyway, Dad figured it out not long after Sam and I did, and you know what he did? He bought him one of those big ass tubs of 'em, you know the big honking LegoRama. After that, you woulda thought Dad was fucking Santa Claus the way Sasha treated him. Nobody's all good or all bad, Fox." Scully's cell phone chose that moment to ring. Mulder, meanwhile, was sucked into his own rapidly swirling brain. Alex Krycek, it seemed, was the rightful owner of his life. The money, the connections, the education, the bureau job Bill Mulder had arranged so easily for him, the advantages that he had ignored because he felt so very entitled to them, should never have been his, should have gone to a boy so desperate he'd sold his soul for a bunch of crappy plastic bricks. Mulder himself belonged...where? With the sons-of-bitches he had sworn to expose? Was he really any different than their other creations? Emily, the Jeremiah Smiths, the Kurt Crawfords? Never should have been. It wasn't the first time he wondered that about himself. Now the question brought its own answer. Of course not. You are a monster, Fox Mulder. If the villagers had any sense, they'd be here with their torches. He couldn't deny it now. His only purpose was Scully. And even that had been engineered. He loved her because he had been designed to love her. Those sorry sons-of-bitches had written it in every cell of his body and it pulled him like a tide. But she loved him. That hadn't been part of the plan. He couldn't help wondering precisely to what degree they had risen above their original programming. He need to get out of this. His life as Fox Mulder, Marionette, had to end. And she was coming with him, even if it took handcuffs and a roll of duct tape. She and the baby. Christ, he sounded like Duane Barry. He had clearly lost his mind. He was also clearly right. He sincerely hoped he wouldn't need the tape. Elizabeth was listening intently to Scully's phone conversation. "Okay?" "Yeah? Yeah? I'll tell him. Umm hhhhm. No, if you wake him up now his schedule will be off for days. "Frohike, give me Byers. Why won't he come to the phone? Okay, Langly then. "Langly? What have you got? I'm assuming that's why you called and not just so Frohike could do some of his heavy breathing. Well, give them to me. "Yes, I'm sure. That's not possible. Because the person that sample came from was born shortly before Agent Mulder's ninth birthday. How's that? Your friends must have made a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes. Then have them triple check it." Scully rolled her blue eyes upward. "Why, hello Byers. What's this crap about? Uhh hhuuuuhhh. How else can I think about it? Illuminate me, by all means. Granted. Yes. But it's a long, long jump. Yes. Yes. You wanna tell him? I need more than that if you expect me to...okay, I'll give him the results. You have another place you can get the sample retested? Yes, three times should be enough. Frohike, be careful what you wish for." By the time the conversation was over, four eyebrows raised themselves expectantly at her. "It's stupid. It's a mistake - it has to be a mistake." Her voice was crackling with irritation. "What is it Scully? Come on." He waggled his head side to side. "You're talking to Mister Extreme Possibility, here." He was trying to convince her he was game, ready for whatever bizarre casserole life was dishing up for him next. "Well?" Betty gave her a look that was nearly a photocopy of the patented PissyMulder frown. "According to our friends, you most certainly share more DNA than the average two strangers plucked from a crowd at random." "Come on, Dana." Betty's voice was level. "Yeah, tell us, Dana. I'm ready for it." Mulder was somewhere between irritable and mocking. "I hesitate for precisely that reason, MonsterBoy. I don't want you twisting yourself into knots over a couple of wonky test results." "Scully." There was a note of pleading in his voice. "According to The Gunmen's testing source..." "...Who've never been wrong before," he interrupted her. "There is a ninety nine point eight two percent chance that...it seems that. Well, it would appear from a comparison of your DNA that you are definitely related, though not quite the way we expected." Two pairs of already small eyes narrowed at her. "If the test results are to be believed, half of Betty's genetic material comes from either you or someone genetically identical to you." Mulder's response was to shake himself like a wet dog. "That's not possible. Is it?" "Not as far as traditional science is concerned, but then neither are aliens or shape shifters or any number of other things you and I have witnessed. On the other hand, there are theoretical methods of reproducing without