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Help Me Wait, Lord
Your Mind, Lord, Not Mine
True Love Often Says No
Onward Christian Soldiers
Panic as Time Flys By

Help Me Wait, Lord
Date: March 27, 2005

Lord, I realized today that I love this church. But I want us to go, go, go! I want us to stop “getting ready” and get out there in action. Lord, I was so thrilled with this church, with its vision. I wanted to be part of the action. I still want to be. But we’ve never got going. Where are the people being mentored and trained? Where are the new groups starting? Can we really just step out and do it? Or are You waiting for a perfect timing? Am I too impatient?

I want to revisit the vision. See again where it is that we want to go, where it is that You want us to go, if indeed it is from You. I believed it was from You. I still want to believe that. What’s going on? Can You calm me down and talk to me? Please?
Thank You. I’m feeling more peaceful already. Lord? I’m listening (I’m trying…)

“Patience takes away all want. Your desire for the thing you wish is perhaps stronger than your desire for the will of God to be fulfilled in its arrival.” (CHP, Streams in the Desert, Feb 21).

That’s a pretty clear answer, Lord. Sorry for my haste. Your will be done….

“The problem of getting great things from God is being able to hang on for the last half hour. ‘When the night unlocks her bars / I shall see Him – and I will wait.’” (Washington Gladden)

Okay, I can wait. Help me wait, Lord, until Your will is done.
I am ready to do a great work in my church and in the hearts and minds of my saints. Now is the time to bow before me, to humble yourselves, to fast and pray. The battle is engaged, the enemy is defeated already, defeated by the blood of Jesus, by the obedience and prayers and commitment of the saints of God, as they come under obedience to the Word of God, and submission to the Spirit of Christ in all things, casting aside the thoughts of man, and standing firm on the eternal Word of God, without compromise or acceptance of man’s thoughts. Cleanse your hearts and minds, my children; cast out all that compromises my truth. Be totally obedient to Me, and I will bless you, I will lead you and guide you into a victorious transformation and joy that hitherto you have not even begun to imagine. Cast aside your humanly conceived plans and methods and embrace me only. Put on the mind of Christ. Be transformed by the renewing of your minds that you may know what is that perfect and righteous will of God. I will do it if you will let me. Only do not be afraid of man. Do not be afraid of man’s scorn. I am with you. I am right now opening the flood gates of glory. Let my glory overcome the darkness of your world. Let my light shine in, starting within yourselves. Then I can shine through to others. Rise up! Be my mighty soldiers. Victory! Glory! Praise!

(Thank You, Lord)

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Your Mind, Lord, Not Mine
Date: March 28, 2005

I have been very impressed about the need to step out in faith and get busy and “do” – as You lead, of course. Oh Lord, help me put on Your mind and rely totally on Your Holy Spirit so I know what is Your will, not mine. Lord, let me give You full sovereignty, to let You do what seems good to You. Reveal Yourself to me, please Lord. Please help me remember that it is first about relationship with You: “the worker is more than the work” – and You are the Worker first; I am just Your humble servant. But oh, dear God, please mold me and make me into the true image of Christ (not just my ideas/image) and use me in the great work of Your kingdom, Lord! Slay “my” intellect, Lord (oh, it is hard for me to say this, but it is what I truly desire and long for, it is the only way to follow and know and obey You and love You, Lord. Help me, dear Jesus. Pour out Your Spirit upon me. Replace “my mind” with the mind of Christ so that all I think and say and do is totally, irrevocably, completely, immensely from and about and of You, Lord. Thank You! “Be afraid to think at all, until God first thinks in you.” Stop “my” thinking. Help me wait for You to give me Your mind, Lord. Amen.

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True Love Often Says No
Date: March 29, 2005

I often pray that God will “work miracles” and do “good things” and “answer prayer” so that my children, my husband, others – including myself – will know that God loves us. But I just realized as I was praying this morning that true love will often take away the things we want, will refuse the requests that we think will make us happy, deny the “proofs of love” we beg for, because true love knows that those things will make us “happy” for a while, but in so doing they may very well bring us a level of satisfaction, contentment, even self-assurance and self-sufficiency, that will in the end only serve to draw us away from the total dependence upon, and need for God, that for which we were created, and that purpose which no amount of “happy” things or circumstances can finally provide in our lives. We are created for relationship with God – to know Him and be known of Him; to worship and glorify Him above all other things, goals, circumstances, people, and even, especially, self; to love Him as He has first loved us; to obey Him and praise Him in every circumstance of our life. For in that only will we find true happiness, the joy of our salvation, the happiness that never fails or fades or even trembles. The happiness that has as its object, its firm rock and foundation, the eternal, immutable, all-powerful, all-knowing, always present, never-changing, never failing Creator God, our perfect, loving Heavenly Father!

Amen! So be it, Lord. Do Your will in my life. Fulfill Your purposes. Give me the desires of Your heart. And so I will be truly happy because I will be totally living, forever, in the joy of the Lord! Amen! In Jesus’ name!

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Onward Christian Soldiers
Date: March 31, 2005

Oh Lord, please show me Your way. Your will be done. Join all Your body together. Unite us. Transform us, Lord. Teach us to pray and intercede for Your will, Your purpose, Your kingdom, Your glory. Oh God, pour out Your Spirit upon me, upon us dear God. Nothing is impossible for You. Make us a holy people, Lord, called by Your name, until under You we march on to the victory of the Cross by the precious shed blood of Jesus. “Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war!” Till the enemy is destroyed and the glory of God reigns supreme for all eternity. Amen! Oh God, send out workers into Your harvest fields. Send me, dear Lord. Amen and amen. Praise Your name!

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Panic As Time Flys By
Date: December 6, 2005

_________ gave me words of wisdom: “God has given you the might and the message, now let him tell you when and how to say it. In the Spirit it will complete its work, in the flesh it will fall on deaf ears.”

Of course I know that, but we are so often, even constantly, exhorted to “step out, be, do, start, move ahead, use your gifts,” and I start panicking, especially since I’m getting older and time just seems to fly. Lord, You know my heart. You know I am eager, ready, willing. You know I want to obey, to serve, but I get in such a rush. I’m so afraid to be sitting back doing nothing. The days seem to stream by and I can’t seem to put my finger on anything I have “accomplished.” But that is not the point, is it? I’m supposed to rest in You, just take life a moment at a time, just as You send it along, and worship You, serve You, praise and glorify You in every little circumstance.

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