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Your Purposes vs My Controlling
My Plans and Ideas - vs Your Ways and Purposes
Church By Scriptural Principles - Your Will Be Done, Lord

Your Purposes vs My Controlling
Date: May 15, 2006

Thank You so much for the words You have spoken to me, the way You have been with me and led me and directed me, and moulded me into a vessel fit for the Master's use! So use me, Lord, I pray, according to Your purpose and plan! In Jesus' name, Amen!

May 23, 2006

What about my child's homework? How much should I help? I want to help, I admit... but should I? I fear I'm probably helping too much - but I want to keep doing it. I say it's just to keep my child going till the end of the school year, but looking through my journals, I see it's been a "problem" in the past, too. It's a think I find I do not want to "give up." What's with that? I even hate to ask You to help me back off and let my child be independent. I just want to avoid even mentioning it to You. But - here I am mentioning it. Please help me let go. Please loosen my fingers. In Jesus' name. Amen. thank You Lord.

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My Plans and Ideas - vs Your Ways and Purposes
Date: May 25, 2006

Oh, Lord, my little grandson is five already! And going to school in the fall. He so needs You - now, while he is young and believes easily, and accepts love - Your love - easily! Please bring all my children totally to You, Lord. If any of them don't know You, bring them to You in salvation, too. But I think they do - have... Oh, Lord, I do have peace that You are bringing them. Guess I'm just in a hurry "in case something happens." But You do have all things under control and Your timing and ways are best - in fact, they are perfect!

As I look through my journals of the past 3 years I just keep seeing over and over a great longing on my part to share Your Word with others. I have been growing in You, I have had opportunities to teach (at school, at the focus group, etc) and to write, and to share with and encourage other Christians (in life groups, at church, in relationships, by email) and even give advice and help sometimes with things I have experience with and knowledge about.

But I have not been reaching out to my neighbours and community with the good new of Jesus! Oh, how excited I was about that when I moved here! I just wanted to jump right in and get to it, but it hasn't happened. I have prayer-walked as I did paper routes. I had the Christmas drop-in. I brought people Easter hot cross buns, and invitations to church along with chocolate Easter eggs. I invited people at work at Timmy's to Christmas services. I've had a bit of discussion with the JW girls. I've talked with some of my daughter's friends. And of course I've talked and written letters to my own children as I've had opportunity. And I have prayed, quite a lot, and more and more now. And I did try to host a life group here but it didn't last long. Still - maybe it wasn't the right time. Oh Lord, let me be a witness for You! In Jesus' name! In Your will and way, to the people You choose. What about my neighbours? The ones on every side of me? Thank You for the relationship my husband has been building with the garage people, too.

Thank You for the email groups I've joined recently. I sense this, too, is Your will. And for my job at the school - and wherever You are taking that.

Oh dear God, thank You for so many wonderful things You are doing! Your will be done!

If it be Your will, Lod, please use me! Thank You, Jesus! In Your precious name I pray, Amen.

P.S. I've had so many "ideas," Lord, of where You might be leading me - and mostly things have just turned out totally different than I expected! Thank You for the adventure. Thank You that Your ways are always best. Thank You that though there are so many things I don't "understand," that I can "rejoice and be exceeding glad" in all things because You are God Almighty, the great God of love and justice and perfect salvation - the Almighty God, all knowing, all caring, my Father and Saviour and Eternal Guide and Lover of my soul, in whom I can - do - have perfect confidence that You have all things in perfect control and that You are working all things out for good to those who love You and are called according to Your purpose! Thank You also for Your great mercy and patience toward those who are still lost and walking (trying to walk) independent of You. Bring them to Yourself, dear Lord Jesus, for it is not the will of God that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. Oh, thank You, Lord! Amen.


Norma, My child, I am with you, and am leading you in the path and way which I have designed for you, yourself, My precious child.

You are mine and all I have is available to you as you trust in Me and step out to walk in the path that I have designed for you.

Each child of mine has a uniquely designed journey to follow, but all their paths bring them straight to me, their Creator, Father, Saviour, Lord and God.

Do not be puzzled by the events that seem unexpected or strange to you. Remember I am a God of great creativity and great love and adventure! I have the entire universe in My hands, at My disposal, to use to fulfill My purposes, to draw My children to Me, to bring You into My bosom for eternity!

Trust Me! Joy in Me!

Everything that exists, everything that happens is ultimately Mine, for it all comes from Me and all, every bit of it, every moment, every event, is under My control and in My purposes and plan. You may wonder about things - dreams, visions - that I seem to have planted in Your heart and soul and mind, and that them seem to just disappear and be forgotten. Fear not - nothing that is good and right and in My Purposes and Plans is ever lost or wasted or gone astray. Remember, all things work together for good! All things are part of the building blocks that I am using to build My purposes, to build My kingdom, to build the final, eternal Zion, the new Jerusalem, in which I will reign over My people, My great family, My children redeemed by the blood of Jesus, My Son, forever and ever!

I am working out every stop of your life for My purposes and plans. And Yes, the lives of your children and husband and your children's families too - including their husbands and children - yes, Tony too!

I love you, child.

Just trust in Me. Rest in Me. Keep praying for your family.

I answer prayer!!!


Oh, yes. Thank You, Lord... sorry about not trusting You there... Amen. Thank You, Lord!

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Church by Scriptural Principles - Your Will Be Done, Lord
Date: June 1, 2006

I keep feeling we ought to "simplify" our lives, in many ways, to become more free to serve God. At home, and in the church, too. I've been reading a book about the crisis of the western Christian conscience, and it is so alarming. It makes me acutely aware of the shocking ways that we as Christians have "bought into" the western world's ideas of individualism and materialism - which leads to notions of sexual "freedom," tolerance for all religions (except Christianity, because it is inherently "intolerant" of other religions, of course...), etc. And being on the new email lists I joined, I am again reminded of how we readily accept the trappings - ad even curriculum (both official and hidden) and structure - of institutionalized schooling - and how it is totally reflected in our "Christian institutions" - churches, schools, colleges, even parachurch organizations. I have been thinking so much about how God really intends His church to function, not as a human hierarchical structure, but as God's kingdom with equality and respect and cooperation (agape love!) among its memebers - and a "servant" attitude among its leadership, who become role model, mentors, shepherds to be respected as they themselves grow in Christlikeness and reflect Christ.

I see a move among some Christians I know to great openness to follow the scriptural model, guidelines, principles... even to the point of feeling that our local church may not need a "senior pastor" in the traditional, hierarchical, Protestant sense. On the other hand, there are people who are ready to move on to another local church, if we don't hurry up and fill (plug!) the "senior pastor gap," preferably with someone who is a good preacher and "strong leader." Change is difficult for many people. I see that. They don't see it as "possibilities" or "adventure." They are not comfortable with "out of the box" thinking - even if it does come right out of scripture, I'm afraid. Even myself, while I love to "think" about such things, I'm not so good (in fact, in some cases, like reaching out to my neighbourhood in practical ways, I'm terrible) about stepping out and putting it into action. Yes, I'm not always sure I'm interpreting/ visioning/ thinking aright. And it is hard to step out and do things differently when people close to you do not share your ideas, longings, passions. But if it is God calling me, does not His authority come first? But what about submission to the human authorities He has set over me as a woman, wife, etc? Or are they really set over me by Him, or by the world's ideas, or even by themselves? or what? I see that I myself am caught by tradition to some degree. And by fear of the consequences of change. And by wanting to fit in to some degree.

But, oh Lord! I want to obey You!
I want Your purposes and plans!
Help me, please, Lord!
thank You.

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