The Fairbanks-Morse Opposed Piston Diesel Engine
This article really isn't an article, but an extroardinary visual document of the rare and rarely seen Faibanks-Morse opposed piston engine sales brochure. In almost 2 years, I have only seen 2 of these brochures on ebay, and that's checking the site almost every other day for locomotive memorabilia. You will actually be able to assemble or disassemble (or both) the entire engine. Disassembly will start with the right side of the engine and assembly will start from the left side of the engine.
I tried to provide as clear of pictures as possible and will present all side information found on each page to give the full effect of this beautiful and wonderful brochure.
To disassemble your FM O.P Engine, use the arrow below.
To assemble your FM O.P Engine, use the arrow below.
* under construction
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