Historical prologue* (* Automatic translation. Original text is on www.geocities.com/nsab_mlns)

(premised of Kepha Hlodowig)

In the 1893 Franz Stein, mechanical technician, one of the most known activists political pangermanicis of the region of the Sudetis in Bohemia, in that times it departs some empire Austro-Ungarico, on invitation of the ideologist appointed Georg Schoenerer, the Deutschnationalen Arbeiterbund founded, (League of the German-national Workers) .Few year after, in 1895, Stein was the publisher of the organ of press of the political association with the heading Der Hammer. Since the first moments the members of the League were introduced greeting each other publicly with the Heilgruss, instead of using the pro-imperial " Hoc ": the differences also only of the formal attitudes, they already underlined their revolutionary nature.

In 1898, always in Bohemia, in the "Verified of the Workers Deutch-Bohemian" the members of Czech ethnia were detached by those German: the first met in the organization political denominated Czech Nazionalsocialist, while the Germans were forming a new tide, defining each other "Workers Nazionalists and German Socialists."

The following year, to Eger, German name of the today's Cheb, Schoenerer, Stein, the editor Karl Hermann Wolf, the weaver Hans Knirsch, the ideologist Ferdinand Burschofsky and many other collaborators, organized her first one "German-popular Day of the Worker", in which was enacted a program with a lot of novelties in social field and the "Oath of Eger", where the deputies of around one hundred Bohemian cities they made vote of" ...fight the existing social and economic contradictions to the purpose of I handed to the service of the national good, with an unitary struggle of all the workers, without distinction of class, to get, and to have recognized, besides the political and national law, a better social position." The result of such assembly was the creation of the "Reichsbund Deutscher Arbeiter Germany" (Imperial League of the Workers German " Germany ") and, two years after, the Deutsche Arbeiteramt (German Corporate body of the Workers). The ideological base of the newborns political formations it was reassumed in the commonly to confer to the community popular ethnic right peers between the individuals, as well as the social aclassism. The elections that followed brought to the obtaining of some seats to the Reichsrat (Austrian Parliament): the same Schoenerers, Stein and Wolf were chosen deputies.

In 1902, inside the movement pangermanicus were created two tides, one with to head Stein recognized Schoenerer as it Drives and the other one was gathered around Wolf, that pushed this last to found a new formation political denominated " Deutschradikale ". All these formations, staying uniforms, invoked also commonly a clear constitution mailed on the trilogy " a only people, an only government organization and an only head", they were organized around the " Fuehrerprinzip " (law and authority of the head) and they already adopted an a lot of symbol in fashion: the " Hakenkreutz ".

On the to end some year 1903 many Germans of the Sudetis you/they asked and you/they got from Wolf the creation of an autonomous group; in 1904 to Trautenau, the today's Trutnov, always in the Sudetis, Knirsch, Burschofsky, the railroader Rudolf Jung with some connects, they constituted the new association political defined Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (DAP), that will stay in every case affiliated to her "German League of the Nationalistic Workers", with center also to Linz. This party will have gotten complete autonomy since 1908, proposing autonomously itself to the electorate.

The galaxy of the parties German-Bohemian nazionalsocialists already introduced some deputies to the Reichsrat before 1906, but with the new elections the pangermanistis of Schoerener, the German-radicals of Wolf and the nazionalsocialistis Czech obtaining 24; in 1911 the situation improved with the attainment of the result of 45 seats, understood the three of the DAP, that it let between the chosen insert also Knirsch and the coordinator Walter Riehl. In 1918, during the Big War, the Bohemian DAP changed his/her own name in "Deutsche Nationalsozialistische Arbeiterpartei" (DNSAP). The parties nazionalsocialists Austrians and czechoslovak were active up to the annexation with Germany in 1938, that it brought their fusion in the "Party the Workers' German Nazionalsocialist."

In 1917 to Monk, in Baviera, the engineer civil Gottfried Feder founded her/it "League German soldier-like to break the slavery of the interest", proponent the abolition of the private speculations with sequestration of the achieved capitals. Always to Monk the l7 March of 1918, the ex blacksmith, employee of the railroads Anton Drexler and the engineer railway Michael Lotter, together to an about ten of you connect, they founded the "Free Committee of the Workers for a Good person Peace", affiliate of the homonym committee of Brema constituted two years first.

On following October 2 some affiliate to the Thule-Gesellschaft, between which the journalist sporting Karls Harrer, formed, on invitation of the executives of this last, the "Circle of Political Job", in communion of intents with the Committee of Drexler and the League of Feder.

