Adapted from an ancient Graeco-Egyptian work on magic
By Frater T.S.


Stand facing East. Vibrate the seven vowels in order ËEIAOUÖ in the seven energy-centres in turn, descending, thus:

Ë (as in air) at the crown of the head
E (as in bet) just about the top of the nose
I (as in teeth) in the throat
A (as in far) in the heart
O (as in hot) in the solar plexus
U (as in roof) just below the navel
Ö (as in rope) at the base of the spine

By doing so, establish the Middle Pillar.


  1. Stretch out both arms to your left and vibrate either A or A EE ËËË IIII OOOOO UUUUUU ÖÖÖÖÖÖÖ, in either case over the course of a full exhalation; formulate the vibration as a wall of force heading outwards in the direction faced to the limits of your working area.
  2. Turn to the left, face north, extend your right fist forward and vibrate E or E ËË III OOOO UUUUU ÖÖÖÖÖÖ AAAAAAAA in a similar manner.
  3. Turn to the left, face west, extend both hands in front of you, and vibrate Ë or Ë II OOO UUUU ÖÖÖÖÖ AAAAAAA EEEEEEE in a similar manner.
  4. Turn to the left, face south, place both hands flat on your stomach, and vibrate I or I OO UUU ÖÖÖÖ AAAAA EEEEEE ËËËËËËË in a similar manner.
  5. Turn to the left and face east again, bend down, touching the ends of your toes, and vibrate O or O UU ÖÖÖ AAAA EEEEE ËËËËËË IIIIIII formulating the vibration as a wall of force expanding below you.
  6. Look up, placing both hands on your head, and vibrate U or U ÖÖ AAA EEEE ËËËËË IIIIII OOOOOOO, formulating the vibration as a wall of force expanding above you.
  7. Look straight ahead, placing your right hand on your heart, and vibrate Ö or Ö AA EEE ËËËË IIIII OOOOOO UUUUUUU. Here formulate the vibration as a rotating ring of force centred on your heart, which spins to fill in the sphere whose limits were defined by the previous six vibrations.


  1. Stand looking straight ahead, both arms extended out to the sides about 45° below horizontal, hands open, palms forward, and vibrate Ë Ö.
  2. Turn to face north and, in a similar position, vibrate CHÖ CHOUCH.
  3. Turn to face west and vibrate NOUN NAUNI.
  4. Turn to face south and vibrate AMOUN AMAUNI


Turn back to the East, and say:

I call on you,
Eternal and unbegotten One,
Sustainer of all creation,
One beyond understanding,
Ruler of the pole,
Thou whose true name is unknown even to the gods,
Thou whose masks are the lynx, the eagle, the snake, the phoenix,
Thou who art life, power and necessity.

Then vibrate



Conclude by repeating the vibration of the seven vowels in the Middle Pillar.

Notes on the above.

This is fairly freely adapted from PGM XIII. 823-885, part of a Græco-Egpytian magical work known as the "Tenth Hidden Book of Moses"; while the papyrus on which this is preserved is dated to the fourth century of the Christian era, internal evidence strongly suggests it to be a compilation of considerably older texts.

The seven-vowel Middle Pillar rigmarole at the beginning is an interpolation by myself based on some work with this formula originally done as a seperate project; the allocation of the vowels to the seven principal Chakras is simply what I find works best. Your mileage may vary.

The signs attributed to the seven "directions" are as given in the original text. I have left them deliberately imprecise to allow for elaboration by the individual user. One minor alteration has been made to the allocation of the vowels; originally 'U' was to be said "looking into the air" followed by 'Ö' "looking into the sky"; the order here treats the seventh and final 'direction' as a rotary motion which seals the other six.

The pairs of names recited to the quarters in point 3 are cited as the "eight guards" in PGM XIII. 790; they are almost certainly corruptions of the names of the Hermepolitan Ogdoad, the primal company of Egyptian gods in four pairs, male and female; they represent respectively "expansiveness", "darkness", "abyss (of water)" and "the hidden."

The invocation in the fourth point is freely adapted from lines 841-848 and 880-884 of the papyrus.

This redaction of the ritual is (c) K.M.C. Park; copies may be made for personal research and non-profit performance purposes provided credit is given. It is adapted and paraphrased from Morton Smith's translation of the papyrus in The Greek Magical Papyri in Translation, edited by H.D. Betz (Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1986, 1992).

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