gametes. What is a sperm but the body's genetic delivery system? It is theoretically possible that someone with sufficiently advanced technology could simply introduce chromosomes carrying the desired traits into a prepared egg cell. Chromosomes that are present in an ordinary body cell." Betty was nodding as if hypnotized. "Makes perfect sense. They went through all the trouble of designing Fox, so why reinvent the wheel when it came time to produce the new model? Doesn't work for Detroit, doesn't work for the Consortium." She regarded Mulder, cocking her head. "Seems I've been sending Fathers' Day cards to the wrong white guy all these years. So neither of my parents were willing participants in my conception?" With a sigh, she fell flat on her back in the grass. "This week at SpenderMart: two violations for the price of one!" At that moment an idea that her subconscious had been wrestling with for several minutes finally bubbled its way up into Scully's waking thoughts and she sat down in front of Mulder, stunned. "Mulder! My eggs!" She began to tremble almost imperceptibly. He was overcome, his eyes stretched painfully wide. There was a good chance that he and Scully...he and Scully...he and Scully... "Shit!" he whispered, his eyes shot wide, his knees drawn tight to his chest, his hands locked tight behind his head. Betty sat up as if pulled by a string. "What?" "They, they harvested my ova when I was abducted, all of them. If this means what I think it might mean," Scully was whispering, on the naked edge of begging - how had she gotten so greedy? "NO!" Betty was far inside the perimeter of Scully's personal space nearly touching her. "Look Dana, I am not having this baby. I am not staying alive just to give these men another pawn. I don't care if this fetus came from fucking Mother Teresa and Stephen Hawking, I'm not bringing one more tool into this world for them. You know that's all the three of us are. There's no proof, right? This pregnancy could have come from any number of test subjects." Scully simply took her hand. "Betty, Mulder and I already have a son. He's...just a baby." She tore her hand out of Scully's grasp. "No, Dana. You don't know exactly what this means yet. This could mean you never have a moment of peace, never have another moment in your life without fear. For the rest of your life, you will lie awake in bed at night wondering how you could love someone so much and still bring them into a world where you're helpless to protect them." Mulder reached out for both of them, uncertain of what to say. Elizabeth surged toward him, grasping his hand tightly, but refusing to come any closer. Scully, however, stood and walked. She was reeling. She wanted, with every fiber of her being, to deny, deny, deny. She and her baby were normal, utterly normal. If Fox Mulder wanted to believe he had been conceived as part of a plot to remake the human race in CGB Spender's hideous image, well, he could go right ahead. She focused on trying to believe she and her baby had no part in this. None at all. But she couldn't. No matter how much she wanted to pretend, it wouldn't work. Fuck Fox Mulder for existing in the first place. Maybe she could make it all his fault. Well then, fuck her, too. She owned more than half of this, and she knew it. She wanted to confess ... but to whom ? What could she do? It's not like she could put that beautiful boy back where he came from, split him back into his original parts and keep him safe. Betty's plan made more and more sense, and it terrified her. But then the baby would be completely unprotected. The minute infanticide/suicide flickered through her head, she wanted to die. Rip Mulder to shreds with her bare hands first, of course, then disappear into nothing. She loved the baby. And Mulder. And she was so weak she couldn't even bear the knowledge of her own helplessness. She was utterly useless. "Why do I suddenly get the feeling we're playing paper-scissors-rock here, Scully? If we calm down for a minute I'm sure..." "You're sure of what, Mulder? Sure we can find a way to track down hundreds, perhaps thousands, of potential offspring? Account for every single one of my eggs? And if we could, then what? Take half to my apartment and half to yours? Get a house and play Mommy Agent and Daddy Agent, while a struggle takes place for the fate of the world? My God, Mulder, what have we done?" Mulder stood up, dragging Betty with him. They closed in on Scully in three strides and Mulder grabbed her hard by the shoulder. "Tell me you don't want this." "Want has nothing to do with it." She hugged herself. Dreamlike, they closed in on her. Long overheated arms wrapped around her. It was a strange thing that happened next, another feedback loop, only his time sorrow and comfort wrapped tight around her. Betty understood all too well the noose they were in and a warm. drowsy sort of succor that had a strange, sharp, almost physical sting emanated from her. Words rang from Elizabeth to Scully and back again {this thing is the same for us - what Betty? What's the same? The same for who?