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My Articles from The Life Connection

Taking the Leap
Reflecting on our church, it seems we're on the edge of a great chasm. We can either step off and be caught up by God in a great, new, eternally important adventure, or we can just walk along the edge, keep doing just what we've been doing, but know forever than somehow we've missed the greatest thing that could ever happen to us.

Think of it! By taking that leap, trusting God to uphold us as we pursue the vision He has given us, we are becoming a vital part of His great eternal purpose and drama, in the true reality of the Kingdom of God. Let's step into His light, and accept His priorities as our priorities. Let's cast aside our fears of the costs, the sacrifices, the unknown. Let's keep our eyes fixed on the face of Jesus, our Lord and Master.

We must open our eyes and see the cosmic scope of the spiritual reality around us, the battle we are in, the eternal stakes, the true value of every human soul, and the enemy's determination to keep every person possible in bondage and destruction. It's time to rise out of our comfortable pews, raise our swords, and ride into battle behind our Commander. As we willingly take a more responsible position in His Kingdom, we will find ourselves moving into a much deeper relationship with Him. We'll each have a significant part in accomplishing the purposes of God which He has set for us. We will truly bring glory to His name!

We must reject the enemy's ploy of compromise, of settling for smaller goals, for lesser prizes. Let's move forward in faith, knowing God will hold us, even when we can't clearly see where the next step will lead. How glorious to know we are following our King, allowing Him to fulfill His purpose for our lives, bringing Him glory. As we follow the vision He has given us, a vision of great transformation for our community, we will have begun to truly live!

Date: November 2004

My name is Norma. I'm married to Lionel. We have 5 kids - Taryn, Sarah, Robyn, Wendy and Peter, and one grandchild, Tony. At the moment, I am teaching French and Home Economics at a Christian School. I also enjoy writing, reading, facilitating Christian study groups, exercise, gardening, playing guitar, and a multitude of other interests.

I hope you will find some stimulating ideas here, and I'd love to hear your reactions and thoughts too... leave a note in the Guest Book, or email me.

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