Imira Folkstaff


Glowlady, who''s real name is Imira Folkstaff, is a tall and graceful elvish woman. She often speaks in a warm, calming tone and uses her knowledge of psychology to help people relax and ease their worries. This rather unusual ability Imira possess is augmented by her ability to caste a number of low-level manipulation spells. Most of these spells are designed to control emotions and thoughts.

Imira is tall, standing 2.16 meters (7'1") with flowing black hair that drops to her waist. However, she appears malnourished in that she weighs only 75 kg (167 lbs). Her skin is as pale as ivory. The eyelids surrounding her green, emerald-like eyes are lined in red. Imira''s appearance has a lot to do with the fact that she was infected with the HMHVV in 2055. Unlike a lot of elves, Imira did not become a banshee when the virus took over her body. She has the enlarged canines of a vampire and also finds the sun mildly annoying as her skin is very sensitive to light. Many of her fellow creatures of the night believe that she is not an elf because of the lack of effect the HMHVV had in turning her into a banshee. A few suspect that her elvish features are cosmetic, but there is no solid proof of this.
Unlike vampire lore, Imira does not find holy objects and places foreboding. She often takes some kind of pleasure from living in old churches and quoting bible references like some kind of heretic

Her life is motivated by the need for a family. She is obsessed with what she has lost and the chance to raiser her daughter is nearly gone. Though her methods are somewhat twisted, her final goal is to have a family again. No matter what it takes
Glowlady''s past is one that she keeps bottled in mystery. She gracefully avoids exposing her history in conversation and tiptoes around any questions that are specifically directed to it. What few people know is that the woman known as Imira Folkstaff started her life as Cassandra Lorre'' in France on May 23, 2010. Though her early childhood would be nothing compared to the story that is her life. At the age of fifteen she was kidnapped from her family. She was going to be sold to a group of researchers from Azltan, but she ended up going to Las Vegas

A dark chapter in her life was about to begin. Glowlady had been sold into the pornography and emerging BTL business that was thriving under Mafia domination. Her body was cosmetically modified with elvish features and body sculpting. She was given hormones to increase her height and form. Imira stayed in the dark business for seven years. Most of it was against her will. She changed ownerships a number of times. However, she was eventually able to settle the ""debt"" she had with mob members. Shortly after leaving she began calling herself Imira Folkstaff in an effort to escape the shadow that her former life in the pornography business had cast

By 2032 Imira was free to go wherever she wanted. Imira did not know what to do for the longest. Eventually she traveled, ending up at the northern most border of California. It was here that she came into contact with a band of gypsies and for the first time discovered that she had a latent magical talent. Imira stayed with the band, traveling with them into Tir Tairngire

In the Tir Imira began a life that would take up most of the next ten years with odd jobs and occasional wanderings with the gypsies. Occasional until one night near Mount Shasta when she met a man named Rembran Clearstone. The two of them fell in love. Imira moved to live with him in Salem, leaving the band of gypsies behind. Unfortunately the relationship did not stay happy for long. The two of them began fighting on a constant basis. However, Imira ended up getting pregnant. It was then that Rembran found out that she wasn''t really an elf, but her looks were the result of cosmetic surgery. Rembran was furious about this
In 2043 Imira gave birth to a daughter, Alona. No less than a year later Rembran kicked Imira out. Rembran''s family history and the political nature of Tir Tairngire did not look kindly on non-elves. Alona had been born an elf with no help, genetically, from her mother. Rembran made up a story about Alona''s mother, saying that she had grown ill and had to return to her family in California. Alona believed what she was told. Imira was crushed and angered at Rembran. He took away the family she thought she would never have. With one move her life was reduced to nothing once again. Imira found herself in California looking for a way to fill the whole in her life.

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