} She was suddenly terrified of a wrong move as a grossly appealing idea crossed her mind. It would be so easy to get caught between the two of them sexually - the ultimate feed back loop. It would be so good. It would also quite possibly ensure that nothing was ever good again. A realization struck like a fist. This thought had not originated with her. But who? The two giants looming over her were equally excited and repelled by the idea. Images and numbers cascaded. Someone was envisioning Mulder's cock buried between her labia, Betty's tongue caressing the three inches or so at the base he would never be able to fit into Scully. She couldn't suppress a shiver. The next image was the two agents cheek to cheek between Elizabeth's legs, lips, tongue, teeth frenziedly attacking everything in sight. Then just the two women kissing as broad male hands ran over them. Finally, two pairs of lips kissing around Mulder's cock. Her skin felt as though she was covered with ants or was midstream in a powerful electrical current. She could feel their thoughts. She was reading their minds. She had never truly believed it was possible but here she was. She knew herself well enough to know she was incapable of coming up with the breadth and volume of ideas and images currently coursing through her brain. Equations described the swell of her breasts and the breadth of Mulder's shoulders, their waists. It became quite simple to differentiate between their thoughts - Mulder's libido was drunk with words, some of them embarrassing. It was true, she loved him, but she could have lived her entire life without hearing the phrase "glorious expanse of rounded ass" describing her in his mind. Actually, that example was on the tame and tasteful end of the Mulder-thought spectrum. He was picturing her on her hands and knees and himself behind her. Analingus, Mulder? He answered with a silent affirmative so lewd and vivid that heat poured through her like a river. This was such a mistake, but she was trapped between them, barely capable of conscious thought, though easily in more control than either Betty or Mulder. Their arms were wrapped around each other's waists, locking Scully in like a very adult game of London Bridge. They dipped their heads in unison and two pairs of obscenely full lips brushed either side of Scully's neck. Betty was singing softly in her ear, "-build it up with iron bars, iron bars, iron bars, My Fair Lady." Their touches were almost extraneous. She found her body responding as if thought itself was action. This was unequivocally wrong. Mulder's penis felt sharp grinding into her belly through, how many? Four? No, six layers of clothing. She knew her perception was wrong and the strange clutch she found herself in was only seconds old. Then another picture. Bright but soupy. A definite Bergman movie look to it. Jean-Guy Mercy beckoning from a rumpled bed. It both sizzled and ached. Betty shoved them away in a split second so rough that they wound up in a stunned pile on the ground. Scully gasped. Mulder backed away, crab-like, his arms wrapped around his head. "I'msorryI'msorryI'msorry." "I'm saying this in the nicest way possible, Fox." Betty glared at him with a look of uncontained rage. "Never touch me again. 'Kay? Or I will literally rip off your dick with my bare hands. Hear me? No skin-to-skin contact. I may not have long to live, but I have no interest in crossing incest off the short list of things I've never done. I will not lose control again " She enunciated as if he was not only hard of hearing, but also stupid, and relatively unfamiliar with the English language. "I didn't mean...it just..." His hands still covered his face. "Have either of you considered the possibility that you were designed to respond this way?" Scully eyed them both calmly. She would impose order on this chaos, remain calm, whether she meant it or not. "That's too sick, even for Spender." Mulder shook his head. Betty's body tensed. "He 'would' do something like this if he thought it served his purpose. Good method of propagation, really; dominant traits will survive and the mistakes will probably Darwin themselves out" Then she got up and walked away. Mulder seemed incapable of raising his face to meet Scully's gaze. Instead, he spoke in a murmur, his eyes fixed on the grass. "I... uhhh... Scully...I never wanted it