The 5 January of 1919, in the beer house Monk's Fuerstenfelder, on imitation of the German workers in Boemia, the Free Committee was transformed in the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (DAP), nationalistic political formation, socialist and aclassist. Four days after, to the hotel Vier Jahreszeiten, the Circle of Political Job fused in the DAP, letting the affiliate climb of it to around fifty persons: the fusion said life to the affiliate organization "Nationalsozialisticher Deutscher Arbeiterverein", with Harrer President National. Drexler was named first secretary of the DAP instead, while Lotter and Feder will be being between the first members of the executive board together with doctor Oskar Korner, vice-segretary, and to the poet Dietrich Eckart. Subsequently they will belong to the directive committee the captain of the army Erich Roehm and the Baltic architect of origin German Alfred Rosemberg.

The 24 February of 1920, in the beer house Monk's Hofbrauhaus, the proclaimed each other publicly "Apparent of the Party - Program of the 25 Points", summary of the common understanding, mailed by Drexler, from Feder and from the " Bildungsoffizier " (Fiduciary Officer) Adolphus Wolf, had enrolled for few months but already the executive's limb as responsible of the propaganda. Wolf, sympathizer of Schoenerer, had had in passed you also contact with the deputies Stein and Karl Wolf.

March 2 nd 1920, following the success of on February 24, the DAP changed his/her own name in "Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeitpartei" (NSDAP), becoming political formation with the tallest number of voluntary registrations of Europe, with proselytes and affiliate organizations in every nation of the old continent.

July 29 th 1921, in the complete meeting turn him to the circus Krone of Monk, was gathering to big majority the motion introduced by the orator Hermann Esser: Wolf was named "our Guide", the undisputed head of the NSDAP.

November eight th 1923, to Monk, it inflamed a popular revolt in opposition to the decisions of the German central government, incapable of to oppose to the soprusis of the foreign powers as well as to the actions of continuous oppression against the population, operated by inside speculators supported by powerful groups of the international finance.

The insurrectionary committee, the " Kampfbund " (League of Battle), which stuck the NSDAP and some associations soldier-like, it had the support of the government commissioners of the Baviera, from them manifested in public meeting in the saloon of the beer house Buergerbraukeller; other illustrious presence between the rebels was the general Ludendorff.

If as well as the following day, following the possible intervention armed with the central authority, the local rulers were defile, leaving all dismays in the most delicate moment: by now it was not more possible to stop the revolt.

In the demonstration of that same day, the Baltic actor of origin German Max Erwin von Scheubner-Ricter, one of the principal ideologists, fell, fulminate to died by one shot deriving from the crowd and not from the line up of police as you/he/she had thought initially; it resulted that some assassins, to the penny of the potentates against which was opposing, they instigated the accident that said beginning to the shoot-out and the slaughter. Subsequently, quite a lot exponents of the NSDAP were condemned unjustly by a special court that, for full of irony, you/he/she was let from the same promoting commissioners of the insurrection found, to the goal from to get further the suspicions and to avoid retaliations to have held a misunderstanding behavior. The sentence interrupted the activity of the NSDAP for two years, but the ideal and the values stayed firm.

Von Scheubner-Ricter, killed together with 17 activists, it became the first Hero Martyr of the revolution nazionalsocialist.

These are our origins.

* * *

Departed one century from the "Oath of Eger", for express wish in public will, on the to end of 1999, one is fully grown a "Committee of Political Job", in the attempt to make rise, adjourned and universal, the instinctive idea expressed by the founders of the first movements nazionalsocialists of the workers, with the hope that his/her bud rbloom again in the hearts of the masses and kinds again, only on the example of the good things undertaken by the Heroes of the past the model of Nation attended by the European People from the dawn of the civilization.

At the end of the jobs lasted two years, the Committee of Political Job has met in the association NSAB-MLNS.

NSAB-MLNS, Nationalsozialistische Arbeiter Bewegung - Movement the Workers' Nazionalsocialista: founded January five th 2002.

... ...la regulates fundamental some democracy recites: "The whole power derives from the People." The constitution establishes the way with which a concept, an idea, and therefore an organization, has to conquer from the People the legitimation for the realization of his own objectives. But in last appeal it is the People same that determines his own constitution....

...When a constitution is shown incompatible to his existence, it is not the Nation to die, but the constitution to have changed.

A. Wolf

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