
Hector appears as quite generic for a human. He stands a little under 1.93 meters (6'4") and weighs nearly 94 kilograms (207 lbs). He is a little out of shape from years of working as a fixer instead of being on the front lines. However, he was born in 2011, a magical year to say the least. His features are aged, but humble with deep worry lines and rugged features from a lifetime of hard work. His hair is black, but graying and it cut it short spikes about his head. An outdated and non-functional datajack gleams from his temple, just below his hairline. This jack is no longer functional and has a blackish-burnt outline to it. His modern Jack is located just above his right ear and is a shiny silver in color. Hector also has dull green eyes with a father-like expression.

Hector cares about how other people picture him. He wants to come off as a top of the line Fixer who deserves respect from his peers. At the same time he wants his associates to feel comfortable when they deal with him. This sets up a lane of trust between himself and the runners he brokers

He tries his best to get the best for his comrades and will never cross them. He is concerned with grooming the runner's under his wing to where they can be the best in the biz. Though he knows it is a lofty thought. Most runners don't last beyond two years. Still, he does the best that he can. As a result he always makes sure that a Johnson is on the level. Hector is also willing to meet with any of his runners whenever they need him and charges only a modest fee for finding information. Likewise, he has a low charge when obtaining gear for his teams.

Hector has his own problems. He tries to keep his private life separate from his business. A feat that is often hard to accomplish. Low-level street punks who feel that they have been crossed by the fixer often seek out revenge. As a result Hector has to maintain a strong detachment of bodyguards. Most of all he wants his son to grow up away from the life that he leads. He plans to enroll his son in private school when he's old enough.

Hector was born on November 22, 2011. Less than a month before the world was turned upside down by the awakening of the Sixth World. Hector's parents were fairly wealthy. His father owned a small company that purchases military-rated equipment and sold them surplus to various factions. These factions included police departments, National Guard, and civilians. His mother, a CPA, kept the books for the business as well as several others.
His parents influenced him in different ways. His father, Franklin, taught him that to run a business meant being respectful to the customers. He learned that crossing a customer would hurt the business. Yet, if a customer was treated with kindness and respect, they would be back. Franklin had a gift for managing affairs with people. A trait that Hector inherited. His mother, Elizabeth, taught him the importance of managing money. His mother was a little tight when it came to the pocket book, but this taught Hector the careful allocated his resources

When he was eighteen, Hector joined the new UCAS military. He found himself in a military that was in shambles after the breakup of the old United States. He did his best and eventually rose to the rank of Captain. Mostly through his management of resources. He never saw combat. Instead he retired after six years. During his stay he was able to develop many contacts within the military. Several of which later went on to run mercenary units.
When he was twenty-five, his father died from a stroke. In his will, Hector inherited the family business and large sum of money. Yet, he wasn't one for staying still and running things. Instead, he turned the company over to a close friend of his fathers and went back to school. He studied archeology and got his degree by the time he was twenty-eight. With his degree came a license to travel the world. That was exactly what he did
During many of these travels Hector would often be faced with getting into a country that didn't allow scientists. As a result, he learned of people who could fake papers of almost any kind. This would help him a great deal in his future

Hector soon became tired of his job and moved to Seattle, taking a limited desk job at the University. He gave a few lectures, but he wasn't very interested in what he was doing. He spent a lot of time backing up the information in the history department from the computer. It was during this time that he met some of the first deckers that were going to school at the university. He formed one friendship that would last the rest of both of their lives.
Hector left the University. He had grown bored of his academic life and had a mid-life crisis on his military days. To solve his urge, at thirty-one, he joined Lone Star. He worked as a cop for until 2044 when an event happened that changed his life. He was framed for the murder of another officer. His accusal was wrong, but Hector had no way of proving it. To avoid being sent to jail and bringing shame on his family, he had one of his old buddies from the military to fake his death. After which, he faded into the shadows in 2045.

One in the shadows, he used the contact that he had developed over his life to secure his position as a fixer. Though, the road to where he was and where he is now was long and hard. Hector had been a fixer in Seattle from 2045 to 2059. During that time he has seen a lot of things and developed a lot more contacts that he ever had before. He has a steady stream of deckers that he used to dig up information nearly constantly. He maintains deep connections with his family business and his military background. What's more, he knows many people around the world from his travels while he was studying archeology. He connections run wide and he has developed them to the best degree that he can.

Since he has been a fixer, Hector has gotten married to a Amerindian woman named Sarah Two-Toes. They had a son, David, whom Hector hopes to have the best life for. They both live in a roomy house in Everett. Hector has spent a lot of money in the protection of his family. They are the most valued things in his life

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