like this...this way...don't think I wanted...I don't know what you saw." "Everything, Mulder." It was several minutes before she could bring herself to look at him, and when she did, he was crying. She crawled along the ground until she was sitting beside him. "Mulder " she whispered "Mulder, I hate to tell you this but you were right. We have to go. But I don't think disappearing will be enough. We'll have to make it look like we're dead. Things are going to be okay. We're all going to be okay." She forced open his clenched fist and laid a kiss in his palm. :~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~: All the stereotypical elements were in place. A rented car. A black night. A flight to catch. More unanswered questions than could be stowed safely in the overhead compartment. "So?" She licked her bottom lip. "So?" He wished he was wearing a tie so he could loosen it. Her eyes darted shiftily around the dark interior, but there was nothing to see but dials and knobs and scattered glowing numbers. Mulder cleared his throat softly. "Do you think she made the right decision?" "No. Suicide is never the right decision. But I understand why she did it. She was afraid and it seemed like it was the last piece of control she could exercise." "You really think that's true? Because it seems to me that there are most likely many instances where taking one's own life can be the best remaining option " "Where there's life there's hope, Mulder." "That's a little trite, don't you think?" "It's also true. You know, Betty seemed so strong, so tough, but the truth was, she lived her entire life as a victim, a guinea pig for the men who made her. She had no idea how to even begin fighting them, and it was easier for her to die than to learn to resist. It's been a hard road, but you've taught me that. You've taught me how to resist. If it weren't for you, I'd be just like her - terrified, my entire life out of my control, with no idea how to fight." "Scully?" "No Mulder, I mean it. I shudder to think of where I'd be without you. I owe you everything and...you owe me a hell of a lot, too." They both laughed, a nervous, sharp laugh. Funny that this was what it took to bring the two of them to the same page, but here they were: scared, elated, guilty, reeling. She stretched her legs in front of her, glad for once that she was short, thankful not to be Fox Mulder and unable to have a good stretch in the passenger seat of a Ford Taurus. "So what's the plan, partner?" He had been buried in the steadily shifting sands of his own thought, and it took a moment to get free. "Huh?" "You know, the plan, the fabulous disappearing Mulders, featuring Scully the Magnificent." She smiled. "Oh. That plan. It was kind of..." "Try me." By the time the shine of Dallas lit the horizon, they had agreed on arson, manufacture of a false surveillance video, new identities in some small town somewhere, and the theft of some dead bodies. Really, it was disturbing how shockingly not uncommon it was for a hospital to "lose" a body. "We're really gonna do this?" he wondered. As far as he could see, the difficult parts fell squarely on Scully and the Gunmen, while his job seemed to consist mostly of, well, shopping. Her jaw was set but a smile crimped the corners of her mouth. "Yeah. We're going to do this." "Scully, I never imagined you'd go to such lengths just to get out of the car." He smiled back at her and she opened her mouth to either tease or chide him, but never got the chance. "Shhhhh, Scully." He turned up the radio until the background static started to buzz. "They're playing our song." "We have a song?" He nodded. "Shhhh," his finger to his lips. Thirty seconds later she was rolling her eyes. "Mulder! It's 'Radar Love'." He nodded, grinning that 'the-little-people- told-me-to-build-the-telescope' grin. She proceeded despite his musical/romantic mania. "It's the musical equivalent of Ed Wood." "It's still our song." His smile turned from insane to the epitome of sweetness and light. "Mulder are you ever concerned that a comet might strike the Earth and wipe out your CD collection?" She only barely smiled as she said it. "Yes, Darling. I stay up nights pondering a world where all that's left are cock roaches and that shit you listen to." Again they chuckled quietly to themselves. But for better or worse, most of the fear was gone. By the time they were unpacked and snuggling their son in Scully's apartment, Jean-Guy Mercy Jr. had already happily hopped into a car driven by Alex Krycek. End 02/02 :~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~: End Pater Familias II – Absentia Next up: Pater Familias III – Insto kokotheuberchimp@hotmail.com http://www.geocities.com/onemillionandnine